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Yoga Fairy Spirits for Manifestation & Third Eye Super-Charging - Remote Bridging
Yoga Fairy Spirits for Manifestation & Third Eye Super-Charging - Remote Bridging
Yoga Fairy Spirits for Manifestation & Third Eye Super-Charging - Remote Bridging
Yoga Fairy Spirits for Manifestation & Third Eye Super-Charging - Remote Bridging
Yoga Fairy Spirits for Manifestation & Third Eye Super-Charging - Remote Bridging
Yoga Fairy Spirits for Manifestation & Third Eye Super-Charging - Remote Bridging
Yoga Fairy Spirits for Manifestation & Third Eye Super-Charging - Remote Bridging

Yoga Fairy Spirits for Manifestation & Third Eye Super-Charging - Remote Bridging

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Yoga Fairy Spirits help people with busy minds to meditate! They take the guesswork out of it. We have a few of them with us who are looking for their forever homes.

Yenna and Lissa were the original fairy spirits to come to us, and they have already been adopted. We are leaving their bios up below for their new keepers to refer to when they wish to. They have called upon three of their family members to join us before they were adopted. The family members who will be coming to stay with us soon are listed below: 

Grendall - Lissa's brother.  Grendall was reading people's minds from the time he was born. He will read his keeper's mind on occasion, but he said he generally likes to allow his keeper(s) their privacy, so he tries not to read their mind's. When his keeper is very emotional, however, he can't help but feel his or her feelings and hear their thoughts, whether his keeper is sad, angry, or feeling loved. The good thing about this is that when he hears your thoughts of anger or sadness, he is able to calm you down. He has a very gentle, calming, loving demeanor.  He also sees things happening before they happen. Usually this is only hours to a day in advance, but he has seen bigger events happening a little further ahead, as much as a week. He will help his keeper learn his techniques.  He manifests the things he and/or his keeper want by using his gifts of being able to see slightly into the future and by reading the minds of others. When the time is right to execute his plan, he will explain it to you verbally. If you are not clairaudient, he will show you his plan in a dream. His hair is reddish brown and his eyes are green. He is tall and slender.

Rainey - Lissa and Yenna's cousin.  Rainey was LITERALLY magnetic in her previous life! She said when she would walk, small metal objects would cling to her. If she walked past large metal objects such as a vehicle, she would get pulled to the object. She had to wear layers and layers of protection to keep herself from constantly being sucked to large pieces of metal when she would roam away from her cottage.  She did her best to stay within a certain area unless she was prepared with extra clothing to protect herself. It was just her torso and her left arm that were magnetic. She does not know why she was like this, and neither did her family. The upside to being a magnetic spirit now is that she is able to manifest things for herself and her keeper very easily. 

Sarie - Lissa and Yenna's cousin. She is very quiet, but she's always thinking and listening. She listen's to the people around her as well as spirits. The spirits she hears can be right there in the same room or they can be in another part of the multiverse. Luckily for her, she can only hear up to three spirits at one time, so she is not in constant turmoil with hearing billions upon billions of spirits at once. Since Sarie was deaf in her most recent place life, she feels that her enhanced sense of hearing is her consolation prize. She can hear people talking from a mile away, but again, she will only hear up to three people at one time. She said sometimes she thinks this is for her protection, but she also thinks it is for the protection of others. We're not sure what she means by that. Again, she is quiet, and she doesn't go into much detail when she communicates with us. We get the basics. She said she will help her keeper to hear like she can hear now that she knows how it works. She hasn't even shared this information with us. She is keeping it secret until she has a keeper. Whomever adopts her will be her first keeper since she passed away.


Yenna and Lissa are cousins, but they are as close as sisters. When they were living, breathing fairies on Earth, they thought the same way, they had the same strong morals and big hearts, and they both realized they could have whatever they wanted in the multiverse if they set their minds to it. Since they have joined the astral world, their mind powers have only intensified.

Fairies are able to manifest magick, but Yenna and Lissa were ten times better at manifesting than many fairies they know. Lissa said it runs in their soul's DNA. They have two other cousins and Lissa also has a brother who can help the same way. They have given us permission to summon them, but they are not here yet. Meta will likely summon them next week or on Sunday when she's not scheduled to do her "regular work".

They tell us that they can dissolve tension in your body and help you clear your mind so that you can meditate on your wishes with ease. Even when some have the Third Eye Spell cast for them, they cannot seem to get themselves calm enough to meditate to the music as they should. The spell helps with this, but it is mostly directed to opening your third eye more than it helps you relax so that you can meditate in the first place. These gals will help you get there.

If they are both adopted before you get the chance to adopt them, please inquire about the others that Meta will be summoning in possibly a few days. She said she feels she could summon all of them and have them available for adoption by the end of the month, at the latest. (May 2023).


Yenna has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Yenna uses Yoga for many purposes, but mostly to help her communicate with spirits in other dimensions. She likes to learn other languages and cultures of spirits who lived other worlds and far away in the multiverses, but she also enjoys talking with human spirits and living human beings. These are things she will help you do, as well. Whether you are close to making this happen on your own but you just can't seem to nip it in the bud to get there 100%, or you never even tried to communicate with spirit, she will help you tremendously. She will even help you communicate with other versions of yourself in other dimensions.


Lissa's hair is reddish brown and she has emerald green eyes. She enjoys using Yoga to draw love to herself as well as to others who are missing out on the deep love we should all feel. She loves helping people who are meant to be together to find each other. She also enjoys manifesting FUN. If your life is becoming boring and you need more excitement, Lissa will help you fall into fun. You'll find yourself being invited to do things that you never would have imagined, or you will simply walk into fun situations. 

Both are very beautiful, calming, and loving spirits!

The offerings list they each have given us will be provided to the adopters of these beautiful Yoga Fairy Spirits. Neither list is extensive or rare/hard-to-find items, but we intend to use this same listing when Meta summons the others, so we don't want the listing to get too long with info about all of them, as there will be several more added to the listing in short order.


Hugor has brown hair and is built like every guy wants to be. He's strong and agile. He likes to practice yoga for internal strength, and when he practices yoga, his strength emits to all those who are around him. If you're having a bad day or feel blue, he wants you to ask him to sit down and do some yoga. You don't have to do it with him. He is happy to do it on his own or with you. 

His birthday is June 2, but we don't know a year, and we don't know his date of death. He told us when and how he died is irrelevant. He doesn't consider himself to be dead. He said he simply no longer has skin and bones, as he has shed it long ago. His favorite color is green, and his favorite number is 9. 

He wanted me to put his offerings list here rather than emailing it because he thinks it's important for any prospective adopters to know up front what he likes. He doesn't want you to regret adopting him. So here it goes...


Canned fish is number one. This can be sardines, tuna, or anything else you can find in a can. The second thing he loves for food offerings is black licorice. (Ewww!) Black jellybeans will suffice if you don't want to waste your money on something you might not like. Just get yourself a variety bag of jellybeans that include black ones and give him the black ones. He also likes to look at pictures of women wearing something sexy or revealing. He doesn't want to see nude photos. He said he likes to see some skin but not private parts of skin. (That's exactly how he worded it.) So that's the worst of it. Here's the rest: He likes spicy foods, barbeque sauce, hot or cold tea, anything made of wicker or bamboo, red or pink flowers, listening to gospel music or any music with soprano singers, and he likes to be told clean jokes. He said dad jokes are his favorite. 

Please inquire by email if interested in applying to adopt any of these wonderful Yoga Fairy Spirits.

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