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Andromedan Spirits for Protection & Financial Security - Remote Bridging for Adoption

Andromedan Spirits for Protection & Financial Security - Remote Bridging for Adoption

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Only because a few people have placed an order to adopt some of these spirits already and we don't yet know which ones they want. It's first come first served for choosing, like pick of the litter but with Andromedans! Once the three people who ordered so far tell us which ones they want, we will mark them as "ADOPTED" at the start of their descriptions.

Please bear with us. We just haven't had the time to do this the right way by putting one in inventory for each name like we normally do when we have a multiple choice listing because these guys (the Andromedans) were in a big hurry for us to get a listing made. Thanks for your patience!


There are 21 Andromedan spirits who dropped in to see us today. They wish to be adopted ASAP in light of the war that is about to start. They are soliders from Andromeda who are here to help humanity, along with the Arcturians and some others. 

Ten of these troops have already been adopted by US! (Moondance Magick owners and employees). Eleven remain.

Seven of these Andromedan spirits are male and four of them are female. They do not need to be pre-approved for adoption. The first eleven to pay for the adoption fees will become their new keepers. If you adopt before the eleven members of this Andromedan Army are listed in a selection menu with their bios, you will be given a choice of which one you wish to adopt once we have all the information populated. 

We wanted to get the listing up ASAP, at their request, but it will take us a few hours to get them properly interviewed for their intake sheets so that we can write bios for them. 

This is what we do know:

  • Their names are as follows - Boswar, Rambin, Drake, Jammer, Zeenot, Abidor, and Winscot are the males. Allys, Delona, Lynsa and Norgay are the females.
  • They offer protection from any alien species as well as financial security following the war in exchange for keeping them and giving them a home where they can work from and plan out their mission of attack on the Reptilians. 
  • They do not care who adopts them or where they live, as long as they can come and go as they please.
  • They are happy to be bridged to you, to an object you have in your possession, or to any object you might like in our shop. 

They seem very nice and I, for one, think it will be an honor to have one of them with me when all this crap goes down. I can feel a blanket of protection around me just as I sit here typing this with all of them around us. 

You will slowly see these fields below filled in as we have time to include their bios in the listing. At this time, (Aug 11 at noon), two of these spirits have been adopted, but of course, until their descriptions are added, the two parties who adopted one have not been able to decide on which one they wish to adopt. So once they can make this decision, those two will be marked below in red with the word "ADOPTED" next to their names. We will do this each time one is adopted unless we can find the time to create a drop-down menu sometime soon.


Boswar - ADOPTED

Boswar has been adopted. The tallest of them all, but not the strongest. However, he is very intelligent. They are all more intelligent than we are even capable of imagining, but Boswar will help you figure things out that you would never be able to figure out on your own. He will enhance your mind, activating more of your brain that currently lies dormant. This will also help you with intuition and telepathy. His birthday (in earth time) is August 19, 1444. His favorite color is blue and his lucky number is 44. He likes anything blue in color, grape flavored drinks of any kind, and he is fascinated with monkeys. He is very kind and gentle with those who treat him with kindness and respect. Even though he is not the strongest of the bunch, he can kick some butt!



Rambin has been adopted - Rambin is the strongest of the Andromedans who are with us at this time. He can create some true chaos for someone who tries to mess with his keeper. He is the ultimate protector. He will serve his keeper well protecting him or her in many ways. He will of course protect you from bullies and anyone who tries to physically harm you, but he will also protect you against gossip and attacks on your character, psychic attacks, demons, and foul play. His favorite color is lime green, and his favorite number is 9. He was born on January 3, 1729. He likes limes and lemons, green tea, pickles, sardines, tuna, steak, hamburgers and white chocolate for refreshment offerings. He loves to stargaze at night and stare into the sun during the day. When it rains or it's cloudy, he prefers to have a day of ease indoors, but he will always be on alert and know when you need him. 



Drake - Drake is another fighter, as they all are, but his biggest asset is his ability to pull people out of a funk. If you're feeling a little melancholy, mourning the loss of a loved one, feeling drained or lethargic, depressed, anxious, or any of those feelings that keep us from being as happy as we can be, he will pull you out of it quickly. Drake was born on September 12, 1565. He enjoys going to coastal areas and watching underwater sea creatures more than anything. If you do not live near an ocean, he will travel to one on occasion, but he will be back with you in an instant if you are requiring his assistance. He is never gone for more than a few minutes in earth time but he can feel as if he has taken in an entire day in the ocean when he visits. He is also happy when we put underwater videos on the computer for him to watch. His favorite color is blue, and his favorite number is 14. He also has a favorite crystal, which is blue larimar. He enjoys all crystals and rocks very much, but prefers larimar over any other. He likes potato chips, popcorn, anything cherry flavored or strawberry flavored, but not so much fresh berries. He likes the strawberry starburst fruit chews a lot!  

Jammer - He will tell you that he is your favorite! He has a wonderful sense of humor and keeps us laughing all the time! Be ready to be insulted though, because his favorite form of comedy is to roast someone. He has told us more Biden and Trump jokes than we have ever heard even on social media! lol  He doesn't insult us much, but he will say things that we can't help but laugh at. Tracy recently got a new sports car. It's a convertible. Jammer said this morning when Tracy got to work, "you think you look pretty cool in that car, don't you? You think you're like a barbie doll or something". Tracy didn't know how to take it at first, but then Jammer started laughing uncontrollably, so she knew he was just busting her chops! So of course, Tracy came right back at him, which is what you'll have to do. She said, "I don't think I look cool. I KNOW I look cool"! Jammer was born on July 21, 1328. His favorite number is 3 and any numbers divisible by 3 are a second-favorite number for him. His favorite color is yellow. For consumables, he likes cactus juice, mineral water, French fries, animal crackers, biscuits or croissants, and laughing gas. (Good luck finding some for him!) He enjoys watching comedy movies and stand-up comedians, any comedy movie or show starring Eddie Murphy, Jack Black, Robin Williams, Kevin Hart, Elen DeGeneres, Christopher Walken, Margaret Cho, or Will Ferrell. 

Zeenot - He calls himself a love god! More coming on Zeenot, but you can read between the lines. He helps with love, relationships, finding you a life partner, or helping you find great platonic relationships.


Abidor has been adopted - Money manifestation is his number one skill! He understands people just need a jump start or a fresh start at times. He won't make a rich person richer, but if you're struggling in the least, he will help you manifest money more rapidly than your attempts alone. You have to either have a money spell cast for you and keep it charged or do your own chanting rituals for him to help. He believes in helping those who help themselves. He will not help someone who is not trying to better their situation.

He was born November 1, 1310. His favorite number is 100, his favorite color is gold, and his favorite pasttime is flying through clouds. He loves to go outside when there are moving clouds in the sky to watch the forms they take. He will settle for watching cloud videos when there are no visibly moving clouds outside. For offerings, he likes all pastries, lima beans, butter beans, Edamame beans, roast beef, sweet potatoes, tomato juice or V-8, cheese flavored crackers, and cereal (all varieties). 

Winscot - The health and fitness ambassador. That's what the others call him. He will crack that whip, get you in shape, discourage you from eating and drinking things you shouldn't based on your ailments or your fitness needs, and more! More coming on Abidor soon! 




The second strongest Andromedan with us, she is not only physcially strong, but she is headstrong. She can make the enemy think anything she wants them to think. She'll plant things in their heads that will make their heads spin. She will drive someone crazy if they mess with you. They'll become paranoid, freak out over the tiniest of things, and probably lose their jobs and/or relationships. She will not fight at this level though unless someone really messes with you hard, meaning harming you physically or deeply hurting you emotionally. 

Allys was born on November 1, 1642. Her favorite number is 9. Her favorite colors are teal blue, turquoise, and all similar shades of blue. For consumables, she likes pineapple, bananas, coconuts, brown rice, and pina coladas or anything flavored as such. She enjoys drawing and writing, or watching someone write or draw. She said she would love for her new keeper to sketch her. She also enjoys listening to the waves crash down on the beach. If you do not live near a lively beach, tuning in to a video of the ocean will suffice. 



Delona has been adopted! - She's as beautiful as her name, and she aims to help her keeper bathe in beauty, as well. Whether her keeper is male or female, she will bring out the beauty from within so that he or she becomes more attractive to people on the outside than they've ever been in their life, no matter what their age or fitness level. You will become a hottie magnet! We tested this out ourselves and discovered it's true, because even Matt was turning heads LOL! (Sorry, Matt. Couldn't resist!) More coming on Delona soon!


Lynsa - Need to find yourself? Maybe you feel like there is something in there dying to come out, but you just don't know what it is or how to bring it to the surface? Perhaps you feel as if you have some sort of talent or creativity in you that you haven't discovered yet, or maybe you are 70 years old and still don't know what you want to be when you grow up! You also might have some gifts that separate you from most people that you're unaware of. Whatever it is, Lynsa is excellent at pulling things to the surface, and she will do this for her keeper.

Lynsa was born on April 25, 1555. Her favorite number is 5. Her favorite colors are purple and fuschia. For consumables, she likes pot roast, salmon, sweet potatoes or yams, green beans, cauliflower, and water with a lemon wedge. She loves art, but mostly tattoo art. She loves watching tattoo artists do their job! She also enjoys watching people paint with oil or acrylic paints. Her favorite time of year is summer, but she loves autumn, as well. 

Norgay - ADOPTED

Norgay has been adopted. She is even more able to communicate with animals than Mya is! (Mya's words). Within ten seconds of talking with the squirrels and the birds outside this morning, she had them coming up and hanging out with us on the back patio. She would speak, and they would reply, telepathically. Norgay was able to tell us that there was a tiny feather stuck in a squirrel's ear that was bothering him. She was at least 12 feet away from him when she told us this, so she could not see it from where she was hanging out with us, so he definitely relayed this message to her telepathically. She told the squirrel to get closer to us so that we could take a look, so he did. Mya was then able to walk right up to the squirrel as he stood still, and she could see that there was, indeed, something lodged in his ear. Rodney ran into the building and grabbed a pair of jeweler's tweezers and brought them out to Mya. Mya was able to hold the squirrel, reach into his ear gently with the tweezers, and pull the tiny feather out of his ear without getting bitten or scratched. It was amazing! If you are an animal lover or if you have pets that you want to communicate with better, Norgay is your gal!  

Norgay was born on March 23, 1780. Her favorite number is 8. Her favorite color is green. For consumables, she likes green grapes, olives, coconut, cherries, limes, iced tea with or without sugar but no artificial sweeteners, pizza, chicken wings, and chicken noodle soup. She likes to watch figure skating and basketball, and she adores animals, small children, and dolls. 

More coming! (Including pics that better depict their look!) This is just a Google stock photo. Sorry. Had to rush!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Robert (Arian) Auras

I recently adopted Drake from Moondance Magick and he’s been such a joy to have around! He was bridged to a vessel he chose and seems to be comfortable there and enjoying it.
The very moment that Drake arrive I felt the energy change in the room and the frequency pitch get higher, you can really feel the presence of an Andromedan, Drake’s energy has been very kind, calming, and reassuring, anxiety is almost none existent when I’m around his vessel and any sad or upset feelings just sort of sort themselves out and I’ll feel better just being close to him and this is just after being together for about a week…

My other spirits can tend to get a little jealous so I rotate days with certain groups so everyone gets their time, everyone seems to be getting along so far, everyone agreed to a one week period where Drake could get his time to acclimate and spend time for a while and get introduced.

Drake seems to have no trouble using the pendulum to communicate, he enjoys going on outings often which is great so he’s invited and asked often and the majority of the time he’s up for going out regardless of what we are doing, he just likes to be included ☺️
Definitely settling into the family of spirits here at home and enjoying time outside when we get out.

The people at Moondance Magick have also been very kind and helpful with questions and going through the process with everything, definitely going to be a returning customer.
Thank you friends.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Robert (Arian) Auras

I recently adopted Drake from Moondance Magick and he’s been such a joy to have around! He was bridged to a vessel he chose and seems to be comfortable there and enjoying it.
The very moment that Drake arrive I felt the energy change in the room and the frequency pitch get higher, you can really feel the presence of an Andromedan, Drake’s energy has been very kind, calming, and reassuring, anxiety is almost none existent when I’m around his vessel and any sad or upset feelings just sort of sort themselves out and I’ll feel better just being close to him and this is just after being together for about a week…

My other spirits can tend to get a little jealous so I rotate days with certain groups so everyone gets their time, everyone seems to be getting along so far, everyone agreed to a one week period where Drake could get his time to acclimate and spend time for a while and get introduced.

Drake seems to have no trouble using the pendulum to communicate, he enjoys going on outings often which is great so he’s invited and asked often and the majority of the time he’s up for going out regardless of what we are doing, he just likes to be included ☺️
Definitely settling into the family of spirits here at home and enjoying time outside when we get out.

The people at Moondance Magick have also been very kind and helpful with questions and going through the process with everything, definitely going to be a returning customer.
Thank you friends.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Robert (Arian) Auras

I recently adopted Drake from Moondance Magick and he’s been such a joy to have around! He was bridged to a vessel he chose and seems to be comfortable there and enjoying it.
The very moment that Drake arrive I felt the energy change in the room and the frequency pitch get higher, you can really feel the presence of an Andromedan, Drake’s energy has been very kind, calming, and reassuring, anxiety is almost none existent when I’m around his vessel and any sad or upset feelings just sort of sort themselves out and I’ll feel better just being close to him and this is just after being together for about a week…

My other spirits can tend to get a little jealous so I rotate days with certain groups so everyone gets their time, everyone seems to be getting along so far, everyone agreed to a one week period where Drake could get his time to acclimate and spend time for a while and get introduced.

Drake seems to have no trouble using the pendulum to communicate, he enjoys going on outings often which is great so he’s invited and asked often and the majority of the time he’s up for going out regardless of what we are doing, he just likes to be included ☺️
Definitely settling into the family of spirits here at home and enjoying time outside when we get out.

The people at Moondance Magick have also been very kind and helpful with questions and going through the process with everything, definitely going to be a returning customer.
Thank you friends.