Ultimate Magick Potion - The Mother of All Potions!
This is the most powerful potion ever made in the Moondance family history in the respect that it grants a single wish for anyone and everyone who uses it. Be sure to put it to good use since it will bring just one result for you in your lifetime. The wish that you want to have granted for you can be anything that does not result in harming other people or other lives, period. (Animals, people, aliens, etc.)
Stormy initially only made a small batch of this potion to make sure people were not going to abuse it by asking for something that could not be granted without hurting others. To this date, everyone has used it in the right way, so she now generally keeps it stocked for us, in small batches. (We usually have just four to six vials in stock at any given time). The moment someone uses it in a way that harms others, she will discontinue making this formula.
Many people ask us what the difference is between the Ultimate Magick Potion and the Galactic Good Luck Potion. In our opinion, the Ultimate Magick Potion works faster for most people and works 100% of the time for all people. It takes longer for some than others, but the goal is all but guaranteed. (We can't say 100% guaranteed with any magick, because we cannot control how the end-user uses it or fails to use it).
The Galactic Good Luck Potion (GGLP) is not a wish-granting potion, but it has brought extremely good luck to people in games of chance, winning a contest, a raffle, etc., and may be used over and over again for various needs. It is not a sure-thing like the Ultimate Magick Potion, but it can be used for more than one manifestation and/or tried on more than one occasion for the same type of manifestation. In other words, if you use it because you need money to pay off your bills and you are granted a way to achieve that goal, and two years later you are in the same bind, you can use it again to help get you out of that financial situation.
With the Ultimate Magick Potion, (UMP), if you are using it to get out of debt, you should ask for every cent you might need in order to stay debt-free for the rest of your life, because you can only use it until you get what it is you are asking for, so you can't use it again to ask for more money later, and you can't also use it to help you find love, peace, friendship, better health, etc.
What most people do is purchase the Ultimate Magick Potion for something they really need because it is almost guaranteed to happen for them, and the Galactic Good Luck Potion for everything else, since it may be used as many times as you care to use it and for many different goals. Some people purchase both and start to use the Galactic Good Luck Potion right away for the things they want that are not necessarily urgent or a matter of life and death, and hold onto the Ultimate Magick Potion for something that might come up down the road that they will need a stronger potion for in order to make sure they get the results they must have for that particular situation.
The two potions together make a great duo to keep on hand, but only use one at a time. If you have dabbed the Galactic Good Luck Potion for something on Tuesday and you continue to use it daily until you receive your wish, which we will say, for examples sake, that you get that wish the following Tuesday, discontinue use of the GGLP beginning on the Wednesday after you receive your wish, and start using your UMP on Thursday to make a new request. Alternatively, if you decide to use your UMP first, continue using it daily until your wish is granted, and wait one day before starting to use the GGLP to request a new wish be granted. The gods and goddesses that work with us on this quest do not like greed. If you attempt to use both potions on the same day at any given time for one or more wishes or manifestations, neither potion will work.
Note that if you start to use your UMP first, and you use it for a week or so but you do not get your results right away, you may discontinue use and go back to it later. To be clear, the rule on this potion is not that you can only use it once in your lifetime. It cannot be used to have a second wish granted. So if you do not get your wish granted right away and you want to try it again in a few months or even years later, you have not burned your one use because you tried it out for a week previously. One "use" means one WIN, in this case. You may also use it for a different reason down the line if the potion has not granted your wish the first time you used it. A few people were confused about this because they thought that once they started dabbing the UMP, they had to stick with it until their wish was granted, and could not try something different in the meantime. You just can't use it in conjunction with the GGLP, and it won't work if the UMP brings you what you have asked for and you try to use it again for something else. If you discontinue use after a week, a month, or even a year and you have not been granted your wish, you are free to try it out again at any time. (A year is extreme, by the way. We don't know of any instances when it took nearly that long to work).
People often ask us which potion is the better one to order, and we cannot answer that because it depends on your needs. This is how I (Sonya) try to explain it in an email response:
In Summary:
The Galactic Good Luck Potion allows you to ask for as many things as you would like, and you may use it as often as you like, but if the gods and goddesses see that something you ask for would bring you more turmoil than joy down the road, they may not allow the potion to work in your favor.
Bottle design may vary.
As with all of our products and services, it is a requirement for you to read our TOS before making each and every purchase, as you are dealing with extremely powerful energy when you order spells, potions, or even readings. We have disclaimers and warning so we can't be held liable for anything that happens when you order our products and services, but most importantly, the information is there as a safeguard for you so that you will know exactly what you are getting into when you purchase from us. By purchasing this product or service, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our TOS.
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If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact us.
Blessed be!
April Saybar.
Operations Manager
(You must be a verified customer to be able to join our private group). You will be able to discuss your results and experiences with our other customers and clients!
I had all bad luck and now I have good luck everywhere I go since I got this rollon and started using it. I’ll keep buying it. I’m amazed and at a loss for words.
I didn't believe in magic(k) but my girlfriend is heavy into this stuff and she got me this as a Christmas gift. I gracefully accepted the gift but didn't expect anything to happen if I used it. I was adamant about using it though daily just to prove a point to her - not expecting anything to happen. Then I was approached by a recruiter out of the blue about a position I applied for over a year ago. I wasn't qualified but was hoping for OJT. I forgot I even applied for the job. I found the original listing for it on Indeed and it was advertised as paying up to $85k a year depending on experience. I interviewed for the job last Friday. Today they offered me $100k if I could start right away. Coincidence maybe but nobody offers that much more money for a job than what they posted it for. He didn't even ask me my salary requirements. He should have assumed I'd be up for the 85 since that's what they were offering when they placed the ad. And they know I need to learn their system that they use because I know older programming than what they use now. (I'm a programmer) So there will be at least six months of learning but they're paying me the whole while. I start Monday. I am ordering more of this today to seal the deal. I won't leave home without it now!
I had all bad luck and now I have good luck everywhere I go since I got this rollon and started using it. I’ll keep buying it. I’m amazed and at a loss for words.
I didn't believe in magic(k) but my girlfriend is heavy into this stuff and she got me this as a Christmas gift. I gracefully accepted the gift but didn't expect anything to happen if I used it. I was adamant about using it though daily just to prove a point to her - not expecting anything to happen. Then I was approached by a recruiter out of the blue about a position I applied for over a year ago. I wasn't qualified but was hoping for OJT. I forgot I even applied for the job. I found the original listing for it on Indeed and it was advertised as paying up to $85k a year depending on experience. I interviewed for the job last Friday. Today they offered me $100k if I could start right away. Coincidence maybe but nobody offers that much more money for a job than what they posted it for. He didn't even ask me my salary requirements. He should have assumed I'd be up for the 85 since that's what they were offering when they placed the ad. And they know I need to learn their system that they use because I know older programming than what they use now. (I'm a programmer) So there will be at least six months of learning but they're paying me the whole while. I start Monday. I am ordering more of this today to seal the deal. I won't leave home without it now!
I had all bad luck and now I have good luck everywhere I go since I got this rollon and started using it. I’ll keep buying it. I’m amazed and at a loss for words.
I didn't believe in magic(k) but my girlfriend is heavy into this stuff and she got me this as a Christmas gift. I gracefully accepted the gift but didn't expect anything to happen if I used it. I was adamant about using it though daily just to prove a point to her - not expecting anything to happen. Then I was approached by a recruiter out of the blue about a position I applied for over a year ago. I wasn't qualified but was hoping for OJT. I forgot I even applied for the job. I found the original listing for it on Indeed and it was advertised as paying up to $85k a year depending on experience. I interviewed for the job last Friday. Today they offered me $100k if I could start right away. Coincidence maybe but nobody offers that much more money for a job than what they posted it for. He didn't even ask me my salary requirements. He should have assumed I'd be up for the 85 since that's what they were offering when they placed the ad. And they know I need to learn their system that they use because I know older programming than what they use now. (I'm a programmer) So there will be at least six months of learning but they're paying me the whole while. I start Monday. I am ordering more of this today to seal the deal. I won't leave home without it now!