Magick Money Manifestation Spell
After much deliberation and listening to so many locals plea with us to bring this back, we have decided to once again offer our Magick money manifestation spell for as long as we can. We took it out of our shop for a long time after too many of our clients were changing (for the worse) after becoming rich.
One client even left his wife and children and ran off with a woman half his age because he thought this woman fell in love with him. She only wanted his money, and when he divorced his wife and married the girlfriend, she quickly cleaned him out. She ran off with ALL of the money he won in the lottery after having this spell cast for him. And guess whose fault this was? According to our client, it was OUR FAULT! He wouldn't have lost his family and all his money if we hadn't cast the spell for him in the first place (the spell that he hired us to cast).
This was just one of many sagas we've witnessed of people changing when they became wealthy due to our spell, so we haven't been offering this spell in quite some time. We are only now offering it again because so many local friends have pleaded with us to list it again as they are in bad financial situations. If we offer it to them, we have to offer it to our online presence, as well. Please be warned of the dangers of having a huge windfall though. We have seen money hurt too many people. Do not let it change you in a negative way. Remain humble. Donate some of the money. And never, ever flash it or rub it in anyone's face, or it will surely be lost almost as quickly as you found it.
If we begin to hear too much about people becoming greedy and if people start complaining to us again about their family member's personality changing after receiving a windfall of money, we will discontinue this spell once again.
Be sure to contact us via email after you purchase the spell with the following info:
1. A face photo of you
2. Your full name as it is now
3. Your full name at birth
4. Your birthday
5. Something else about you so we can be sure we are casting for the correct person in the event your face looks much like someone else with your name and birthday. Yes, that has happened before! This can be your spouse or parents names, children’s names, the name of the school you attended, the model of car you drive. Anything that doesn't describe the vast majority of the population. In other words, this "special" thing should not be that you like to watch the sunset or something overly popular. It should be something that not all the people who could also happen to have the same name and DOB would be able to claim.
Average amount of money manifested in the past by clients:
(Yes, we keep statistical spreadsheets on just about everything we do!)
As with all spell work, the time in which something takes to come to fruition or to manifest varies greatly. It depends on MANY factors, including YOU.
The most common reason a client will not manifest money quickly and abundantly is when he or she is not kind to others, they are not humble, or they want the money for materialistic reasons more than they want it to help their families and to help others when they receive their windfall. Stormy will read you the night of the ceremony to ensure your heart is in the right place. If she sees greed or that you are just hoping for all the materialistic, flashy things money will buy that are not necessarily for comfort but for showboating, she will cancel your spell and you will receive a full refund. You could trick her, of course, by focusing on how you plan to get your family out of debt, help someone in need, make a donation to a children's hospital, etc. at the time of your spell casting appointment, but you won't fool the gods and goddesses after the spell is cast for even one second. If they see you using people for your own gain without any regard to the people you are taking advantage of, mistreating family, friends, animals, etc., judging people for things that are not their fault, or dreaming of spending all the money that falls into your lap on flashy things that will not improve your family's comfort level, they will rip up their contract with Stormy and move on to someone who has their heart in the right place.
In addition, if you doubt the Gods and Goddesses and don't have total faith in them and in Stormy's ability to get a job done for you, this will very much hinder your chances of getting what you're asking for. If you don't keep a spell charged, you can't expect it to work quickly, or even work at all, in some cases. (Depending on the nature of the spell).
For example, if you purchased a money manifestation spell and you win two million dollars in the lottery the very next day, you won't want to keep the spell charged after that win. The gods and goddesses frown upon greed, and if they see it fit for you to win two million dollars immediately, they will expect you to be happy with that and stop, as no one NEEDS more! Other factors come into play as well, aside from your attitude and your participation.
We have seen people realize their wishes immediately (within days of spell casting), and we have seen people achieve their goals in a year. Most recently, someone fell into $4 million after two years, but he admits he wasn't always the best person he could be. He dated several women at one time, claiming to be monogamous to all of them, for starters. He was only dating one of those women in hopes that she would die soon and leave everything to him. He tried to manipulate the spell to work in his favor by using someone. Stormy was surprised the goddesses stuck with him at all after how he treated all those women, but Hecate said that she saw something in him that changed her heart when she was just about to stop helping him. She saw that he was desperate and on the verge of suicide because he didn't know how he would go on if he didn't obtain some money soon. His unemployment ran out, and no one would hire him because he had a handicap that would prevent him from doing the work he was trained to do before his injury.
Aside from this instance mentioned above, most spells, in general, come to fruit within 3 months, but again, it depends on the nature of the spell and many other factors. A fat-loss spell for someone wishing to go from a size 26 dress to a size 6 is not going to be complete in three months because that would be physically harmful for anyone to lose that much fat in three months, but that person is going to lose a great amount of fat each month until he or she reaches their goal.
If a spell does not show you results as quickly as you'd like, or as quickly as you feel it should take based on the average time it takes to bring results to our clients, ask yourself how you have been treating others, what it is that you dream about when your spell comes to fruition, what you could be doing differently to prove to the Goddesses that you are worthy, and whether or not you have been focusing on the results you are waiting for. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes Stormy, the gods and goddesses, and YOU to help a spell work for you. While you do not have to do any rituals yourself or chant any prayers to keep most spells charged, you do have to keep your eyes and ears open. For the money spell in particular, you could miss out on an opportunity that the gods and goddesses are trying to show you if you are not keenly aware of your surroundings at all times. Sometimes the money spell doesn't bring a big suitcase of money to you all in one fell swoop. It could come to you as a business opportunity that would make you wealthy beyond imagination, or an idea that would result in a patent idea to you that could bring you the same. If you don't play the lottery or games of chance and you don't have a wealthy relative who is destined to pass away and leave all their money to you within the next few months to two years, that leaves fewer ways for the gods and goddesses to ensure that you get the wealth you seek. We are not suggesting you start spending half your paycheck on the lottery or that you try to help your Aunt Bertha transition to the heavens before her time! We are simply stating that the gods and goddesses sometimes have to get more creative, and it is up to you to notice their hints and opportunities.
That said, no magick is 100% guaranteed, especially since it is not 100% in our control. Stormy has at least a 91% success rate with all the spells she casts, but that 9% failure is shared amongst her, the gods and goddesses, and the client. Only you know what is in your heart and what kind of person you are. If you know you're a scoundrel and just want a flashy Corvette, a speed boat to turn on the ladies or gentlemen, ten Harleys and a mansion on a hill that everyone can admire as they are driving down the main road of your town, I can guarantee the money will not come to you, so don't waste your money on having this spell cast. If you truly want financial comfort so you're not living paycheck to paycheck or doing work that makes you miserable, or if you want the money to help your children live better lives than you have lived thus far, as just a couple examples, you can expect the spell to work for you as long as you also stay focused on the task at hand. Don't forget to donate at least 10% of your newfound wealth to a reputable charity or to someone in desperate need. (Reputable charities are not always the ones you think are good charities to work with, so please do your research. For example, the CEO of GOOD WILL takes home close to $800k annually. After all salaries of the brass at Good Will, very little goes back into the community to help those in need.
After the spell is cast, your only job is to stay focused on the intention of the spell, be kind to others, and to be observant. Being kind to others means not using them, treating them poorly, or judging them. This includes people you know and don't know, animals, and nature. Don't throw your Big Mac wrapper out the car window after you have eaten it. Don't laugh at someone because they look strange to you. Remember that you are human, too, and no human being is perfect. If you go above and beyond by going out of your way to help others, this is just a plus to the gods and goddesses, and you can expect results more quickly, as long as you're doing things from the heart and not for your own financial gain.
As with all of our products and services, it is a requirement for you to read our TOS before making each and every purchase, as you are dealing with extremely powerful energy when you order spells, potions, or even readings. We have disclaimers and warning so we can't be held liable for anything that happens when you order our products and services, but most importantly, the information is there as a safeguard for you so that you will know exactly what you are getting into when you purchase from us. By purchasing this product or service, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our TOS. (A separate window will pop up so you won't lose your place here).
April B.
Operations Manager
Follow us on Instagram :)
(You must be a verified customer to be able to join our private group). You will be able to discuss your results and experiences with our other customers and clients!
I've been slowly receiving more money because of this spell. And I feel more will flow to me
The team was professional, and timely scheduling my spell. IK am now waiting on very expected results. I will be ordering again!
I got my money magik spell cast in February and since then, I've found $10 on the ground in an area I wasn't planning to but suddenly decided to walk through, $20 on a lotto ticket ($15 profit), $50 rebate for something I wasn't expecting to qualify for, and a $1.10 raise on my hourly rate at work. Nothing totally BIG yet, but enough for me to believe it's working! I bought this service so I could pay for school (even though I'm getting help from my fiancé and parents, I'd like to give some back), I want to help my friend who is in major debt, pay for me and my fiancé's wedding, and also hopefully have enough to advance me and my fiancé's lives with a house, so I'm really looking forward to seeing more results! Whenever it happens, I will probably spend way more here too LOL! And give a hefty tip to the hardworking ladies!!
Thank-you Moondance Magick for all you do. Customer Service and shipping is immaculate. So far I've won $10.00 on a scratch off and look forward to Larger Sums of Cash to flow in like water. My spell was cast only a day ago and already seeing movement. Thank-you Spirits and Moondance Magick. #grateful
A week after the spell I got a rebate that I was told I didn’t qualify for it was $900 and got the check yesterday! I will keep you posted on more!
not bad i found $38 in a coat pocket of a jacket i was going to throw away. that was my money but i still found it,,,and then i won $128 in a football game pool. i hope more comes my way. money money come to me
I only had the spell casted 6 months ago maybe 7 and already I was the 500th shopper at a new store near me and won a $500 gift card to the store that was right before Christmas I also got free pancakes because the man in front of me in the drivethru paid my meal that's just pancakes but this never happens to me! And today I was putting money in the meter and something blew up to my feet it was raining a little earlier so my shoes were wet and this thing stuck to my shoe I looked down and it was a $100 bill I looked around to see if anyone was looking for it and nobody was even walking except one guy walking his dog so I'm $100 richer today I did use that $100 bill in a store to break it and they used the conterfeit pen on it and it turned the right color so it wasn't fake. They said sometimes smaller amounts come first so I'm hoping this is just the beginning. I have $4,000 in credit card debt to pay off but if I got more than that I wouldn't complain! If this site allows updates to reviews I will post one when I get a large sum.
I was just about to ask Stormy to re-cast this spell because a year had gone by and the only thing I got that wasn't my pay check was a $50 bill I found in my gutter when I was cleaning leaves out. That was amazing enough because what are the odds of someone's lost fifty blowing into my gutter but I was really hoping for much more to get me out of a bad situation I was in. I even spoke with April about getting this cast for me again and she said I'd get a discount to get it cast a second time so I was going to get it when I got paid the next day. But first I checked a lottery ticket I had in my wallet and forgot to check. It was Pennsylvania CASH 5. And I friggin won! ALL 5 numbers! I had $344,000 left after taxes and fees. I needed $294,000 to get out of debt and save my home. I am a grown man but I cried when I saw that I won ! Do not hesitate to call upon Stormy for spells! Next I'll be getting the weight lose spell.
Spell casted on March 5, 2021. Won $249,000 in PA cash5 last month. Invest in this you won’t regret it!
I had this casted Jan 2021 and now it’s October 2021. In January I won $25 gift card in a contest at my dispo. In February I founds $50 bill. Nothing more happened till August when my mother’s aunt Rita died and left me with $50,000. I didn’t even know her but she was angry at my mom so she cut her out of the will and I got her cut.
Last week I won $323,000 in lotto. This is no joke. Nice tip coming to ya Stormy. I cried for hours over this. I can finally pay for a liver transplant what insurance doesn’t pay. 🙏🏼
I've been slowly receiving more money because of this spell. And I feel more will flow to me
The team was professional, and timely scheduling my spell. IK am now waiting on very expected results. I will be ordering again!
I got my money magik spell cast in February and since then, I've found $10 on the ground in an area I wasn't planning to but suddenly decided to walk through, $20 on a lotto ticket ($15 profit), $50 rebate for something I wasn't expecting to qualify for, and a $1.10 raise on my hourly rate at work. Nothing totally BIG yet, but enough for me to believe it's working! I bought this service so I could pay for school (even though I'm getting help from my fiancé and parents, I'd like to give some back), I want to help my friend who is in major debt, pay for me and my fiancé's wedding, and also hopefully have enough to advance me and my fiancé's lives with a house, so I'm really looking forward to seeing more results! Whenever it happens, I will probably spend way more here too LOL! And give a hefty tip to the hardworking ladies!!
Thank-you Moondance Magick for all you do. Customer Service and shipping is immaculate. So far I've won $10.00 on a scratch off and look forward to Larger Sums of Cash to flow in like water. My spell was cast only a day ago and already seeing movement. Thank-you Spirits and Moondance Magick. #grateful
A week after the spell I got a rebate that I was told I didn’t qualify for it was $900 and got the check yesterday! I will keep you posted on more!
not bad i found $38 in a coat pocket of a jacket i was going to throw away. that was my money but i still found it,,,and then i won $128 in a football game pool. i hope more comes my way. money money come to me
I only had the spell casted 6 months ago maybe 7 and already I was the 500th shopper at a new store near me and won a $500 gift card to the store that was right before Christmas I also got free pancakes because the man in front of me in the drivethru paid my meal that's just pancakes but this never happens to me! And today I was putting money in the meter and something blew up to my feet it was raining a little earlier so my shoes were wet and this thing stuck to my shoe I looked down and it was a $100 bill I looked around to see if anyone was looking for it and nobody was even walking except one guy walking his dog so I'm $100 richer today I did use that $100 bill in a store to break it and they used the conterfeit pen on it and it turned the right color so it wasn't fake. They said sometimes smaller amounts come first so I'm hoping this is just the beginning. I have $4,000 in credit card debt to pay off but if I got more than that I wouldn't complain! If this site allows updates to reviews I will post one when I get a large sum.
I was just about to ask Stormy to re-cast this spell because a year had gone by and the only thing I got that wasn't my pay check was a $50 bill I found in my gutter when I was cleaning leaves out. That was amazing enough because what are the odds of someone's lost fifty blowing into my gutter but I was really hoping for much more to get me out of a bad situation I was in. I even spoke with April about getting this cast for me again and she said I'd get a discount to get it cast a second time so I was going to get it when I got paid the next day. But first I checked a lottery ticket I had in my wallet and forgot to check. It was Pennsylvania CASH 5. And I friggin won! ALL 5 numbers! I had $344,000 left after taxes and fees. I needed $294,000 to get out of debt and save my home. I am a grown man but I cried when I saw that I won ! Do not hesitate to call upon Stormy for spells! Next I'll be getting the weight lose spell.
Spell casted on March 5, 2021. Won $249,000 in PA cash5 last month. Invest in this you won’t regret it!
I had this casted Jan 2021 and now it’s October 2021. In January I won $25 gift card in a contest at my dispo. In February I founds $50 bill. Nothing more happened till August when my mother’s aunt Rita died and left me with $50,000. I didn’t even know her but she was angry at my mom so she cut her out of the will and I got her cut.
Last week I won $323,000 in lotto. This is no joke. Nice tip coming to ya Stormy. I cried for hours over this. I can finally pay for a liver transplant what insurance doesn’t pay. 🙏🏼
I've been slowly receiving more money because of this spell. And I feel more will flow to me
The team was professional, and timely scheduling my spell. IK am now waiting on very expected results. I will be ordering again!
I got my money magik spell cast in February and since then, I've found $10 on the ground in an area I wasn't planning to but suddenly decided to walk through, $20 on a lotto ticket ($15 profit), $50 rebate for something I wasn't expecting to qualify for, and a $1.10 raise on my hourly rate at work. Nothing totally BIG yet, but enough for me to believe it's working! I bought this service so I could pay for school (even though I'm getting help from my fiancé and parents, I'd like to give some back), I want to help my friend who is in major debt, pay for me and my fiancé's wedding, and also hopefully have enough to advance me and my fiancé's lives with a house, so I'm really looking forward to seeing more results! Whenever it happens, I will probably spend way more here too LOL! And give a hefty tip to the hardworking ladies!!
Thank-you Moondance Magick for all you do. Customer Service and shipping is immaculate. So far I've won $10.00 on a scratch off and look forward to Larger Sums of Cash to flow in like water. My spell was cast only a day ago and already seeing movement. Thank-you Spirits and Moondance Magick. #grateful
A week after the spell I got a rebate that I was told I didn’t qualify for it was $900 and got the check yesterday! I will keep you posted on more!
not bad i found $38 in a coat pocket of a jacket i was going to throw away. that was my money but i still found it,,,and then i won $128 in a football game pool. i hope more comes my way. money money come to me
I only had the spell casted 6 months ago maybe 7 and already I was the 500th shopper at a new store near me and won a $500 gift card to the store that was right before Christmas I also got free pancakes because the man in front of me in the drivethru paid my meal that's just pancakes but this never happens to me! And today I was putting money in the meter and something blew up to my feet it was raining a little earlier so my shoes were wet and this thing stuck to my shoe I looked down and it was a $100 bill I looked around to see if anyone was looking for it and nobody was even walking except one guy walking his dog so I'm $100 richer today I did use that $100 bill in a store to break it and they used the conterfeit pen on it and it turned the right color so it wasn't fake. They said sometimes smaller amounts come first so I'm hoping this is just the beginning. I have $4,000 in credit card debt to pay off but if I got more than that I wouldn't complain! If this site allows updates to reviews I will post one when I get a large sum.
I was just about to ask Stormy to re-cast this spell because a year had gone by and the only thing I got that wasn't my pay check was a $50 bill I found in my gutter when I was cleaning leaves out. That was amazing enough because what are the odds of someone's lost fifty blowing into my gutter but I was really hoping for much more to get me out of a bad situation I was in. I even spoke with April about getting this cast for me again and she said I'd get a discount to get it cast a second time so I was going to get it when I got paid the next day. But first I checked a lottery ticket I had in my wallet and forgot to check. It was Pennsylvania CASH 5. And I friggin won! ALL 5 numbers! I had $344,000 left after taxes and fees. I needed $294,000 to get out of debt and save my home. I am a grown man but I cried when I saw that I won ! Do not hesitate to call upon Stormy for spells! Next I'll be getting the weight lose spell.
Spell casted on March 5, 2021. Won $249,000 in PA cash5 last month. Invest in this you won’t regret it!
I had this casted Jan 2021 and now it’s October 2021. In January I won $25 gift card in a contest at my dispo. In February I founds $50 bill. Nothing more happened till August when my mother’s aunt Rita died and left me with $50,000. I didn’t even know her but she was angry at my mom so she cut her out of the will and I got her cut.
Last week I won $323,000 in lotto. This is no joke. Nice tip coming to ya Stormy. I cried for hours over this. I can finally pay for a liver transplant what insurance doesn’t pay. 🙏🏼