Razena the Raven Spirit - Helps You Transition & Start Anew with Ease
Razena, aka "Razz", is a beautiful black raven spirit who came to us last last year asking us to help her find her forever home. We all had a bad flu bug at the time, after which we had much to catch up on. We still have lots to catch up on, but Razena is very anxious to go home.
She knows that she was born in the northern part of the Sahara Desert in the summertime when it was scorching hot . She also knows that she passed away when it was very cold. She also knows that she went through 9 four-season cycles before she died, so she was roughly 9 years old at the time of her passing.
Razena helps people with transition. She can help you through a grieving period, moving on to a new job, moving into a new home, going through a divorce or - more happily - a new marriage and/or family to get used to, starting your new gym membership and journey to a better body, or any change at all that you fear you will have difficulty going through alone. In the past, she has helped people to quit using nicotine, alcohol and other drugs, as well.
She had the ability to mimic people when she was alive in her bird vessel, as most ravens are capable of doing, so if you are clairaudient, she will be easy for you to understand when she speaks to you.
She does not speak of any previous keepers, but when she would see a need to help someone with a major change, she would go right to it, unbeknownst to her "clients".
Photo is the best one Mya could find online to most closely resemble Razena's facial and body characteristics. (Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger here!) lol
Since Razena will be remotely bridged to you or to an item that you have to use as her vessel, there are no shipping charges, and nothing will be shipped to you.
However, you may also choose one of our crystals or perhaps a piece of handmade jewelry by Meta as a vessel. In this case, make your adoption fee purchase using this listing and your shippable item purchase with a note in the comments section that you would like us to bridge Razena to the other item on your order. Once the bridging is completed by Mya or Meta, we will ship the newly spirited item to you.
If you'd rather use your own item, but you're not sure what would make a good vessel for her, some ideas are as follows (we already mentioned the first two):
- Crystals or pretty stones
- Jewelry
- Dolls
- Statues
- Replica models of animals for adopting spirit animals, angel models or statues for adopting an angel spirit, fairies if adopting a fairy, etc.
Please inquire with the normal information found in our Terms of Service if you are interested in adopting Iris!
Offerings: Raven likes all things black or silver in color. She likes eggs, liver, chicken, nuts, seeds and blueberries for food offerings. She also enjoys just listening to you talk. Talk about your day, your worries or troubles, your high points of happiness, or anything you wish. She simply loves the attention and to hear the voice of someone who loves her.