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Stacey - White Witch Spirit - Approved for Theresa to Adopt
Stacey - White Witch Spirit - Approved for Theresa to Adopt
Stacey - White Witch Spirit - Approved for Theresa to Adopt

Stacey - White Witch Spirit - Approved for Theresa to Adopt

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STACEY HAS BEEN ADOPTED and this listing has been populated for THERESA ONLY to add to her order today. Thank you.
Stacey was an only child and died when she was 17 from pneumonia and fever that got out of hand. She was born and raised in Knoxville, TN. Her mother was a closet witch. She didn't think Stacey knew she practiced the craft. She didn't want her to know until she was an adult. Her mother's name was Sylvia. Sylvia never knew who Stacey's father was, because she was gang-raped at age 16 and she was a virgin at the time, so she only knows she got impregnated by one of those four evil men who raped her. Sylvia did everything she could to make ends meet so she could raise Stacey alone. She cleaned for wealthier people, she took care of an elderly lady and was paid by her daughters to do so, and she washed dishes at a restaurant. It became very tiring to do all of these things plus raise a child by herself, so that's why she turned to the craft. She used it mostly to manifest, but she also practiced the dark arts so she could defend herself and/or retaliate if someone tried to harm her or Stacey. 

Sylvia kept notebooks on all of her workings, like a grimoire, but not extremely organized. Lots of chicken scratch notes inside, but Stacey peeked at it a lot and tried to learn as much as she could from it. Stacey didn't get to practice witchcraft a lot herself before she passed away, but since she passed, she has been wicked with it! She said she manifested things like love, money, careers, better health and fitness, and many other things for people, unbeknownst to them. She would just travel and find someone who desperately needed help with something and help them.
For offerings, Stacey likes peaches, strawberry shortcake, raisins, hotdogs, mashed potatoes with gravy, black licorice, anything pink, silver or charcoal gray in color, watching movies about magick, witches, etc., gorillas and apes, boats and watching or participating in boating festivities, and listening to soft music (elevator music). 

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