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Naleena the Motivation Sprite Fairy Remote Binding

Naleena the Motivation Sprite Fairy Remote Binding

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Naleena came to us from a spirit collector in Russia. He simply needed to downsize and bring some cashflow into his home after losing his job of 25+ years, so we helped him out and took Naleena and three of his other spirits in. 

She came to us when she was attached to an apatite crystal, which sadly got broken into many small pieces when we moved to our new location. Naleena is still with us in spirit, but she is currently not attached to anything. She badly wants to find a forever home and to be attached to one of her favorite crystals again. 

Apatite is her favorite crystal, but she also likes rose quartz, lapis lazuli, dalmatian, moss agate, blue or green chalcedony, clear crystal quartz,  and amethyst.  

Naleena helps people set obtainable goals, reach them, and keep steady with them.

If your desire is to lose weight, she will help you set a realistic goal, keep you motivated to reach that goal and keep you at the size you wish to be for as long as you need her to help you. If you meet your first goal buy deep down yiu wanted to go down two more sizes or lose 25 more pounds, she is more than happy to bring you a second successful journey to help you lose the rest.  

You might want to set or beat a record, achieve a certain level of recognition, reach a sales goal with your job for this year and beat that goal every year, climb the corporate ladder and receive the promotion you've only dreamed of till now, find the person of your dreams and make that person just as happy as they make you, or finish college faster and with a higher GPA than you've been averaging or that you ever thought possible.

There are hundreds of things you may need help with, and Naleena aims to keep you motivated so that nothing will stand in your way from the moment you adopt her. 

Naleena was born November 4, 1648. When she was asked for her date of death or for information about her death, she froze up and didn't talk with any of us again for several days. She didn't leave us, but she wasn't being sociable. She withdrew. We apologized for getting too personal and/or triggering bad memories and promised we would never ask her about that again. She came out of her shell a little that day by smiling when we would say hello to her. The following day, she said good morning but she was quiet the rest of the day. The next day, she was back to normal again. Communicating with us every 6-8 hours on a daily basis again, on average. Moral to this story, don't ask her about her death. 

Photo provided was found online after Meta spent hours looking for a pic or art that closely matches Naleena's image. Mya agrees but she feels Naleena's hair is lighter. She said it is almost white. 

The only thing we know about Naleena's most recent previous life is that she had two brothers and two sisters she adored. She offered that informationup on her own out of the blue. We did not ask her any questions when she brought this up, which we feel has helped us to regain more trust in her. Meta told her we always love to listen when a spirit wishes to share, but we will not pry. She smiled at Meta. She needs a keeper who will also make this promise to her and keep it. 

We will help Naleena transition to attach to an object belonging to her adopter. She prefers crystals, but she would settle for a rich-looking statue. She does not wish to be bound to a baby doll. 

Naleena loves adults and children, animals of all kinds, and flowering plants and herbs. Her favorite herb is milkweed and her favorite animal is the chipmunk. Her favorite color is pale green or light blue. Her favorite food is beets, followed by celery, peanut butter, apple butter, brown or wild rice, and asparagus. She likes Disney movies and John Wayne movies. Her favorite music is "anything my keeper will sing, whistle or hum to me". She is very passionate and affectionate. You'll feel her warmth from across a 15' bridge! ✨️ 

She is happy to be adopted by anyone who can use her help and who WILL ask her for help! She only ask that she get the opportunityto approve the vessel you choose for her. 

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