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X- Adopted! -  Nonionte the Sphinx - Money, Assets and Protection - Remote Binding
X- Adopted! -  Nonionte the Sphinx - Money, Assets and Protection - Remote Binding

X- Adopted! - Nonionte the Sphinx - Money, Assets and Protection - Remote Binding

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Nonionte, aka Noney

Noh Nee Onn Tay is the pronunciation, but he doesn't mind Noney (Noh Nee) for short as long as he may call you by his choice of nickname for you. He might be bold and strong, but he has a sense of humor as well! He calls me, April, A-hole (just like that.I wasn't abbreviating what he says) when I'm being a smartass, but he calls me Lullaby most of the time because I hum a lot when I'm walking around. He calls Mya Thunder because of her recent rants over the past week, which caused much thunder to sound outside the office. He calls Meta Cheetah, but we don't know why lol. Rodney is simply Rod, Tracy is Peaches because she eats a peach almost daily in the summertime and canned peaches in the winter. Sonya is Oooo-la-la because he has the hots for her! Matt is Slick because he thinks he's slick (Matt thinks he is slick, Noney does not! haha) and Mekqiel is simply Mikey, because he doesn't know him well enough yet to create a good nickname. What will he call you? Hmmm

A sphinx is a creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion with the wings of a falcon. The Great Sphinx at Giza, near Cairo, is probably the most famous sculpture in the world. It represents Ra-Horakhty, a form of the powerful sun god, and is the incarnation of royal power and the protector of the temple doors. The sphinx can be male or female. Noney is male. 

Noney is very agile. He is able to go from one movement to the other effortlessly, allowing him to effectively dodge attacks, do backflips, swing from things, and numerous other martial, athletic, and gymnastic implements with ease.

He is a protector, and while he will protect you and your family, his biggest mission is to protect your possessions. He will protect your money and assets, as well as anything non-tangible you want protected, such as your reputation, your health, and your feelings. He will stop gossip and assumptions people might make about your character. 

If you feel you have no assets or money to protect, Noney will help you to become someone who needs to have material things protected. He had many keepers prior to coming to us, and only about half of them had valuable things that they needed protected, until he came into their lives. He helps you achieve your dreams and goals, and once you have them, you can rest assured they will not be shattered.

Noney is very attractive, with wings that appear to be golden at night, and pure white in the sunlight. His wings glisten in the sun with sparkle. He is a special one, and other sphinx know this, as he is beyond beautiful. The first photo in this listing is one that Mya found online after hours of searching for one that even came close to how beautiful Noney truly is, and even at that, it had to be doctored some with filters to make the sphinx appear more like she sees Noney. She said there is not enough sparkle in the filters to depict his true sheen. At night when his wings turn golden, they also glisten, but in a gold sheen under moonlight. She could not find anything close to what she sees when she sees him at night, but she did find a male sphinx with gold wings, so this second picture will have to do. We are still looking for a sketch artist to put on staff, so if you can sketch, paint, etc. by verbal instructions, please inquire within! Mya is a magnificent artist, but no time to sit and draw with her plate so full already.

Noney's favorite thing in the world is moonflowers, specifically the trumpet-shaped flowers themselves and their sharp, armored seed pods, (We have a Moonflower garden on the reservation, so if you don't have moonflowers growing in your own garden, please contact us. We will talk about this through email only).  He likes eggs, sushi, peaches, any type of melon, cinnamon rolls and biscuits or croissants as food offerings. He enjoys watching documentaries about Eagles and Hawks as well as dinosaurs for indoor fun. For outdoor relaxation he likes to be in the sun doing anything that his keeper enjoys doing. He's is also fascinated by snow. We assume he didn't have much experience with snow when he was in the flesh. His favorite colors are white and any shade in the orange family, including melon tones and peach.


Normal protocol should be followed for applying to adopt Noney, as outlined in our Terms of Service.


Important information about having any spirit bound to you remotely:

No product will be shipped to you, so there are no shipping charges. This is a remote binding which Meta or Mya will conduct to help your spirit transition from our space to your item or to you, whichever you prefer.

The object you choose for your spirit's vessel, if not your person, can be anything you find to be pleasing to the eye. Something that sparks you when you see it. It can be a gem or a crystal, a skull, a baseball bat or anything you'd consider to be a weapon, a piece of jewelry, a small statue, an antique of some sort, or anything you find aesthetically pleasing but not derogatory. Most spirits don't have enough of a sense of humor to allow some of the things that some have requested in the past. If it's something you wouldn't show your mother, don't even bother sending us the pic! We have had people send us pics of fake dog poop, sex toys, a bong, and more. Just use common sense! It doesn't have to be beautiful in your spirit's eyes. It only needs to be something you find to be aesthetically pleasing, and something you know would not be insulting to him.

When you submit the photo of the object you wish your spirit to be bound, please also set that item out on a table or a dresser somewhere (not in a drawer or a closet). We can usually knock bindings out pretty quickly between harder jobs such as readings when we need a break from those more tedious jobs. You might be told the binding ceremony will take place three days from now, but if we find an hour somewhere that we can get this done for you before that appointment time, we will do it if you tell us that you have the item out in the open. Most spirits will not bind to anything that is tucked away somewhere, or at least not without hesitation.

Once the binding ceremony is finished, you will know either by receiving an email from us letting you know your spirit has been remotely bound or by getting a notification directly from our website system that looks like a form letter stating that "your purchase is on the way". We did not choose this verbiage, so rest assured, in this case, the binding is complete. They use that verbiage because many of our products are shipped, and we don't want panic from people who get this automatic notification when we print postage for their item. If it read "Your item has been delivered", many customers would worry that they got a delivery notification rather than a shipping notification if they know they did not receive their order. So please excuse the verbiage for remote bindings, readings, and portals to special spirits. This notification actually means the service has been done. We try to also contact you by email to let you know, but this is not always possible when we are extremely busy getting orders out. Mya or Meta always have time to mark the order as fulfilled when they finish the binding ceremonies though. 

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