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X- Adopted! - Maitia from Argentina - Love Connection Spirit Finds Your Life Partner
X- Adopted! - Maitia from Argentina - Love Connection Spirit Finds Your Life Partner
X- Adopted! - Maitia from Argentina - Love Connection Spirit Finds Your Life Partner
X- Adopted! - Maitia from Argentina - Love Connection Spirit Finds Your Life Partner

X- Adopted! - Maitia from Argentina - Love Connection Spirit Finds Your Life Partner

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Maitia, pronounced, "My Tee Uh", is a love connection spirit. She will help you find your soul mate, if you have one, or a suitable partner to spend your life with if you do not. She does this by enhancing your intuition, helping you to know the right places to be at the right times so that you will be able to draw the right one to you (or you to them), when you are ready for a lifetime commitment. She is not interested in helping you find new "flavors of the week" type relationships, as she is strictly a love connection spirit, so if you’re just looking to get laid as much as you can by as many as you can, skip this listing! There are other spirits who will help you with that sort of thing, but Maitia is not one of them.

When we asked Maitia to tell us about her most recent previous life, she did not open up to us right away. She simply said, “I was born and raised in Argentina”. We asked if there was anything else she would like to share about herself with us, and her reply was, “Not at this time”.  That was several months ago.

Today we have finally gotten more from her, so we are listing her and sharing her story. Maitia tells us that she had four sisters and one brother. She was born on February 14, 1905 and died on July 25, 1944. She was the youngest of her siblings, and her siblings always treated her like “the baby sister”, until one day they realized there was more to her than just a baby sister.

On a Saturday morning when Maitia was just 11 years old, she suggested her oldest sister, Milanna, go to the farmer’s market with their mother that day. Milanna was 18 years old and badly wanted a beau. There was a dance coming up that she didn’t have a date to take her to, and she was tired of being the only one in her group of friends who didn’t have a boyfriend. Milanna told her that if she went to the market, she’d meet that boy who would take her to the dance, fall in love with her, and ask for her hand in marriage. Milanna laughed it off, but she went to the market with her mother anyway, because her mother needed help with carrying the produce they would need. They weren’t there long before Milanna spotted the most handsome boy she had ever laid eyes on. He was standing at the lettuce bin with his back to her, but when he turned his face to the side, she could see just how beautiful he was.  Only seconds later after she spotted Raef, (the handsome boy), he turned around, as if he knew he was supposed to. He looked straight at Milanna, and they were both mesmerized. They stared at each other for over a minute without blinking. They knew. Raef smiled and walked over to her. They spoke briefly, and Raef asked her to go with him to the upcoming dance. Of course, she accepted.

When Milanna and her mother returned home, Milanna immediately hunted down Maitia. “How did you know this would happen”?  Maitia’s response: “I don’t know. I just felt it”.

Raef took Milanna to the dance, where he asked her to be his girlfriend. Three weeks later, he asked for her hand in marriage. They married, had four children, and lived happily ever after.

Meanwhile back on the ranch, as each of Maitia’s siblings grew older and started to become interested in the opposite sex, they were begging Maitia to help them find their forever love like she did for Milanna. She helped them, of course, and they all found their suitable partners for life.

She warns that some of her siblings had a few “false alarms”, but not many. They’d meet someone based on where and when Maitia told them to go. Sometimes the dates they would go on would not go as smoothly as they felt they should if the person they met was to be their forever partner, so they did not date those people long-term. Sooner or later though, Maitia pointed them in the right direction, and they actually chose the correct person to strike up a conversation with. Once they paid closer attention to who it was they were supposed to be seeing in a crowd of people, all of them ended up with everlasting marriages and love.

Maitia says she always tells people correctly, but they don’t always see or choose the right person upon arriving at the place where Maitia sends them. “They didn’t use any of their own intuition”, she says. “They jumped at the first person they saw that they found to be attractive or alluring, not even giving themselves a chance to see everyone else who was there”.

This frustrates her, we can tell. She says it is important to trust your gut in these situations, but you can’t even trust your gut if you don’t see everything that is on the table. She has had four other keepers already, all of whom she has helped find their true love. She asks that whoever adopts her and finds their true love, that they find another keeper for her, or send her back to us so that we can do this for her. She will tell you when it’s the right time, but it has always happened in the past after her keeper made a lifetime commitment to the love of their life. If you do not pick up on her hint to find another keeper for her, you might have to go with your own gut-feeling on the matter or order a reading from us or any reputable psychic.

Maitia eventually found her own true love when she was 24. She finally stopped worrying about everyone else and looked within to know where to be and at what time. When she did this, she found him on the first attempt. She married Chauncey three months to the day after they met, and they stayed together all of her years. Chauncey died the day after he lost her. Chauncey reincarnated but has already passed again (very recently). It is our hope that he will find his way to Maitia, as we know she misses him very much. To whomever adopts her, please keep us informed if Chauncey finds his way to her, if you can.

For offerings, Maitia loves anything red or purple in color. She also enjoys cherries, watermelon and all vegetables. Her list started to become quite lengthy, so we asked her if there was any food she didn’t like. She had to think on it for a bit, but she finally responded with “Liver & Onions”. (Can’t blame her for that!) She LOVES Stephen King novels and old Vincent Price Movies.  We haven't finished reading "The Dome" to her yet, so if you adopt her before we finish, you will have to find and buy the book, as the book is not included and would be costly if it were (in shipping charges). It is quite large! Also, I (Tracy) have not read it before, so I am reading it to her but plan to continue reading it if she leaves before we finish. We will note where we left off in the book with her when she travels to you. 

She also likes purple, red, pink or blue lights. Holiday lights will suffice. heart stickers, posters, etc. Anything with hearts or that indicates love! She says she is sure it was no coincidence that she was born on Valentine’s Day, and it has always been her favorite holiday, so be sure to do something special for her on that day, if she is in your keep at the time.

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