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Different Paths, Different Outcomes Reading
Different Paths, Different Outcomes Reading
Different Paths, Different Outcomes Reading

Different Paths, Different Outcomes Reading

Normaler Preis $140.40
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Choose from two-scenario or three-scenario outcomes when adding to cart. (Any more than two or three scenarios would err on the side of a Present Life Reading, which is much more involved and could take potentially 25-35% more time, so we only offer two or three scenario options).

We have all been faced with making important choices which could affect the rest of our lives, or at least a good portion of them. Sometimes it is very difficult to make these decisions. If we can get some insight as to how happy we might be if we choose one path over another (or over two others), it could help us to make these decisions easier.


  • You're torn between two lovers and feel you need to choose between the two. You might wish to know how happy and content you would be with one over the other. This would be a two-path reading.
  • You are searching for a new job. You're still working, but two other companies offer you a position. You've been with your current job for years and you have a lot going for you there, but you're just not happy or elated to go to work every day. The other two jobs pay well, offer great benefits, but you know nothing about the work atmosphere, whether you'll get along well with co-workers, etc. This would be a three-path reading.
  • You're buying a house. You have it narrowed down to three. One doesn't have the land you really want, but it has everything else. One doesn't have the square footage you seek, but it has the land and everything else. One is very far away from your family and friends, but it has the land, the square footage, and everything else you'd want in a home. This would be a three-path reading.

UPDATE: Please do not turn this into a Present Life Reading! Mya or Meta will report what they see, and all they are looking for is to see which decision would make you happiest, but keep in mind once they see how making one decision over another would make you feel, it stops there. For instance, if you are trying to decide between two different job offers, they will follow you into how you would get along with people, how happy you are at the end of your day, and how it might help you or hurt you financially, but that is it. They are not going to follow your whole life path after that to see if something terrible happens, such as the company you choose going belly-up in a year or two or your boss getting frisky with you after months of you working for him or her.

An entire present life reading takes a lot more time and effort, and it is the main reason they often put that particular reading on hold and won't take more orders for it. They often see things they don't want to see because it can affect them in a negative way for days or even weeks. 

They're also not going to go into a deep reading about each person involved if you're asking for love advice. They will know intuitively if the key people in the scenario have any hidden agendas with you or if they have a deep, dark secret they're keeping from you. They won't dig deep enough to find out how they would feel about you wanting to have kids or not wanting kids, about you wanting to move to move with them to Iceland, or anything else, because the reading is solely about YOUR happiness, not the other people's thoughts and feelings, aside from ensuring that they love you and care about you enough for you to choose them. Some things you will have to find out on your own by COMMUNICATING with the people involved in your scenario. 

In addition, please do not mistake intuition for visions. When Mya or Meta report that their gut feeling about something is this or that, it is just that. Intuition. It does not mean they saw this in their visions.

This reading is not to give you advice. It is strictly to report to you what Meta or Mya sees when they delve into your reading and see you in the different scenarios you could choose. The final decision is yours to make, and we cannot be held responsible for things that happen (or don't happen) down the road. The reading will take Meta or Mya into each situation to see your overall feelings of delight, regret, or whatever the case may be, but it is not a full Present Life Reading to see how things go from day one of your decision till the day you die. A full PLR is much more detailed (and covers more than your single dilemma at hand), and it takes much more time and energy, hence the price difference. 

We don't want to raise our prices, so we have added much to this listing in hopes that everyone will read it before purchasing so that it clears any misconceptions of what it is you will receive with this reading. The reports given to you are very thorough and usually several pages long, but it is not going to include personal advice, a deep reading into the other people or other things involved in your choices, or a full present-life reading. It is strictly to discover which option will be the one that makes you happy and content at this point in your life. What happens five years from now could only be discovered in a full Present Life Reading.

Lately, Present Life Readings have been affecting both Meta and Mya with great impact, as they have both seen people getting harmed, getting very sick, and even dying a slow death or an imminent traumatic death. This is very hard for them to view, especially with those of you they have become close to. It's even harder to report it back to you, which they are obligated to do. So please understand if the Present Life Reading is showing as "sold out" on our website, Mya has had to take a breather from it. Meta is no longer doing Present Life Readings at all, due to how badly it has come to affect her as an empath in recent years, causing her blood pressure to sky rocket.

AFTER you make your purchase, email the following to us so that we may schedule your reading:

  1.  A face photo of you showing your eyes clearly. If you wear glasses, take them off. Photo must NOT BE PHOTOSHOPPED or doctored in any way! A selfie is fine.
  2. Your full name as it is now, and as it was at birth, if different.
  3. The situation. This one is more complex, and may involve a couple emails back and forth before your reading is scheduled, unless you happen to give us all the details we need about the different choices you have. Since we don't know in advance what your situation will be, and since there are so many reasons you might buy this reading, we can't possibly begin to list all the details we will need. Basically, however, we will need as much information and photos, if possible, regarding your choices. So, if your situation is that you can't choose a good Nanny, for example, we would ask you for names and photos of your choices and as much information as you can give us about those three people. We would think for a decision as important as choosing a Nanny, you'd know everything including their blood type, but other situations might be harder to get us everything we would like to have. We realize that you might not be able to get us photos of your potential boss, for example. Just do the best you can with providing as much as you possibly can. 

We will contact you with more questions or with a date and time your reading will be done after we receive all of this information from you. Your reading will likely be done within two weeks, as the ladies are generally booked out for two weeks, but if it is an urgent situation that could impact the rest of your life and you need an answer sooner, please indicate that in your email to us, and we will try to squeeze you in sooner. If it is not a reading for something urgent, it could be as much as three or four weeks, depending on how busy we are at the time of your purchase and submitting your information to us.

At this time, we are only offering this reading for situations involving two or three possible outcomes. Any more than that would become too entailed and time-consuming for this type of reading. 

Feel free to contact us before purchasing to check on our current schedule. Tell us how urgent your situation is and briefly what it regards, and we will give you an approximate date when it could be done for you. (We say approximate, because while we do make an appointment for you, occasionally even more urgent matters will arise here that could cause a day or two delay. If we get a call about someone having demon attachment who is being tormented, for example, this would take precedence over anything already scheduled. We take demon possession very seriously). 

By making any purchase from this site, you are confirming that you have read and understand our Terms of Service.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Helped me make an important decision

I had this reading done when I was questioning my engagement to my ex-fiancé. Someone else came into my life (who I am now certain is my twin flame, not confirmed through a reading, but I'm certain due to experiences and intensity of transformation and feelings) and I had the reading done to see if being with this person would be a better path for me. Mya told me everything she saw, not sugarcoated at all, which helped me with my decision. She also saw things that I didn't consider before but see and feel now. The only thing she saw that didn't come true was me still being friends with my ex-fiancé, but that's only because I burned that bridge. I don't really want to stay friends with an abusive narcissist anyway!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Helped me make an important decision

I had this reading done when I was questioning my engagement to my ex-fiancé. Someone else came into my life (who I am now certain is my twin flame, not confirmed through a reading, but I'm certain due to experiences and intensity of transformation and feelings) and I had the reading done to see if being with this person would be a better path for me. Mya told me everything she saw, not sugarcoated at all, which helped me with my decision. She also saw things that I didn't consider before but see and feel now. The only thing she saw that didn't come true was me still being friends with my ex-fiancé, but that's only because I burned that bridge. I don't really want to stay friends with an abusive narcissist anyway!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Helped me make an important decision

I had this reading done when I was questioning my engagement to my ex-fiancé. Someone else came into my life (who I am now certain is my twin flame, not confirmed through a reading, but I'm certain due to experiences and intensity of transformation and feelings) and I had the reading done to see if being with this person would be a better path for me. Mya told me everything she saw, not sugarcoated at all, which helped me with my decision. She also saw things that I didn't consider before but see and feel now. The only thing she saw that didn't come true was me still being friends with my ex-fiancé, but that's only because I burned that bridge. I don't really want to stay friends with an abusive narcissist anyway!