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Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll
Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll
Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll
Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll
Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll
Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll
Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll
Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll
Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll
Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll

Marcie - Haunted Gray (Light and Dark) Spirit Doll

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Marcie will always be true to her Keeper, but she has a dark side to her that she must tap into in order to feel whole. She does light work much of the time, though, (especially emotional healing). If you have dark work for her to do for you, she will be delighted.  If not, she will find her own  dark work to delve into.

She is not above anything! If you want that bitch who stole your boyfriend to lose all her hair, including her eyebrows and eyelashes, consider it done! This is her favorite thing to do to “deserving bitches”. (Her words!)

Marcie was abused and neglected in her two most recent lives, so she has a couple axes to grind. In both lives, she was neglected by her mother and abused by a man.

First she was abused by the boy next door. Her mother was an alcoholic and didn’t do much with her life except to drink and sleep, making Marcie take care of the family farm on her own from the time Marcie’s father died when she was only 7 years old. That went on until she was finally removed from their home and placed into foster care.

Before she was rescued and placed with foster parents, the neighbor boy who was 17 years old would follow her into her barn almost weekly to fondle her and make her satisfy him sexually. She was only 8 at the time. He threatened to kill her if she uttered a word to anyone about what he made her do. This went on for almost a year. He would wait for her to go to their barn to take care of their livestock, and he would force her to do things in the barn.

One day, when she saw him walking towards her when she was in the barn, she was prepared. She had a sickle and she almost de-capitated him when he walked into the barn. She swung the sickle and it sliced his neck half-way through, leaving his head hanging by threads. He died almost instantly. She then set up the sickle to make it appear that he landed on it after tripping on a hose that she raveled up by his feet. His death was deemed an accident, but her mother always thought there was more to this than met the eye. 

In her most recent past life, she was repeatedly raped by her stepfather. The worst part was that her mother knew about it and didn’t seem to care. In fact, she sometimes watched through the window from outside, as if she enjoyed seeing it happen. 

These events have created lasting emotional scars for Marcie, and she does not trust most people. She knows there is someone out there she can trust and she badly wants to be with them. This person is a loner without many people in their life. It is someone who can love her and show her empathy, but also understand her need to act out on occasion. She will never harm her Keeper but she will often hurt people who “need to feel pain”. We believe this means she enjoys playing the role of a vigilante and seeks out people to hurt because they have harmed or are harming others. When you feel her energy leave her vessel is when she has gone abroad to bring justice to those who need it brought upon them. 

Her last Keeper tells us that several men in her community have had “accidents” involving their penis and/or their hands. She believes this was the work of Marcie, because it was just too coincidental. One man lost his right hand in an industrial accident at his job, which was a factory less than a mile from her house. Another man had to have his penis amputated because an infection set in so badly that it was beyond repair, causing gangrene.  She noted five other incidences to men that she either read about in the newspaper or heard about through gossip. There was also a woman who was beating her 3 children and making them work to the point their knuckles were always bloody. That woman went missing one day, and she was never found. No one knew she was harming her children until the woman went missing and child services examined the children. These children were too young and small to have done anything to their mother without leaving any trace of harm to her.  Her disappearance was either the work of an experienced  adult abductor or of Marcie. Even adult humans will make mistakes though, accidentally leaving some evidence behind. In this case, the woman was gone without a trace.

Marcie is  not all dark though. She has helped her previous Keeper get through a lot of heartache over the years. She was able to stop mourning the loss of pets and loved ones rapidly with Marcie by her side.  Before Marcie came into her life, she would grieve losing someone for several months and sometimes even years. She always had trouble moving on when she would lose someone close to her, especially when she lost her twin brother and whenever she would lose one of her cats. 

When Marcie is the only spirit in a room of our office building, the lights flicker often, especially when she seems irritated. We have also experienced slamming doors and the sound of faint screams when solely in Marcy’s presence.

Marcie needs to be rehomed because her previous Keeper is moving into her daughter’s home for nursing care (cancer), and her daughter will not allow her to bring Marcie along. We are fostering Marcie until she finds her next Keeper.  

Marcie likes to watch disturbing, dark movies. In addition, she likes to dabble in the dark arts. Please allow her to help you with dark magick. Allow her to witness your rituals and spell-casting. For other offerings, she likes Angel food cake, strawberries, iced tea, mud pies, eggs, pine nuts, black feathers, safety pins, and anything red.  

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