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Terms of Service - Must Read Before Each Purchase!

You MUST read our Terms of Service (TOS) before making a purchase from this store. Making a purchase indicates that you have read and agree to our terms, and that you are at least 18 years of age. 

You have two jobs before you place an order with us, and that is to read the TOS, and to thoroughly read the listing descriptions of the items or services you are purchasing. We are not responsible for anything you choose not to read and/or follow through with on your end. 

NOTICE: We are not psychiatrists, therapists, or counselors, so please do not come to us for services we are not qualified to provide. Any emails or messages sent to us indicating you are on the verge of harming yourself or others is promptly reported to the appropriate authorities so that proper help may be provided. It is our duty to report such messages.

In addition, we are way too busy to teach anyone how to become a spirit keeper. Please take it upon yourself to self-educate as much as possible if you do not find your answers below. Thank you!

 If you are not considering adopting a spirit, please jump down to "OTHER TERMS OF SERVICE" in the next paragraph you come to with the title typed in

 Huge Pink Letters!

You cannot miss it



If our Terms of Service, especially regarding spirit adoption, seem harsh to you, we apologize. You have no idea how many people don't understand how to treat spirits, how magik works, how to read listing descriptions IN FULL, or how it's not our fault if the post loses a package, so we have to get straight to the point on key topics, and we are touching on every possible topic we can think of that we seem to have to repeat a lot in response to emails.

These TOS have been added to and modified over the years each time something new has arisen or has not been understood by someone. We know this page is quite lengthy, but with limited staff to answer emails, it is much easier for us to write your answers one time and to keep them in one place where we can refer all of you to them than it is for us to keep answering the same questions over and over again.

You would have to read something whether you read it here or in an email response anyway, so please help us to help you by freeing up some of our time so we can render your services to you efficiently. Thank you!

Spirit Adoption:


If we get the impression that you have not read this section before inquiring about a spirit based on your verbiage and questions, one of three things will happen:

  1. You will be referred back to this page to read it.
  2. Your email will simply be ignored (because we are EXTREMELY BUSY and don't have time to reinvent the wheel several times a day).
  3. Your request will be denied.

Our spirits always come first. They are welcome to stay with us as long as they need to, but they will not be adopted out to someone who does not consider their welfare and well-being first and foremost, just as we all should be doing with our own children.

We will need to know a few things about you before we you can adopt spirits from us. You might think this is ridiculous, and that's OK for you to feel that way. There are plenty of other spirit adoption agencies out there who won't ensure their spirits are placed with families properly, and those spirits will likely leave their vessel PDQ upon arrival.

We place our spirits with people that the spirits approve of only, and we have a reputation to keep in the spirit world. If too many spirits end up with people they can't coexist with, or they have poor living conditions, they get little to no attention from their keeper(s), or if there are other issues they were not privy to due to not being able to read their keeper and remotely view their new home, they will leave their vessel whether they are attached to a doll we sent you, to an item we bridged them to, or if they are bridged to your person. If this happens, they will often come back to us and ask us to try again. Others leave their vessels and wander out on their own looking for a new keeper or a new vessel, because they lose faith in our ability to match them up with a proper keeper. 

We could "sell dolls" all day long if that's what we were here to do, but we are here for the spirits, not for the sales. Spirit adoptions are not what keep the lights on here. If we chose to simply ship spirits out to just anyone who pays the adoption fees, we wouldn't have over 1,000 and sometimes up to 3,000 spirits with us at all times. We'd just keep sending them out the door rapidly without learning more about the new spirit keepers or without allowing the spirit to read them. It will never be that way with us, so if you want a spirit to keep that wants to be with you, as well, and won't leave as soon as they get to your home, please send the following to us via email. Thank you, in advance, for your understanding.

  • Your name & household status. (Who else lives with you).
  • Something about you – like what you do for a living or your hobbies.
  • Tell us what type of spirit you'd like to adopt. (Lightworker, a gray spirit, a dark spirit, a young spirit, an old spirit, a mystical spirit such as a fairy or a troll, a witch spirit, a manifestation spirit, a healing spirit, etc.) If you are inquiring about a specific spirit on our site, you do not need to answer this question. We will only need to know which spirit you are asking about.
  • Do you already have spirits living with you?
  • What is your level of expertise (beginner, intermediate, professional)?
  • How long have you been a spirit keeper?
  • Please send a photo of yourself. A selfie is fine, as long as filters are not used. Spirits will need a clear shot of your eyes so they can read you to get a visual of you, which will allow them to also see your home, anyone living with you, if applicable, your climate, your neighbors, and anything else that might be important to them. This way spirit can give their approval (or will decline if they do not feel drawn to you or if something else is not suitable to them). This is to your advantage, as well as spirit’s. You wouldn't want spirit to leave their vessel if they arrive and they are not happy with their new home, with the people or other spirits living in the home, or with you. It is better to be paired with a spirit who feels as drawn to you as you do to them.
  • If you would like the spirit to be bridged to an object you have in your possession rather than us shipping them attached to the doll or other object they are currently attached to, please send us a photo of that item you'd like them to be bridged to. If we will be bridging the spirit to you, the photo you send us of yourself as explained in the paragraph above will suffice. If the spirit approves of the adoption to be bridged to an item, please be sure to leave that item out in the open somewhere rather than in a closet or a drawer. It will make the bridging ceremony go more smoothly for Meta or Mya.

Please do not go straight to “buying” (adopting) without submitting this introduction! You would not send your children to a new babysitter without knowing something about them. We feel no differently about our spirits.

On the other hand, do not send your picture and answers to questions from above if you are not ready to adopt the spirit in which you are inquiring, if you are inquiring about a specific spirit you see on our site. The spirit may get excited about the idea of you adopting them when they are asked to look at your photo. When they say “Yes, I want to go with that person or with that family” and then you say, “Okay, well I’ll let you know" or "I don't get paid for two weeks so I'll be in touch", or you simply do not reply at all or adopt the spirit, we then have to tell the spirit that you were just a "tire kicker" and that you may or may not end up adopting them. Do you know how hard that is for us to do? Do you have any idea how that makes them feel? Spirits are not to be treated like cars you are shopping for! They are welcome to stay here with us as long as they wish, but when they think they are going somewhere, it is really hard on them when we have to tell them “False Alarm”. This never makes spirits happy, and we feel no better than they do when our spirits' feelings are hurt. If you inquire about a spirit and submit your information and photo for approval and the spirit does approve of the adoption, it is expected that you will complete your adoption transaction within 24 hours of hearing from us that you were approved. It this does not happen, you will be banned from adopting spirits from us in the future. Please be considerate of all spirits' feelings!


We and the spirits have been burnt too many times, so we no longer hold spirits for people we do not know well. The biggest issue is that the spirit loses out. The scenario goes something like this: We hold the spirit for you “till you get paid on Friday”, then someone else wants to adopt the same spirit and we tell them, sorry, there is a pending adoption. Friday rolls around and you either don’t respond to our messages or you simply don’t/can’t pay the adoption fee. We then offer the spirit back to the other person who wanted them, but that person already went elsewhere and found another one to adopt. This happened way too many times in our first year with an online presence. It won’t happen again. Our spirits mean more to us than anything or anyone.

Now it is time to be completely BLUNT! Spirit-keeping is a lifetime commitment. You would not adopt a child and take him back after a few weeks because it is too inconvenient, he is cramping your style, or you find it to be too much work, would you? Adopting a spirit is no different.  Period.

If you have no experience with spirits, we strongly recommend you do some research before adopting. We will send along a general guideline with your first spirit (upon request), but it is ultimately up to you to research and learn all you can before you adopt. Again, this is not much different from having children, as the hospital staff is not going to teach you how to be a parent before you leave the hospital with your baby.

We do not recommend the adoption of a spirit for anyone who is adopting solely for the aspect of entertaining friends and family. This is not fair to the spirit, as this is not the reason they wanted to be adopted. They generally want to be with people or families with like interests, sometimes specifically with or without children, other spirits, or pets in the household (they will indicate their preferences to us, if they have any, and this will be noted in the listing). They occasionally only want to be adopted by people who have experienced some of the same experiences as they have. (Just one more reason we require pre-qualification). They are more willing to communicate with people who have their best interests at heart, and they are less likely to communicate and make things “happen” around you if you are strictly trying to put on a show for people. This will annoy the “?*#!” out of them, and they will most often not comply! In addition, they will almost always leave you permanently if they feel they are there strictly to serve you or to be your circus freak for entertainment.

If they do comply with your request to entertain your friends and family, they are extremely likely to jump ship soon after. (Leave the vessel you purchased, leave your home, and find another item to attach to or come back to us).  They have been known to also do this if you do not tell the full truth about yourself or your living situation. For example, if a spirit asks to go to a home with females only because she has been abused by a man in her previous life, she will most definitely leave the vessel if she arrives at your home and finds she will be living with a man in the house. We tell you specifically in every case if there are special requirements or needs of the spirit. It is up to you to be truthful and comply with the spirit’s wishes, or risk the spirit leaving the vessel upon arrival to your home.

A spirit will also leave their vessel if they are adopted under false pretenses. For example, we had to ban a customer from adopting spirits after they inquired about a spirit, got approved by the spirit, and did not complete the transaction. In fact, they didn't even respond to our emails. A year later, they came to our site and signed up for a new account under a fake name, or possibly under the name of a friend. They sent us bogus information and a fake photo (or photo of a friend). The spirit approved, so the transaction went through. The same day the spirit arrived at their new home, the spirit knew right away that the person they read and approved to adopt them was not the person they were living with. The spirit came back to us and told us the person's real name, so we knew right away who it was. It was the same person we banned from our shop a year prior. 

Treat your Spirit the way you’d want to be treated if you were just adopted!

Would you want your new parents to be asking you to do Magickal things for them as soon as you arrive home for the first time? Imagine you’re 12 years old and just left the orphanage to live with new parents you never met before. They pick you up and take you home and right away they say they want their health issues to disappear overnight and you’re the one who has to make that happen. That wouldn’t be a very warm welcome, would it? Remember that they want to be adopted to be loved and cherished just like a child wants to feel when you adopt him from an orphanage. If you get them home and right away want to know why they’re not talking to you or why they’re not bringing you a million dollars on day five of living there, the Spirit will sense that they are only with you so you can use them for their gifts and they are very likely to leave their vessel.

Give them time to settle in. Allow them to size you up and get to know you by YOU TALKING TO THEM for the first few weeks before you expect them to communicate back. Even when new spirits come here where there are several psychic mediums who have been Spirit keeping and communicating with Spirit for decades, spirits can be shy and take a while to communicate back to us. If you’re not a medium, it could take months or even years before you hear or see your spirits. Much has to do with your ability to be open to their communication. We do offer a third eye spell which helps you communicate with spirit easier and quicker than you would without having the spell cast, if you are not already clairaudient or clairvoyant.

If a spirit is returned for personal reasons, there will be a 20% restocking fee for the mess we will have to clean up when they come back to us, and you will be unable to adopt from our agency again. Again, you would not return a child to an orphanage, (we would hope), so if you are not responsible enough to stick with your decision to adopt a spirit, we will not consider you for further adoptions. Period.

Please be politically correct in how you refer to spirit or when you are communicating with them, just as you expect for yourself and your family. We have SPIRITS that are attached to items, or they want to be attached to something in your home so they can be with a family or a person they resonate with. Spirits are not DOLLS or STATUES (or other "items"). You wouldn't want people to call you a meat suit, so please understand they do not want to be called or referred to as dolls, rocks, statues, or whatever it is that becomes their vessel.

They are also not "vessels". The vessel is simply the item they attach to so that they can relate to you and have an object for you to look at when communicating with them. It is not THEM. They are not the doll or any other object they are attached to. They simply use the vessel so you have something to carry around with you and to look at when you want to talk to them, assuming that you cannot see them. If you are clairvoyant, you don't need a vessel at all, and neither does the spirit. It is recommended that you have the spirit bridged to you or to your home if you are already in tune with your gift of clairvoyance. When you refer to your spirit as a doll or other object, it makes most of them feel very inferior and sad that you look at them as objects rather than the living spirits that they are.  

Bridging and Binding are not the same! Binding means that the spirit is (or will be) forcefully bound to an item, and we don't do that. You might see the term used on our website, but that's only to get the attention of the plethora of people who will type "spirit binding" as a search term on our website. Most people address it incorrectly, unless they are truly interested in a spirit who is forcefully bound to an item, and if that's the case, they're the clients we do not want.

Bridging just means that we assist the spirit in finding you, our client, and we help them attach to the vessel you chose for him or her. They are not forced, and if they wind up being unhappy with their living conditions, people in the home, or anything that stresses them, they can and will leave their vessel and move on. Bridging spirits is all we will do. We will not bind a spirit to anyone or anything, as that is like imprisoning them against their will. When we bridge a spirit to you or to your item, there will not be anything shipped to you. This is why there are no shipping charges for bridging a spirit. If you do not understand what bridging means after reading this, please Google for more information.

If you are adopting a spirit that is already attached to an item but you want them bridged to something else that you have in your possession, please ask us to remove the shipping charges BEFORE you complete your transaction.     


We do not BARGAIN or BARTER when it comes to our spirits. They are not cars! They are not merchandise of any kind. We pay a price for them when they come to us by wheeler/dealers trying to cash in, or when we are called out to collect them from someone’s home, because that’s what the sellers require of us...PAYMENT. We then become their foster home for a period of time until we find suitable homes for them. Some stay with us indefinitely. Others may only be with us a week. Still others are with us for months or years before we are able to match them up appropriately. While we have them, they are given their offerings, worked with constantly, and kept as happy as they can be until they are placed with people that suit them better. If you see us running a sale on spirit adoption fees, it is only because there are spirits that have been with us for a long time and are starting to get depressed about not being placed, or because we are out of room (again). We have already added two more buildings to house our spirited items over the past few years.

Most of them are not challenged enough to stay with us indefinitely because they want to help people who need help that we do not need. Most people who have kittens or mixed breed puppies for sale only charge something for them because they don’t want them getting into the wrong hands. The concept is similar. In any event, we barely profit. We have to make it worth our time, but we’re not exactly living large “flipping spirits”. Someone asked us once why we have not put a spirit on sale if they are such a PITA or if they are so evil. We did not justify them with a response, but the truth is, we took on a responsibility with every single spirit in our possession, and we intend to adopt them out the right way, even if they are a dark entity.

To attempt to barter on them is an insult to the spirit. If you don’t like the prices you see, move on to something else please. 

Allowing them to go to someone who was simply looking for a bargain is not doing them a favor, and it’s not right. Most people simply looking for a bargain are simply looking for a means to USE a spirit or they’re looking for cheap entertainment. They do not have the spirit’s best interests at heart, or the price dropping by ten bucks won’t make a difference.

Please always remember you are ADOPTING A SPIRIT, NOT BUYING A DOLL! 



When it comes to communicating with your spirit, this is something that will happen the way your spirit feels you will best understand him or her. The way one particular spirit might communicate with me is often different from how they will communicate with Stormy and they may communicate even differently with a third person, such as Stormy’s husband or a member of our coven. Much depends on how YOU generally open up to spirit, but a lot also has to do with your chemistry with the particular spirit involved.

For example, I most often communicate best via mind messages with spirit, but occasionally, one will communicate with me by voicing their thoughts out loud instead of sending their thoughts to my mind. This same spirit might communicate with Stormy via pictures sent to her mind to tell a story, even though Stormy normally hears spirit voices out loud. So there is no telling how each spirit will communicate with each person, on any given day. We get asked a lot how the spirit is going to communicate with them, and the answer is, we do not know! It will depend on several factors, and it could change from one day to the next.

We cannot answer questions like, “Do they communicate via pendulum”, “Do they talk through a spirit box”, or “Do they register on an EMF meter”, because we do not use any of those items here. We do not need to. 

Spirits adapt to YOUR language. They read your thoughts and they understand everything you are saying whether you speak the same language they did when they were alive or not. Even if your speech is impaired, they will understand you because they focus on your thoughts more than your words.

If you are not communicating with your spirit at all, you might want to start out by communicating through a pendulum to see if you can get “yes/no” answers for starters. We usually have some available in our shop. Once you have mastered that with them, further communication is usually easily achieved.

If you’re not an avid spirit communicator yet, you will be if you are patient enough. You need to give it time and you need to practice. You don’t have to be a highly sensitive person for this to work for you. You need to develop a relationship with your spirit, and the rest will come. Talk with him or her. Include them in your life. Sit them at the dinner table with you for meals. Meditate with them. There are all kinds of ways to bond with your spirit.

Spirits like gifts! They like to be given offerings as a show of your affection. We always try to find out what each spirit likes as an offering before we send them off to their forever homes. This can be anything from a particular food, a specific flower, a favorite color, a type of music, or even a particular scent. If we are able to obtain this information from a spirit before we send them to their forever home, we will pass it on to their new family, of course. If the item or items are something tangible and non-perishable that we have on hand, we will send a small sample of the item(s) along with them in addition to telling you what it is that they like. If we are not able to find out what they like as offerings, nothing will be listed, and it will be up to you to figure out what they would enjoy. It is rare that this happens, however.

Anytime you would like your spirit to come with you somewhere, but you do not want to carry their large vessel around, just ask them to follow you. If they like where you're heading, or they just want to be with you, they will comply. There are very few things you could ask most spirits to do for you that they would not comply. They are with you to make you happy and to hopefully get some love and compassion in return.

At some point after you adopt your spirit(s), their listing(s) will be moved from the categories they were listed into this category. (Sold out or adopted is how it reads in the main menu). Any one-of-a-kind items and all spirits go into this category after they are gone because we don't want to clutter up our website with items or spirits that are no longer available. When you're shopping on a website, you don't like to see a lot of things you can't buy, right? But this allows you to 1. Post a review for your purchase, and 2. Read their bios anytime you wish.

You can also find your adopted spirit on our site anytime you wish just by searching his or her name into the search bar. 





For all customers to read regardless of which products or services you are purchasing:



Everyone realizes their goals and receives their magick differently. While a spell or a potion may work immediately for some, it can take longer for others. Much goes into this equation, depending on the exact spell, potion, or other service.

Patience and faith are KEY. This goes for whether you purchase a spell to be cast for you, a portal to a god or goddess, a spirit that helps with something you need, a potion, or anything in this shop that was purchased to aid you in some way. Much depends on you, your patience, your feelings and your belief in magick and the gods and goddesses. If you're a Doubting Thomas and someone convinced you to make your purchase but you just "know" it is not going to work for you, it probably won't. Our feelings carry an enormous amount of power through their energy. What you put out into the world is what you can expect to get back. Period.

Please do not ask for a discount on readings or spells. When you are receiving a TRUE reading from a REAL psychic medium, you are not just getting a generic report that is handed out to everyone who purchases the reading. If that’s what you’re looking for, there are some frauds on Etsy selling readings for $5. Be aware that you get what you pay for. No one who does true readings can afford to offer such services for the price of a coffee.

A lot of energy and time goes into each and every reading, and you are given a very detailed report of Meta's or Mya’s findings. It takes HOURS for some readings to be completed from start to finish, and usually at least another half hour for the reading to be typed up into a document for you. There are often things that interfere with a reading so it will have to be attempted two or three times before it comes in clearly, along with several other possible hurdles. Readings can be VERY DRAINING for the reader. You wouldn’t expect a doctor to donate their time to you and you wouldn’t generously give your time to your employer at a discount just because you like them.

Even the reading to determine if you are cursed or hexed is time-consuming and draining. It does not take nearly the time of other readings, which is why we charge a lot less, but it is draining and can wreak havoc on our energy...especially if we feels a curse when we focus on you. We will actually feel the curse as if we have been cursed, and that is not fun for an intuitive psychic!

The same applies for spells. Spell-casting is extremely draining and time-consuming, as well. Stormy casts only three spells per night most nights because more would likely cause a migraine headache for her. She often has to stop at two, if they are very detailed spells. Each of her rituals takes at least two hours; bur many are three or four hours long. She does not simply wave a wand and exclaim "Hocus pocus"! You will, on occasion, see a sale or receive a discount coupon, but that is simply because we like to participate in events such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and other occasions. A discount coupon is often given as a gift for our loyal, repeat customers, as well, at our discretion.

Meta, Mya and Stormy are in high demand for the services of their gifts. They are both usually booked several weeks out. You wouldn't work overtime to get half the pay instead of time and a please respect the work these ladies do, and please do not insult them by asking them to do it cheaper. They don't get that overtime pay for working their tails off like most people do.

Please note that when a service is provided, it is marked as "fulfilled" in our system, and an automated email goes out to you telling you that the order was filled. You may or may not receive any further correspondence from us, depending on our workload. We all work long hours and generally only take one full day off each week just to keep up with shipping orders, taking care of our spirits in our foster care, and keeping up with all the other work we have to stay afloat. This is why we have an automated email system in place to alert you when a reading has been done so that you know you can soon expect the typed report to be emailed to you, that a bridging is complete so you know that the spirit or portal is with you, a spell has been cast, and so on. We cannot always take the time out to also send you a personal email to let you know that your service was rendered. While we do take pride in providing individual attention to each one of you as much as possible, we have to have SOME automation to our organization or none of us will get any time at home with our loved ones. Thank you for understanding.

April Bortner Saybar
Operations Manager




When we tell you that you are scheduled for Meta, Mya, or Stormy to provide your service for you at a specific date and time, please note that this is always a "penciled in" appointment.

We occasionally have cancellations or postponed appointments by the clients. In this case, all appointments might be moved up, or Meta, Mya or Stormy will just take that extra time to relax if they feel the need. There are often many urgent matters that arise. When someone comes to us who is cursed or has demon attachment, these matters will always be taken care of immediately, and all other appointments are pushed back. Sometimes these are easy fixes for the client, and sometimes it can take two or three days to banish a coven of demons from someone's home. Depending on the curse or the demon infestation, it may take Meta, Mya and Stormy to combat the issue. We try to contact everyone it affects when there will be delays, but that's not always possible. If you do not receive notification that your service has been rendered or a report (in the case of a reading) when you are scheduled to receive it, please be patient with us. If you were the one who was cursed or had negative entities roaming around in your home, you'd want to be taken care of first, as well, just as you'd expect to be taken back to a patient room before someone with a backache from the emergency room if you were bleeding to death or having a heart attack. Thank you for your understanding.

It is best to contact us by email rather than through Etsy messaging or any other messaging platforms:

We have had issues with messages going to Etsy spam folder and since we rarely use a PC, we do not have access to that spam folder. (It is not included in the Etsy seller’s app for our business phone or iPad). We won't know you are even trying to reach us if your message goes to our Etsy spam folder. We do have access to our business email spam folder on all apps, so we check that folder regularly to ensure we are getting all of your messages.

Stormy does not do email, texting, messaging, Facebook, or any other electronic form of communication. She does not even use her cell phone except for emergencies, because she avoids artificial EMFs as much as possible. They can interfere with her gifts and her ability to communicate thoroughly with natural forms of EMFs, such as spirits. Instead, we print all messages out for her and give them to her to read. She replies via written notes to us to transfer into an email back to you. I (April), even handle her postings on Facebook for her most of the time. She tells me what to post and how to respond to people. Once every few months when she has a night off, she will check in on Facebook to say hi to everyone, but that's pretty much the extent of her use of electronics. Meta and Mya also not do much in the way of electronic communication, but they will engage on occasion for some of their long-term clients and friends, or in urgent situations for a client. 

Most spells and readings require that you send us specific information that we will need in order to complete your order. It is up to you to read the entire listing in full to know what information it is that we need from you, and to send that information to us. We do not have time to chase people down to ask them to help us to help them. All you have to do is read the listing and submit the info we need AFTER you make a purchase for a spell or a reading, or any other custom or tailored product or service.

You must be an adult 18 years of age or older to purchase any spells, magickal items, spirit vessels, bindings, portals, readings, serums, elixirs or potions from this shop. (Includes all paranormal and magickal items).

No spells are guaranteed to work 100% or to be 100% effective, since we cannot control how you participate or fail to participate. Example: If you have a love spell cast for you, Stormy can give you the mojo to attract a proper lover or even someone you would be compatible with as a life partner, but if you don't have your eyes open to notice when someone is noticing you, nothing Stormy does can help you. You also have to follow any instructions given for keeping some spells charged.

Spells are also likely to fail if you have been cursed. It is advised to purchase the reading to ensure you are not cursed before ordering any spells, as there are no refunds for spells cast if it is later determined you have been cursed. Once the reading is done, if you are found clear and free of any curses or demonic attachment, it is wise to order the protection spell before ordering any other spells. Most of the time, our findings are that our clients are not cursed, but you don't have to have enemies to be cursed. Centuries ago someone could have placed a generational curse on your entire family, trickling down to you, so anything is possible. If you do have to order curse removal or demon banishment services, a protection spell is automatically cast for you as soon as the curse or demon(s) are removed from your life.

If you suffer from any medical conditions that are not being controlled by medication or other therapies, it is also likely certain spells will not work for you, such as the fat loss spells. 

A practitioner of magick cannot cure physical ailments and diseases. If anyone tells you they can, they are telling you a story. You have the ability to help yourself with some ailments, however, through self-manifestation. 

Any props used in photos are not included unless otherwise noted!

Potions are for external use only, and should never be swallowed/ingested unless otherwise stated in the individual listing and the instructions for use!

KEEP THEM OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS, OR ANYONE WHO WOULD NOT KNOW BETTER ABOUT SWALLOWING THINGS THAT COULD BE HAZARDOUS TO THEIR HEALTH! Most all products are made with organic herbs and essential oils, but just because something is all natural doesn’t mean hey should be ingested.  

Due to supply shortages worldwide, bottles, jars, boxes, pouches, and other designs may vary from photos shown in listing for potions and other such items.

Please do not send us money through PayPal or any other platform unless you're sending us a tip and indicate as such in the notes section of your payment. If you're having trouble with checkout or you don't see what you're looking for on our website, please do not take it upon yourself to simply send us money and an email after the fact explaining what it is for. First, it drives our accountant crazy, and we can't risk losing her! She's all we can afford, and she does a magnificent job for us. That's the biggest reason, but it is also our business to run, and we would like the opportunity to decide how we handle transactions of products and services. The third reason is keeping track of our inventory. There are automated programs in place to do this for us when you check out properly. There are other issues with this, as well, so please contact us if you have a special need when it comes to paying for products and services.

ETSY, Facebook, and some other sites require us to also add the following disclaimer: “For entertainment purposes only”.

If a product is shipped to you for spell work or any other magick, please use all herbs, flowers, oils, crystals, candles, mojo bags, and any other spell-bound items from this shop responsibly! Do not attempt to hasten the results as this could give you adverse effects. Doing anything too quickly could result in your inability to stop it!

Understand in advance that if you attempt to use our products to harm anyone, it could cause a karmic result you do not want.

Do not eat or drink any of the items purchased from us unless the instructions you are given CLEARLY state that you should consume them! Some herbs, oils, and other products used can be toxic if swallowed.

We are not responsible for any harm, damages, or losses resulting from the use or misuse of items from this shop.

Purchasing an item from us signifies your acceptance of these statements and releases us from all liability.

These are the various terms of ALL of the products and services we offer. EVERYONE is referred to this page regardless of the product or service they are considering from our selling platforms. If you are considering purchasing a spell, you obviously do not have to pay any attention to the portion of this page regarding spirit vessel adoption! We know most people know this, but not all have understood it, so here we are. 🙃



Certain services are not refundable. Readings, spirit bridgings, portal bridgings, spells, demon banishment, etc. are all things that cannot be undone, or in the case of spells, they would take more work to undo than the work that was put into casting them in the first place. Because you are reading our TOS, you know that there are times when Meta, Mya and Stormy are scheduled out 3 or 4 weeks in advance. If you get antsy part of the way through the waiting period and you cannot wait that long, you will receive a refund, upon request, minus our 20% administrative fee. Other work goes into our services aside from the actual service you ordered. April's time, especially, is valuable, and we pay her to do the work she does. If the service has already been rendered, you can expect a 100% fee. (Services rendered are not refundable).

If you have had a spirit bridged to your person or to an object and you no longer wish to have the spirit bridged to you or your object, there is a service for "un-bridging" or "reverse bridging". Having a spirit bridging reversed is the same as no longer wishing to keep your adopted spirit, so if you do opt for this service, please know that you will not be able to adopt another spirit from us, ever. Again, you wouldn't adopt a child and return him or her to the orphanage. This is no different! Having a portal to a deity or other entity is not the same since it is just a communication portal and you are not actually adopting these spirits. If the entity simply does not seem to be a good fit for you, purchase this service if you'd like the portal removed, and you'll be able to continue adopting spirits and buying portals. 

Charge backs for services rendered is not recommended! This is referred to as theft of services, and it is not nice, nor is it wise, to steal from this shop.

We also will not refund any order after 90 days from the date the order was placed, regardless of whether it was a product or a service. After 90 days, the portion of your order that goes to various charities has already been submitted to these organizations, and we could not and would not take it back to refund your money.

We had a situation where someone paid the adoption fees for a spirit but asked us not to send the spirit to her until her husband left for a business trip. Most of his trips would be booked for a week at a time, so her order would arrive while he was out of town. After she made the transaction with us, she was supposed to tell us when he would be leaving for a trip, and we were to ship her order a day prior to his departure date. She expected he would be going on a trip very soon. Six months went by without any contact from her, and she was not responding to our messages. We had already made our charitable contribution from the order 3 months after the order took place so we could not refund all her money. In addition, the spirit was upset and depressed that she wasn't sent to her new keeper. After five months went by, someone else showed interest in her, so we allowed the adoption to take place. We look out for our spirits first and foremost, just as we would if we were running a foster care center for human children. If the client who initially adopted this spirit had read these TOS prior to adopting, which is a requirement before making ANY purchase from us, she might understand. (Especially if she had read the paragraph above this one). 

Some products are also not returnable or refundable. Any opened packages are not refundable or returnable. Mojo kits sent to you are tailored to work only for you after services are rendered, so therefore they are also not refundable or returnable, as they will not work for anyone else, and the materials used in them should not be recycled into another person's mojo bag. The time put into the rituals of mojo bags is also lost once a service is rendered. There are a few other items, such as special-order products that are not refundable. If in doubt, email us before purchasing.



  • The shipping prices that show on your end are not negotiable, because they are calculated by Etsy or by our shipping platform on our website. Etsy (and our website platform) knows your postal code when you are signed in and looking up the cost of shipping on an item. They show you your shipping cost based on what USPS or UPS will charge us for a postage label to ship the item to you. All we do is enter the dimensions and the weight for each item when we list it. We do not profit on shipping. What Etsy or our Website shows you as your shipping cost is what they will also charge us to print a postage label through them. This shipping cost includes insurance based on the value of the item, as well. We insure every package that leaves our facility.
  • USPS has been behind schedule for YEARS now, and even though we ship 99% of all USPS packages by Priority Mail, none of USPS’s services offer a time guarantee except for EXPRESS MAIL. We use UPS whenever possible. We ship quickly, but it’s out of our hands once a package gets dropped off at the post office or the UPS terminal. Tracking might show it is sitting at the same post office for days at a time. Again, out of our control. We are not the post office, and we cannot make them move faster than what they do or scan packages every time they are supposed to scan them to update tracking. UPS does not usually have delays in shipping and they also scan packages each time they are handled so that you will always know when you can expect the package.
  • If the tracking information online shows an item has been delivered to your home, but you do not have it, the first thing you should do is look around your home to see if the package was left somewhere other than inside your mailbox. Maybe a porch or the garage. If you still do not see it, the second thing to do would be look around on your neighbor’s porches. Thirdly, hunt down your mail carrier and ask him or her why it was scanned as delivered, but it is not in your mailbox or anywhere at your home. Package handlers and mail carriers can put something in the wrong mailbox and still scan it as delivered, which is usually the case if you don’t see it on your porch or somewhere else. If you cannot find your carrier, immediately report this to the post office. Finally, contact us when all these other things failed. We are the last people who can help you figure out why your mail carrier scanned a package as delivered but didn’t put it in your mailbox, because we are not there. You can hunt down the carrier. You can look around your house. You can ask your neighbors. WE cannot do ANY of these things. We will fill out the paperwork for an insurance claim two business days after your package was not delivered but scanned as delivered when all other steps have been taken on your end. 
  • If something arrives damaged, you MUST keep the box and all inner packaging for the USPS or UPS damage claim officer to inspect. Contact us IMMEDIATELY upon receiving your damaged package so we can put in a claim for it right away. If you wait a day or two after receiving, the claim will likely be denied because there will be no way to prove that YOU did not break the item and then decide to blame the carrier. So it is imperative that you contact us right away upon receipt of damaged item(s). We have never had to place a damage claim to date, but we know how it works.
  • We cannot give shipping quotes, but you can easily research this on your own in just minutes using our website. There are 195 countries in this world, not to mention that there are thousands of postal codes just in the United States. Shipping is calculated by the couriers we use based on distance of travel x weight x dimensions of the package. To give you a shipping quote, we would have to create a fake account for you to sign into that has your shipping address loaded to it, place the item of inquiry into a cart in your fake account, then go to checkout to see the shipping charges. If you're considering buying something from us, you'll need an account set up anyway, so rather than us doing this for every inquiry, which we don't have time to do, please take the initiative to find your own shipping quote please. (And thank you!) p.s. You can remove an item from your cart anytime prior to paying for the order. As long as you don't actually submit your payment, you can see the shipping cost in the checkout process. If you decide you don't like the shipping cost, you may remove the item from your cart and cancel checkout. (Even if you already entered your payment info). Just don't click or tap the final "PAY NOW" button because refunds are not immediate, and avoided like the plague around here, as you have already read in our TOS!




Please order well in advance! International shipping can take a week, or it can take 6 weeks! 

Much has to do with how slow USPS has become in recent years, and most international customers do not want to pay for UPS delivery, but packages can also get held up in the Customs ports of either the USA or YOUR COUNTRY for long periods of time. Some countries sit on packages for several more weeks or even months after our packages go through their Border Control or Customs Offices. We have had a few packages take 3 or 4 months to reach the recipient. The biggest culprit of sitting on packages without moving them seems to be Sweden, and pretty consistently lately, but there are other countries that seem to hold packages for excessive periods of time before allocating them to a truck to send out for delivery to the customer.


Import duties: Please refer to #4 above. There are 195 countries in the world and we ship world-wide. Every country has their own policy on import taxes. Some countries do not impose any duties when you receive international packages. Others have a certain percentage of the value of the package that they collect. Some collect based on value plus the weight or size of the package. The amount of work we'd have to build into each product we list in order for this figure to be quoted to every person across the globe who wants to know what their import duties will cost them upon arrival is phenomenal, and impossible for us to provide. Please research your own country's policy on import duties to know what it might cost you upon arrival of your package. This is your country's policy, not ours. We don't receive any of this money. It all goes to your country's government. Bottom line, the shipping charges on your order do NOT include import duties as they are unique to every country and collected upon delivery when an order is shipped from this website. I believe it is different on Etsy because they are a huge company that had the manpower, the money, and the time to create a program to collect the different fees in advance for each order based on where the order would be delivered, and they set something up worldwide to have the ability to forward those duties to the receiving country in advance so that you wouldn't have to pay them upon delivery. We're not as big as Etsy! :) We don't have the manpower or the time to set something like this up. When Etsy collects your duties in advance, they are immediately wiring that money electronically to your country. We never see a penny of it, nor are we made privy to what amount they collected from you.


If our Terms of Service, especially regarding spirit adoption, seem harsh to you, we apologize. You have no idea how many people don't understand how to treat spirits, how magick works, or how it's not our fault if the post loses a package, so we have to get straight to the point on key topics.

These TOS have been added to and modified over the years each time something new arises or is not understood by someone. We know this page is quite lengthy, but with limited staff to answer emails, it is much easier for us to write your answers one time and to keep them in one place where we can refer you all than it is for us to keep answering the same questions over and over again. You would have to read something whether you read it here or in an email response anyway, so please help us to help you by freeing up some of our time so we can render your services to you efficiently. Thank you!



Blessed be!

The Moondance Family
