Service to Channel Your Adopted Spirits
Meta or Mya will channel your spirits to ask them questions for you if you have not yet mastered the ability to communicate with them yourself. They will need a photo you have taken of their vessel at the time of your purchase for this service so that they can verify that the spirit is still attached to the vessel, for starters, and follow through from there with the questions you have for them.
There is no guarantee that they will get answers to every question you have for them, or any, for that matter. If they are not able to get at least 50% of your answers for you, a refund will be issued, assuming you followed the protocol as outlined below:
We have a four-tier system in place for this. Tier one allows you to get the answer to a single question. Tier two allows you to get answers for three questions. Tier three allows for seven questions. Tier four allows for ten answers to questions.
The most difficult part for channeling your spirits to get answers is zoning in on them in the first place and initiating a session with them. That part alone can take 15 to 20 minutes, sometimes more, depending on the spirit. Once Meta or Mya have the spirit's attention, they are usually able to keep a session going with them long enough to get at least ten questions answered.
What we suggest you do is provide a list of questions that is at least 100% more questions than the amount of questions you paid for. So if you paid to get the answer to one question, please provide at least two questions they can ask your spirit in case they are not able to get an answer to your most important question.
If you have ten questions, it's good to give us at least 15-20 questions you would ask, because if they run out of questions to ask and they weren't able to get enough answers for you to give you at least 50% of your answers, they have no way to keep the session going while also asking you if you have more questions they can try to get answered. This would mean you'd have to order and pay for a whole new session. It's always better to give us too much than not enough!
This service is for one, three, seven or ten answers to questions you have for a SINGLE SPIRIT, depending upon the tier you purchase, because each spirit must be channeled separately in order to hold their attention for more than one question. If you have multiple spirits you'd like Meta or Mya to channel, you will need to purchase this service for each one of them. If you have questions regarding this, please contact us.
A report will be issued to you after the answers are obtained via email. Bear in mind that the Moondance Ladies are in high demand, and their schedules can sometimes be booked for days, weeks or even months in advance, depending on the current demand for their services. If you are in a rush for this service, please contact us for availability prior to purchase. We always leave some slots on their schedules open each week for emergencies such as curse removal and demon slaying, so if you have an urgent situation such as this, please type the word URGENT or EMERGENCY in the subject line of your email to us. We will eventually ignore emails from people who abuse this system, so please be sure it is an actual emergency if you type these words in the subject line in your email. It is not an emergency if you can't find your car keys in the eyes of the Moondance Ladies. An emergency is someone battering you, a demon attachment to you or your home, or to the ones you love, a curse that needs to be removed ASAP because it is harming you in some way (not because you gained five pounds). You get the idea!
As with all products and services on our site, please be sure to read our TERMS OF SERVICE before each and every purchase, as they may have changed since your last visit to this page. Thank you!
I had all of my questions answered plus more!! These ladies truly go above and beyond with everything I’ve ever received from them. It made me so happy hearing everything this sweet spirit wanted me to know in full! If you’re having a tough time communicating or bonding with any spirit, this service is perfect for you! 😊
As a first-time spirit keeper with 1 spirit who I've also adopted from the moondance ladies , I was determined to become an efficient spirit communicator myself (still not quite there yet) , and show my companion all of the love and care that I can give. I purchased this service a year after the adoption as a way to touch base with my spirit to see how she's doing and how we can continue to bond even deeper. My questions were simple , yet straight-forward , but the answers Ivy (my spirit) transmitted to Mya to transmit to me were lengthy and detailed , and I was elated to hear how happy she is living with me ! An answer to a particular question said that Ivy would just like us to go outside a little more often , to see the baby trees , hot air balloons , and hang-gliders....all of that can be seen in abundance outside our windows , especially in the summertime! (I wish I could post a picture !) What a wonderful feeling it is to receive such clear, detailed messages if you have spirit companions. I can never thank these ladies enough for all they do . Thank you all !
No one will ever be able to convince me that these ladies are anything but genuine and kind. They are the real McCoy! They don’t charge nearly what they should for some of their services. Especially readings. I hope by saying this the prices don’t increase tho because I want a pass life reading now!
(This is my final page of my review. Four parts to my review in total).
Meta asked the three questions I had for Lucille and all three were accurate or as I suspected. First I asked her what that knock was on my bedroom door last weekend. I live alone aside from Lucy and Jacob, my spirit dolls. My bedroom door was open but someone knocked on it and when they did it for very cold in my bedroom. Lucille’s answer to me was that it was my cat Bastib who died three years ago. Then I asked if she likes living with Jacob and she said she does like the spirit I refer to as Jacob but that Jacob wishes I would call him Jake. I don’t hear spirits talking often but one thing I did hear Jacob say to me one day was: Call me Jake. By then I had him so long and had been calling him Jacob that calling him Jake never happened. Until now. I realize now how important it is to him. So I practice calling him Jake as of today. The third question I had for Lucille was when my sister will have her baby. (She’s not due for a month but I wanted to know the exact date. Lucille said NOW! April for this reading to me right away after it was typed up and I got a call from my bro in law moments after reading the report. He said they’re at the hospital and Rita is having her baby! No one could have known that. They had only arrived at 9:20 pm and I got my report in the email at 9:01 pm.
I bought this reading to channel with my spirit Lucille who I adopted from Moondance Magic in 2017. The first thing she told Meta before Meta even asked her any questions was that Mya’s visions were correct, and so was Arthur’s! Meta and Mya did not know I saw the psychic Arthur in my city the day before I had this readings done to channel with
Lucille !!!!
Part I: (too long for one submission). I had a future life reading done by Mya to tell me about my next life. She told me that I would marry someone who is a friend in this life (Charles). His name will be Kazon in the next life. I had another psychic future life reading done by someone else and he told me the exact same thing!
I have two spirits I adopted from Moondance and since a car accident I haven't been able to hear them. I thought they left me to be honest. Meta channeld them both and both are still here with me. The answers she provided me made alot of sence. This was completely worth my money and I'm getting the spell next to help me get my abilities back so I can talk to them again myself. Highly reccommend Meta.
I had all of my questions answered plus more!! These ladies truly go above and beyond with everything I’ve ever received from them. It made me so happy hearing everything this sweet spirit wanted me to know in full! If you’re having a tough time communicating or bonding with any spirit, this service is perfect for you! 😊
As a first-time spirit keeper with 1 spirit who I've also adopted from the moondance ladies , I was determined to become an efficient spirit communicator myself (still not quite there yet) , and show my companion all of the love and care that I can give. I purchased this service a year after the adoption as a way to touch base with my spirit to see how she's doing and how we can continue to bond even deeper. My questions were simple , yet straight-forward , but the answers Ivy (my spirit) transmitted to Mya to transmit to me were lengthy and detailed , and I was elated to hear how happy she is living with me ! An answer to a particular question said that Ivy would just like us to go outside a little more often , to see the baby trees , hot air balloons , and hang-gliders....all of that can be seen in abundance outside our windows , especially in the summertime! (I wish I could post a picture !) What a wonderful feeling it is to receive such clear, detailed messages if you have spirit companions. I can never thank these ladies enough for all they do . Thank you all !
No one will ever be able to convince me that these ladies are anything but genuine and kind. They are the real McCoy! They don’t charge nearly what they should for some of their services. Especially readings. I hope by saying this the prices don’t increase tho because I want a pass life reading now!
(This is my final page of my review. Four parts to my review in total).
Meta asked the three questions I had for Lucille and all three were accurate or as I suspected. First I asked her what that knock was on my bedroom door last weekend. I live alone aside from Lucy and Jacob, my spirit dolls. My bedroom door was open but someone knocked on it and when they did it for very cold in my bedroom. Lucille’s answer to me was that it was my cat Bastib who died three years ago. Then I asked if she likes living with Jacob and she said she does like the spirit I refer to as Jacob but that Jacob wishes I would call him Jake. I don’t hear spirits talking often but one thing I did hear Jacob say to me one day was: Call me Jake. By then I had him so long and had been calling him Jacob that calling him Jake never happened. Until now. I realize now how important it is to him. So I practice calling him Jake as of today. The third question I had for Lucille was when my sister will have her baby. (She’s not due for a month but I wanted to know the exact date. Lucille said NOW! April for this reading to me right away after it was typed up and I got a call from my bro in law moments after reading the report. He said they’re at the hospital and Rita is having her baby! No one could have known that. They had only arrived at 9:20 pm and I got my report in the email at 9:01 pm.
I bought this reading to channel with my spirit Lucille who I adopted from Moondance Magic in 2017. The first thing she told Meta before Meta even asked her any questions was that Mya’s visions were correct, and so was Arthur’s! Meta and Mya did not know I saw the psychic Arthur in my city the day before I had this readings done to channel with
Lucille !!!!
Part I: (too long for one submission). I had a future life reading done by Mya to tell me about my next life. She told me that I would marry someone who is a friend in this life (Charles). His name will be Kazon in the next life. I had another psychic future life reading done by someone else and he told me the exact same thing!
I have two spirits I adopted from Moondance and since a car accident I haven't been able to hear them. I thought they left me to be honest. Meta channeld them both and both are still here with me. The answers she provided me made alot of sence. This was completely worth my money and I'm getting the spell next to help me get my abilities back so I can talk to them again myself. Highly reccommend Meta.
I had all of my questions answered plus more!! These ladies truly go above and beyond with everything I’ve ever received from them. It made me so happy hearing everything this sweet spirit wanted me to know in full! If you’re having a tough time communicating or bonding with any spirit, this service is perfect for you! 😊
As a first-time spirit keeper with 1 spirit who I've also adopted from the moondance ladies , I was determined to become an efficient spirit communicator myself (still not quite there yet) , and show my companion all of the love and care that I can give. I purchased this service a year after the adoption as a way to touch base with my spirit to see how she's doing and how we can continue to bond even deeper. My questions were simple , yet straight-forward , but the answers Ivy (my spirit) transmitted to Mya to transmit to me were lengthy and detailed , and I was elated to hear how happy she is living with me ! An answer to a particular question said that Ivy would just like us to go outside a little more often , to see the baby trees , hot air balloons , and hang-gliders....all of that can be seen in abundance outside our windows , especially in the summertime! (I wish I could post a picture !) What a wonderful feeling it is to receive such clear, detailed messages if you have spirit companions. I can never thank these ladies enough for all they do . Thank you all !
No one will ever be able to convince me that these ladies are anything but genuine and kind. They are the real McCoy! They don’t charge nearly what they should for some of their services. Especially readings. I hope by saying this the prices don’t increase tho because I want a pass life reading now!
(This is my final page of my review. Four parts to my review in total).
Meta asked the three questions I had for Lucille and all three were accurate or as I suspected. First I asked her what that knock was on my bedroom door last weekend. I live alone aside from Lucy and Jacob, my spirit dolls. My bedroom door was open but someone knocked on it and when they did it for very cold in my bedroom. Lucille’s answer to me was that it was my cat Bastib who died three years ago. Then I asked if she likes living with Jacob and she said she does like the spirit I refer to as Jacob but that Jacob wishes I would call him Jake. I don’t hear spirits talking often but one thing I did hear Jacob say to me one day was: Call me Jake. By then I had him so long and had been calling him Jacob that calling him Jake never happened. Until now. I realize now how important it is to him. So I practice calling him Jake as of today. The third question I had for Lucille was when my sister will have her baby. (She’s not due for a month but I wanted to know the exact date. Lucille said NOW! April for this reading to me right away after it was typed up and I got a call from my bro in law moments after reading the report. He said they’re at the hospital and Rita is having her baby! No one could have known that. They had only arrived at 9:20 pm and I got my report in the email at 9:01 pm.
I bought this reading to channel with my spirit Lucille who I adopted from Moondance Magic in 2017. The first thing she told Meta before Meta even asked her any questions was that Mya’s visions were correct, and so was Arthur’s! Meta and Mya did not know I saw the psychic Arthur in my city the day before I had this readings done to channel with
Lucille !!!!
Part I: (too long for one submission). I had a future life reading done by Mya to tell me about my next life. She told me that I would marry someone who is a friend in this life (Charles). His name will be Kazon in the next life. I had another psychic future life reading done by someone else and he told me the exact same thing!
I have two spirits I adopted from Moondance and since a car accident I haven't been able to hear them. I thought they left me to be honest. Meta channeld them both and both are still here with me. The answers she provided me made alot of sence. This was completely worth my money and I'm getting the spell next to help me get my abilities back so I can talk to them again myself. Highly reccommend Meta.