X - ADOPTED - X Keiko - Powerful Arcturian Starseed Spirit
You will see a review here that was written by a customer who adopted another starseed. She refers to her as "Coletta", but she adopted "Collita". She was actually considering both at the time, but it was Collita who had her on her list of potential keepers. This has caused some confusion, so we wanted to clarify, as we cannot change or remove reviews once they are published. We did contact the person who adopted Collita to ensure she is calling her by the proper name!(But please read her bio below to understand the Arcturian species if you are considering other Arcturian Starseeds).
Keiko is one of many Starseeds who have come to us from the star Arcturus. Arcturians roam the earth and they are here to help us bring high vibration back to our planet.
Keiko’s keepers, past present and future, will all become Arcturians in their next lifetime. This is HUGE! Arcturus is without hate; without crime; without judgment, and without pain. It is an honor to be invited to dwell on Arcturus.
As many of you know, the Reptilians that have plagued the earth for so long have tilted the earth’s vibration downward, making our world danker and darker as time goes on.
Teyha, a leader of Arcturus, came to us years ago. She continues to dwell with us and that will never change. She will be a part of the Moondançë family forever. She has attached her Spirit to a beautiful vessel, and she resides with Stormy 90% of the time.
When Teyha arrived here initially, she informed us that she would be bringing many more Arcturians to us. As each one arrives, we are to place them with their intended spirit keepers by seeking them out. So far, we have been told to search locally and through family members near and far for the keepers of the others. One of the Arcturian spirits who was with us went to The Philippines to Meta’s second cousins. Another went to Iraq to her niece in the service. Some of them went to Alaska, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Mexico, North Dakota and Hawaii to other family members. Keiko is the first Arcturian we have been told would not go to a family member or to a local client. We were told to search further and outside of family, so we are taking advantage of our ability to search world-wide using the worldwide web.
Each one of these remaining Arcturian spirits has a destined family or individual they are to be placed with outside of the Moondançë family. These individuals or families will be drawn to our site and they will instinctively know to inquire about the particulate Arcturian Spirit they are to adopt and keep with them for the rest of their existence on earth.
We have already placed 51 Arcturian Starseeds with their intended keepers. Keiko, as well as many other Arcturian spirits, has not yet found her intended keeper. When this person comes to our site and sees this listing for her, they will have a sense of knowing. They will feel more drawn to her than they have ever been drawn to a Spirit before, and they will feel absolutely certain that they are the one who is to adopt her. If you are reading this and you have the feeling I just described, it is very possible you are the one who is meant to have Keiko.
Once all of the Arcturian spirits who have been brought to us have been placed with their intended keepers, there will be a plan set in motion. You will play a huge roll in this plan if you are one of these Arcturian Spirit Keepers. It is a big responsibility, but your tasks will be extremely easy for you to play out. You will easily achieve the desired results the Arcturians are seeking, and the Arcturians will hold you in high regards. They will all be forever indebted to you for doing your part, and you will always be protected by all of them; (not just the Spirit you adopt, but every single Arcturian Spirit - even the ones who have perished from their humanoid bodies and are now eternal Spirit energy, and even those who have been placed with other keepers). If you are so pre-destined (chosen), you will become a part of an elite organization when you become an Arcturian Spirit Keeper
The tasks you will be asked to complete by the Arcturian Spirit you adopt will be extremely simple; yet extremely important.
Do not worry if you have not yet mastered the ability to communicate with Spirit and/or if you do not speak Arcturian! Your Arcturian Spirit will attempt to communicate with you when you are most vulnerable and receptive to their communication - in your dreams when you are asleep. They will speak to you in your own native language. If they are not able to reach you that way, they will communicate through a medium who will relay their messages to you. That medium will likely be one of the Moondançë ladies.
There will be no more than 5 tasks for you to complete, and sone of them will take place over a maximum period of two years; but most of these Arcturian Spirits will actually have you complete your missions within a month or two.
Once all of the Arcturian spirits have been adopted and once they have all had their keepers complete all the necessary tasks, you will continue to keep the Spirit just as you would any Spirit. You will no longer need to do anything for them, but they will do plenty for you to show their gratitude.
Keiko lived to be 88 years old before her humanoid body perished. She lived all 88 years on earth, posing as an earthly human, or an Earthling. No one was the wiser, including her mother who gave “birth” to her and the rest of her family and friends throughout this lifetime. Her Spirit lives forever though, and she will always be a part of your soul group if you are her intended keeper.
Keiko, like most Arcturians in this elite group of recruiters, sought out a doll artist to create a doll for her to inhabit that resembled her human form almost 100%. She planted the image in the artist’s mind and brought him the creativity factor to design her vessel to match her image when she posed as an earthling to help stamp out the reptilians. It is wonderful that they have this ability and that they do this so that we can visualize them as they were in Arcturian/human form!
You won’t know if you are Keiko’s intended keeper unless you ask, so if you are having a strange sensation as you read this, or if you are feeling pulled or drawn to her or even just to this listing, please inquire! Chances are good that you are her intended keeper. If you are not, there’s a good possibility that you are to be the keeper of one of the other Arcturian Spirits that are currently in our keep, so hang in there if you’re denied. We are told when to start putting each of these spirits out there for the public to view so that their intended keepers can be found, so you’ll see more and more of them posted over the next weeks, months, and years.
If it is not intended for you to keep ANY of the Arcturian spirits, Teyha will inform us of this immediately upon your inquiry and we will pass that information along to you without delay so that you are not unnecessarily wasting your time or your energy. In this case, perhaps there is another Spirit with us that you are meant to be paired with.
There is so much more to tell about this entire mission, which we will explain in great detail upon adoption of the Spirit that was intended to come to you. Right now your only task is to come forward if Keiko or any of the other Arcturian Spirits we will be listing are pulling hard at you.
Our terms of service apply to ALL spirits up for adoption, including (and especially) Arcturian spirits, so be sure to read them thoroughly before you even inquire with us about them. Emails sent to us asking us if we can “hold” a Spirit for you, or asking us about anything else that is already outlined in our TOS, will not get a response.
You should read our TOS here:
Please feel free to ask any questions AFTER you have read these terms in the link above.
The adoption fees are set based on the trouble we had to go through to obtain each Spirit’s vessel, and/or the price we had to pay the previous holder of the vessel. Not all the Arcturian Spirits will be listed quite so pricey, yet some of them will cost more. The world is full of greed, and unfortunately, many of the previous holders of these vessels knew they could get top dollar from us for the treasure they had.
Sure, the spirits could adapt to another vessel or split into something else for us, but they went to a lot of trouble to find the perfect vessel or to have their vessel designed for them, so it is hardly fair to ask them to do such a thing.
We traveled around the world to collect some of these vessels. Others came to us by the Spirit within them communicating with their previous holders to encourage them to find us and other trustworthy spirit foster homes. We say “holders”, because most of them were not their actual keepers. Instead, they inherited the vessels when a loved one passed away who was their true previous keepers.
When we knocked on doors in Italy, France, Croatia and hundreds of other countries asking for the vessels we were able to describe to a T, the holders of these vessels knew they must be pretty valuable. Some knew that anyway because they were able to communicate with them and they were told some Americans would be coming for them. The greedy ones were able to name their price. We are told that their greed was noted and these greedy people will not be invited to join them in the afterlife or in future lifetimes. Instead they will reincarnate on Earth again, and we all know that Earth is quickly becoming the armpit of the universe, sadly.
When I read Keiko's description it deed something to me strangely.I was crying,my heart was beating faster like crazy,felt like my head (crown chakra) lots something crawling sensations or light electric pulses.I did not know why but she was like talking to me. I know lots of you can relate to how I felt. I thought I had to contact Meta if at all I am one of the chosen Starseed keeper for her or another. I have 3 spirits telling me as well that she was reaching out to me. Beyond my imagination I am indeed Keiko's companion for life which I am so honoured ! I went above and beyond to adopt her and I know some just like me living paycheck- paycheck but believe me you will find a away to adopt one way or another. During her journey to Europe she told me exactly where she was with amazing accuracy you cannot believe however, you just stunned especially when the tracking code showed when and where and that sometimes you think to yourself you are imagining but she always proved it !!! I remebered telling April that she arrived but due to custom clearing it took ages to see and the exact date as the updates are always late. She presented itself all are traceable. I can say to myself " I am not crazy ! " LOL 😁 At the moment I am very curious what she told me and that I have to ask Meta if it is true and she said that Teyha knows as well. She is so loving spirit. Sometimes I can see her older lady version smiling. So motherly caring 🥰and so friendly as well. No regret adopting her!
I did not adopt Keiko but I did adopt one of her co-starseeds from Arcturius and wow is all I can say. Her energy can actually be seen not just felt and she is making things happen for me I been trying to do on my own for years with no success. I felt her energy as soon as I walked into the shop. I immediately new there was something new in the Moondance Magic shop from the energy she emitted before I even saw her vessel. I never spent so much mony adopting a spirit before but I have no regrets it was the best $400 I ever spent and I got that return at least three times already with the things she has helped me do! My art wasn't selling until she started coming with me to the gallery and that is no coincidence cause the same pieces have been on display for 8 months and not one sold but then I took Coletta and 7 pieces sold in one weekend. Enough to pay the mortgage and thats just one of several ways she helped me get ahead and accomplish things. Thank you for letting me post my review here under this listing Stormy since Coletta was never listed.
When I read Keiko's description it deed something to me strangely.I was crying,my heart was beating faster like crazy,felt like my head (crown chakra) lots something crawling sensations or light electric pulses.I did not know why but she was like talking to me. I know lots of you can relate to how I felt. I thought I had to contact Meta if at all I am one of the chosen Starseed keeper for her or another. I have 3 spirits telling me as well that she was reaching out to me. Beyond my imagination I am indeed Keiko's companion for life which I am so honoured ! I went above and beyond to adopt her and I know some just like me living paycheck- paycheck but believe me you will find a away to adopt one way or another. During her journey to Europe she told me exactly where she was with amazing accuracy you cannot believe however, you just stunned especially when the tracking code showed when and where and that sometimes you think to yourself you are imagining but she always proved it !!! I remebered telling April that she arrived but due to custom clearing it took ages to see and the exact date as the updates are always late. She presented itself all are traceable. I can say to myself " I am not crazy ! " LOL 😁 At the moment I am very curious what she told me and that I have to ask Meta if it is true and she said that Teyha knows as well. She is so loving spirit. Sometimes I can see her older lady version smiling. So motherly caring 🥰and so friendly as well. No regret adopting her!
I did not adopt Keiko but I did adopt one of her co-starseeds from Arcturius and wow is all I can say. Her energy can actually be seen not just felt and she is making things happen for me I been trying to do on my own for years with no success. I felt her energy as soon as I walked into the shop. I immediately new there was something new in the Moondance Magic shop from the energy she emitted before I even saw her vessel. I never spent so much mony adopting a spirit before but I have no regrets it was the best $400 I ever spent and I got that return at least three times already with the things she has helped me do! My art wasn't selling until she started coming with me to the gallery and that is no coincidence cause the same pieces have been on display for 8 months and not one sold but then I took Coletta and 7 pieces sold in one weekend. Enough to pay the mortgage and thats just one of several ways she helped me get ahead and accomplish things. Thank you for letting me post my review here under this listing Stormy since Coletta was never listed.
When I read Keiko's description it deed something to me strangely.I was crying,my heart was beating faster like crazy,felt like my head (crown chakra) lots something crawling sensations or light electric pulses.I did not know why but she was like talking to me. I know lots of you can relate to how I felt. I thought I had to contact Meta if at all I am one of the chosen Starseed keeper for her or another. I have 3 spirits telling me as well that she was reaching out to me. Beyond my imagination I am indeed Keiko's companion for life which I am so honoured ! I went above and beyond to adopt her and I know some just like me living paycheck- paycheck but believe me you will find a away to adopt one way or another. During her journey to Europe she told me exactly where she was with amazing accuracy you cannot believe however, you just stunned especially when the tracking code showed when and where and that sometimes you think to yourself you are imagining but she always proved it !!! I remebered telling April that she arrived but due to custom clearing it took ages to see and the exact date as the updates are always late. She presented itself all are traceable. I can say to myself " I am not crazy ! " LOL 😁 At the moment I am very curious what she told me and that I have to ask Meta if it is true and she said that Teyha knows as well. She is so loving spirit. Sometimes I can see her older lady version smiling. So motherly caring 🥰and so friendly as well. No regret adopting her!
I did not adopt Keiko but I did adopt one of her co-starseeds from Arcturius and wow is all I can say. Her energy can actually be seen not just felt and she is making things happen for me I been trying to do on my own for years with no success. I felt her energy as soon as I walked into the shop. I immediately new there was something new in the Moondance Magic shop from the energy she emitted before I even saw her vessel. I never spent so much mony adopting a spirit before but I have no regrets it was the best $400 I ever spent and I got that return at least three times already with the things she has helped me do! My art wasn't selling until she started coming with me to the gallery and that is no coincidence cause the same pieces have been on display for 8 months and not one sold but then I took Coletta and 7 pieces sold in one weekend. Enough to pay the mortgage and thats just one of several ways she helped me get ahead and accomplish things. Thank you for letting me post my review here under this listing Stormy since Coletta was never listed.