Angel Spirits Looking for a Keeper! Remote Bridging
These angels! They are not just offering you a portal to them. They are offering to be bridged to an item so that they can become a part of your family!
Each of these angels wishes to have a keeper for the rest of their keeper's lifetime. At that time, they will get back to business as usual. In the meantime, they are always learning and researching, so they wish to have their presence known and accepted by a person or a family so that they can get more one-on-one experience with learning the ways of humans while being upfront about it.
It becomes daunting for them when they have to be lowkey when they come to earth to learn more about us. If they can be bridged to someone or to something they own so that their existence is not a secret, they can learn a lot more information in a shorter period of time.
What they offer in return varies by each of the angel choices. Please read about each one below. What is typed is all the information we have on each one of them, or we would give you more. Angels are not exactly an open book just for the asking. They prefer to ask the questions!
But first, a quick explanation on the difference between a binding and a bridging. A binding is just how it sounds. The spirit is bound to an object or to a person, meaning they cannot leave their vessel at any time nor can they be released from the keeper or the family home until and unless the keeper allows it to happen either by using their own spell for unbinding or by hiring a witch to do it for them. Binding is actually NOT what we do, but we use the term because that's what people know, or think they know. It is the word that the industry uses, but it is not accurate when it comes to what we do.
We only bridge spirits. We never bind, because it is unfair and usually against a spirit's will to be bound to something or to someone. The bridging of the spirit allows us to guide the spirit to the vessel astrally, and help to make a bond between the spirit and the object or the person. We perform a ceremony that is much like a wedding, almost, but not quite. The ceremony simply allows for the spirit to attach to the vessel and allows the person who owns that vessel to become his or her keeper. The spirit may leave the vessel at any time, if he or she wishes, but for the most part, they will want to be with their keeper.
We will not change our verbiage on other listings because we are afraid if we don't use the word binding that no one will find our listings for bridging a spirit, but you will start to hear us refer to bridging spirits to you or to your object more often than not in the future. One of our spirits pointed out that it is demeaning to say that we are binding them to anything, and we agree.
Current angel choices may change as some are adopted and hopefully new ones come around asking to be bridged to a keeper.
Angel spirits do not need to be pre-qualified, as they wish to be bridged to the first person who adopts them regardless of their living situation, marital status, geographical location, blood type, etc. They want a "random" experience, to make their education authentic. They fear nothing and no one, so it does not matter what other spirits you have in your keep, what your practices are at home with or without witchcraft, or what kind of demons may have lurked around in your home in the past. They wish only for a real experience in a human's home.
The only thing we will need from you is to know your location at the time of your order and to see a photo of the vessel we are to bridge your angel to, whether it be to your person or to an object you own. If using an object, please leave the object out in the open somewhere once you send the photo to us by email. We will let you know when the bridging is complete. If bridging to you rather than to an object, we will need to know when you can be expected to have a resting heart rate. Give us a window of time and a few choices in case Mya and Meta are already booked during your windows.
Shyla, pronounced Shy Luh:
She is an angel of beauty. Everything she touches becomes more beautiful. She has even changed people who were ugly on the inside (mean-spirited, having evil thoughts, etc.) to sweet, loving and caring people. She has helped many families have a more harmonious atmosphere in their home.
Christimy, pronounced Chris Timmee (accent on Chris):
Helps her keeper become more in tune with his or her intuition. She says she is just one of many of the Intuition Angels. You will find yourself able to size people up more than ever, and you will become more and more accurate. She says the more she works on you, the better you will get. Before you know it, you will be able to look at a person and before they even speak, and you will know if they are married, have kids, what they do for a living, what kind of dark secrets they might have, what kind of food they like to eat, what their sexual fantasies might be, and the sky is the limit!
Zayne is a great choice for either a woman or a man, because he has something to offer everyone. He says he is one of the Ambi Angels. He says Ambi stands for ambidextrous. He can do many things at once, and he can fulfill many dreams for everyone in your family, with or without their knowledge. He will only help you with things he feels you need assistance with, and only if you give him permission, but he will help your family members with things with or without their permission, as long as you request it of him or give him the OK to do what he feels needs to be done.
Fossa, pronounced Foss Uh:
If you are in poor health, a family member is in need of help with their health, or you just want to stay in good health, Fosha is your Nurse Angel. She says her species of angel is in the most abundance, but there are 1,000 times more people on earth than there are Nurse Angels. To have Fosha in your household will be a true blessing. She says that only about 10% of them have been given permission to be bridged to a single person or family due to the shortage of Nurse Angels.
Litta, pronounced Lit Uh:
Litta guides you out of the darkness. She is your beacon, your guiding light. She will sense when you or a family member are in need of her services, and she will pull you out of your slump. She also aides in the grieving process to help soften the blow of losing someone you love and to help you heal more rapidly from your loss.
NO ITEM IS SHIPPED TO YOU! This is a remote bridging service.