Cassie, Cissy, and Champagne - Remarkable & Diverse Triplet Fairy Spirits!
(We do not do reservations, per say, but Boon is on the other side of the world, so there is a vast time difference. Just an FYI to anyone wondering why spirits have been reserved). Thank you.
This trio is all you need! Cassie, Cissy and Champagne might be triplets, but they are very much different, and each one brings something different to the table.
They are fairies who were born just south of Dublin, Ireland, on February 22, 1774. Death dates are unknown, but they say that they all lived long lives and none of them died tragically.
Cassie is a lightworker, Cissy is a gray witch, and Champagne is a practitioner of black magick. The trio may not be separated at any time, so you cannot take one of them with you and leave the others behind. You literally cannot do this, because if you take one of them with you somewhere, the others will follow.
Despite the fact that they cannot be separated, however, they each work independently.
Cassie is the one in the darker yellow dress, and she is the lightworker. She prides herself in being one of the best practitioners of magick to bring all good things to her people. She will help you manifest love, money, good relationships with your friends and family, a great career, happiness, good physical health, excellent mental and emotional health, and anything else that could possibly bring you joy. She will not delve in the dark arts whatsoever, even if you ask her to. She says that's why God created her sister, Champagne! She brings good luck to you and to everyone in your family. She likes games of chance, but warns she will bring it to a screeching halt if she starts to feel as if gambling games are consuming you and getting you into financial trouble. She will make you instinctively know when it is time to quit while you are ahead.
Cissy is the sister in pink. She is a gray witch, so she enjoys assisting her sister Cassie with some of the harder light work, but she also enjoys helping Champagne with black magick. Her forte is enhancing your third eye and helping you become keenly aware of everything around you, including the thoughts of people within earshot of you. She will work on this with you daily, whether you're paying attention or not, so if you start to hear the voices of the people around you, but you don't see their lips moving, you are hearing their thoughts. Cissy also likes to aid in healing. When it comes to the dark arts, she likes to help her sister Champagne the most when Champagne is working on a plan for retaliation against someone who has wronged you or someone you love. She will not engage in the dark arts just for the fun of it, as Champagne will do at times, just to keep the pot stirred.
Champagne is the one in the lighter yellow dress. Meta asked her why she didn't choose a vessel with a dark dress, and she gave Meta two reasons. First, it was hard enough for them to find triplet vessels, she says. Secondly, she likes being the wolf in sheep's clothing. If you see lightness when you look at her, you'd never suspect what she's about to do next. She will not harm her keeper or anyone her keeper likes or loves. She won't harm anyone who comes into your home unless directed to do so. She is an excellent protector, in fact, and she is very loyal. We like to say that Champagne is an excellent spirit to have for someone who enjoys keeping pots stirred or even for someone who just wants everyone out of their way if they're not serving any purpose for them. She has rid people of Ex's who wouldn't leave them alone, people that her keeper was jealous or envious of, people who were just plain annoying, and even made someone's boss lose their job because he didn't treat her keeper fairly. She does not kill, but she will make someone disappear from your life or create a small hell for them so that you can enjoy watching them go through a lot of turmoil. She doesn't even need a reason, but she always knows the reason, as she can feel your emotions and hear your thoughts when you speak with her directly.
Their vessels are adorable, and they bring this bow-laden tree with them. Cassie says it's a good-luck tree. Champagne says it's the tree of ill-will. Cissy likes to think of it as a yin-yang tree of balance.
Offerings: All three tell us that they do not require a lot to keep them happy. Their biggest wish is to be good helpers and friends with their keeper. They only offered the following hints for things you could do for them to keep them content:
Cassie - Anything yellow in color and showing her sunshine. Place her in a window-sill or take her outside when it is sunny.
Cissy - Anything silver in color. She likes yin-yang symbols, salt and pepper, moons and stars, as well.
Champagne - Anything Army green or black in color. She also likes snakes and black spiders (especially black widows), but she says they don't have to be live or even real. Toys will suffice.