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Jorgan the Incubus Spirit - For Remote Bridging Only, Doll Vessel Not Included
Jorgan the Incubus Spirit - For Remote Bridging Only, Doll Vessel Not Included

Jorgan the Incubus Spirit - For Remote Bridging Only, Doll Vessel Not Included

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Jorgan is an incubus and he should not be adopted by anyone who does not have spirit-keeping experience, and no experience with demonic entities. If you know nothing about Incubus/Succubus entities, please learn before considering adopting one.

Jorgan was brought to us by a "spirit collector" (that's how he referred to himself). We "purchased" many spirits from his "collection". (We HATE these terms by the way. Just using the terms this "man" used). He is not a man at all in our opinion.

Some of the vessels were not spirited, as he thought, but we rescued the ones that were spirited. This collector  thought that all the spirits were plotting to kill him, when in reality, it was just a few dark spirits he had that were not playing nicely. Since he didn't know which ones were the dark ones, he brought all of them to us.

The man told Meta he went all in one day when he decided he wanted to collect spirits and just started buying them up left and right, having no clue how to take care of them, what to expect from them, or even what it meant to have an Incubus or a Succubus spirit. He had a Siren too, which she took off his hands, because she was probably the one who was harming him the most since he didn't know he was supposed to set ground rules such as "NO HARMING YOUR KEEPER"!

Meta pretty much told the guy he was a fool and shouldn't be messing with things he knows nothing about without doing some research first. He was practically shaking when he opened up the back of his SUV to show Meta what he had, but that didn't prevent him from demanding top prices for every spirit Meta took off his hands. (She took ALL of the spirited items he had and none of the ones that weren't spirited). We will try to get them all listed as quickly as possible. Especially the dark ones. 

Meta has Jorgan at her home where she can keep an eye on him most of the time, even though she says he has been excellent at abiding by her ground rules. 

Jorgan hates his vessel, so he wants to be remotely bound to something that doesn't look so "sweet". It doesn't have to be a doll. It can be a dark crystal, a wicked looking piece of jewelry, or even an ordinary rock. He just doesn't want to appear to be sweet, because he thinks sweet equals weak, and he doesn't want to give that impression. He does believe in warning people of his desires, because he feels everyone should have the opportunity to get away from him, except for his prey. When it comes to getting what he wants, he will go after it. He won't harm his keeper any longer, as Meta has been stern on this topic. She told him that he is in no way to do anything to his keeper that he or she doesn't invite, and this goes for anyone his keeper lives with or entertains in their home. It is best to reiterate that to him though upon arrival.

Jorgan lived a long life. He was born April 13, 1113 AD and he died February 27, 1309. He was born and raised on an island now called Kungsholmen island near Stockholm, Sweden.

He attributes his long life to having had plenty of sex with willing participants. He did not have to force his mates to succumb to him every time. He admits that was not as fun as taking what he wanted to take without permission, however. But he learned from his own father that he would need to mix a little bit of yin with the yang if he wanted to live a long life. He claims his first sexual encounter, which was a woman he took by force in her sleep, was when he was 9 years old. Prior to that, he just watched his father and his brother to learn the techniques of taking a mate without their knowledge so that they could revisit. He says that no woman has ever died as a result of over-use because his father taught him to never visit the same woman more than once a week, no matter how much he preferred one woman over others. 

Jorgan gets along with other incubus, succubus, and all other spirits as long as they don't invade his space. By this, he means he can't constantly be having a spirit trying to ask him all kinds of questions about what it's like to be him. He started to deal with that here, but we recognized the situation right away and pulled Cade away from him. We then announced to all the spirits that they should not smother Jorgan and they should not ask him questions unless he initiates a conversation with them. Things have been fine ever since. 

What he wants to do for his keeper in exchange for a place to hang his hat is bring them three strikes to axe. In other words, instead of three strikes and you're out, he will make three of the strikes disappear. So if you have had three brushes with death, each time making it more evitable that you will live a full life, three of them will disappear. He said a perfect example is someone who has had a cancerous tumor removed. The tumor is gone, and all the tissue around it that could have been affected, but you are now at risk for recurrence since the cancer cells invaded your body in the first place. If it returns, it becomes stage 2 cancer automatically in the eyes of medical professionals, because it is a recurrence. If that cancer is removed and it comes back, it could actually go straight to stage 4...which is the last time you'll have cancer, as it is usually not treatable. He tells us this three strikes thing could be anything though. Maybe you actually already have two strikes with the law. In many areas, three strikes of the same felony automatically gives you a life in prison sentence with no chance for parole. He will make those first two strikes disappear, and you'll still have a third strike to remove from your record or from something else entirely, not having to do with laws broken.


Jorgan likes anything of a dark color such as dark blues, browns, grays and black. His favorite mystical creature is himself, the incubus, but second to incubus and succubus he likes vampires. He loves spiders, vipers and pythons. He doesn't hate animals, but he doesn't hope you have a farm, either. (This was his response when we asked him if he could co-exist with pets in the house). He said the last place he lived had a cat, and he started to warm up to the cat right before he was "sold" to us. He says he kind of misses her. (He did not have relations with her. We asked! He is only interested in having sex with adult female humans). He likes food that is burnt, such as burnt toast, burnt marshmallows, and burnt meats. So if you burn food a lot, at least you know you don't have to call it a total loss! Just set it in front of Jorgan and he will enjoy the sight and smell of it for hours. For entertainment, when he's not poking someone, he likes to look at pictures of Vampirella, his favorite fictional character. If you have any of her comics, that's even better, though we found they are hard to find in good shape. (We know someone who has a collection of them who might sell us one of them if we ask nicely though, so let us know if you'd like us to inquire with him, though we don't think he will part with any of them unless he has any duplicates). Jorgan also likes mud. Set it in front of his vessel on a paper plate and keep it there for a week at a time, if it doesn't bother you. He likes fresh mud after a week though. 

Please understand that even though this is a remote bridging and you will not receive the doll vessel shown in the photos, we still had to pay the collector what he wanted for each spirit. The dolls we don't use are either recycled with new spirits or donated. In this case, Jorgan has indicated he wants his old vessel to be shredded to bits once he has been bridged. He hates it that much. We will oblige. 

If you do not have anything you can have him bridged to that you think he would like, we may have something you may purchase from our shop, including dark crystals (he likes dark blues, browns and blacks) and some other items. If you choose something from our shop or something we suggest that we have yet to list, shipping charges will, of course, apply to your order. We will bridge Jorgan to the item and ship the item to you as soon as the bridging service is complete. 

Be sure to read our TERMS OF SERVICE before adopting Jorgan. He must approve of the adoption, and it is important to know a thing or two about spirit adoption beforehand.

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