X - ADOPTED - X Sangria - Arcturian Starseed Spirit - Draws Money & Intuition
Sangria is another androgynous Arcturian Starseed Spirit. He identifies as both male and female, as he/she possesses attributes of both sexes, but most refer to him as male, and he is fine with this.
He helps people attract abundance, and helps them with their intuition. This serves his Keeper as well as him, because he wants his Keeper to be on their toes and to be prepared with certain things involving his mission. It sounds complicated, but it's really not, he says.
In his life on Earth acting the role of a human being, he was born in Northern California to a woman who became pregnant with him when she was 48 years old. This caused complications for her all throughout her pregnancy, and she died giving birth to Sangria. The father was a much younger man who was married to someone else. She never told him she was pregnant, and he never realized he had a child. Sangria was raised by the woman's brother and his wife, Dominic and Maria.
When Sangria was 5 years old, he began to experience his "knowing". It occurred to him at this young age that he was a starseed, and that he had a mission. All the memories of entering the embryo that his mother carried came rushing back to him. He was suddenly a five year old child with an adult understanding of why he was there. He also saw in a vision that his birth mother passed, and that his parents who were raising him were actually his aunt and uncle. He asked Dominic and Maria if he should continue to call them Mom and Dad, or Aunt Maria and Uncle Dominic. This shocked them, as they didn't think he could have been told of this saga by anyone. He was only 5, and hadn't even started school yet. He was never out of their sight, so who told him this? Maria asked him why he was asking this question, rather than giving him an answer. He said "because my mother died giving birth to me, and now you are raising me". Maria asked him how he knew this, and he said, quite matter-of-factly, "because I am a Starseed from Arcturus". Dominic had heard of starseeds, but Maria had no clue what he was talking about, so Dominic gathered some information on it and shared it with Maria.
This broke the vow of silence that the Arcturians agreed upon before incarnating into human form, but Dominic and Maria never told a soul. They knew that Sangria would become a science project if anything ever got out about this. They instilled in Sangria at the young age of five that he was never to speak of this again except for in their own home, and when no one was there except for the three of them. Sangria complied.
Incidentally, Sangria was the name of their dog. It was not the name given to him at birth. When asked what his name was before he started going by Sangria, there was silence. This is common when identifying as the person they were in a previous life was painful, so we did not press the issue.
Sangria is a planner. He likes to plan things out in advance so that everything goes the right way. His mind works differently than it does for most. You might feel as if you are running in circles at times, but in actuality, he is helping to create events for you that will lead up to something good. If you ever find yourself doing something mundane or seemingly insignificant and you're not sure why you are doing it, it is likely to be because Sangria put the idea into your head, and it is very significant to him. Either something that will help him help you in some way with the things you want and need, or to help beat the Reptilians at their game, which still helps his keeper as well as humanity, in general, in the long run.
Sangria's favorite offerings are pistachios, peanuts, apricots, salmon, crackers, string beans, anything in bright colors, anything that lights up, and heart-shaped things. Secondary to those things he likes taking walks with his keeper and listening to whatever music it is that his keeper listens to. He hears what is in your head and whatever goes through your ears, so you can wear ear buds and walk with him in a backpack, and he is happy. He also likes to look at funny memes online.