RESERVED! Ginteel, aka "Gin" - Fenghuang Chinese Phoenix Spirit - Remote Bridging for Boon
Ginteel is reserved for Boon, if he decides to adopt, since he has been asking us for a Fenghuang spirit already.
Ginteel (pronounced like Jinn, Djin or Gin + Teal the color), is a young Fenghuang bird spirit. Ginteel has been with us for over a year, and is now ready to be adopted.
Fenghuang birds are Asian creatures that rule over all other birds.
Historically, the Bird had a male and female type with the male named, “Feng” and the female, “Huang”. However, the male and female birds evenutally merged into one, creating the Fenghuang that we know today. The modern Fenghuang is often depicted as a composite of many birds.
To avoid having to use he/she & his/her throughout this listing, we are choosing to call Ginteel a "he", even though "he" possesses both gender's sex organs. He actually tells us that he does identify more with the male persuasion than he does with his female traits.
The Fenghuang bird is also known as the Chinese Rooster, as it regularly features in place of the Rooster in the Chinese zodiac.
The Bird is also sometimes known as the Chinese Phoenix (or even just Phoenix) although it hardly compares with a western Phoenix.
In terms of appearance, the Fenghuang bird has changed over the years.
Traditionally, the Bird’s presentation was a mix of a Rooster’s beak, Swallow’s face, Fowl’s forehead, Snake’s neck, Goose’s breast, Tortoise’s back, hind legs of a Stag and a Fish’s tail. It has a vibrant plumage, with feathers that are red, green, blue, and gold.
The Fenghuang also has a head like a dragon, a beak like a parrot, and a long tail like a peacock.
The Bird’s composite body parts are said to represent different aspects of space.
The Bird’s head, for example, represents the sky, while its tail represents the planets.
Unlike the Phoenix of the Western World, the Feng-Huang is immortal without needing to go through a cycle of death and re-birth. The bird is attracted to music and nests high in the K'unlun Mountain range. This sacred creature never kills. It eats only plants, never even eating living insects.
Ginteel's bio:
Hatch date: 23 January 423 BC
Favorite color: "All of them except for pink. It is hard to choose when there are so many beautiful things in the world that come in different colors. I like green because grass is beautiful. I like blue because the sky is beautiful. I like red because I have seen beautiful canyons, flowers, and birds that were red, and so on. I do not love flamingos, however, so pink is not one of my favorite colors to see, as whenever I see the color, I think of the flamingo. I had several bad experiences with pink flamingos".
Favorite Numbers: 8, 444
Favorite food: Green beans, spinach leaves, grass seeds, pineapple, bamboo leaves, water chestnuts and artichokes are his favorite food offerings, but he likes all fruits and vegetables.
Favorite pasttime: Learning about the human race and different cultures on earth. He is fascinated by the Aboriginals of Australia, as well as the wildlife in this part of the world. He enjoyed watching Crocodile Dundee with April (the Ops Manager here) at her home one evening, and often asks to see it again now.
Favorite animals: The Fenhuang, of course, followed by humans, monkeys, peacocks, giraffes, elephants, and warthogs.
Favorite crystals: Clear crystal quartz, amethyst quartz, and all jaspers. He dislikes pink tourmaline and rose quartz. (Must be a pink thing). However, he said he has no problem with pink amethyst or any other pink stone, but he does not know why other pink stones do not bother him. He said he can only assume it is because of the energies they each put off.
Ginteel likes to be called Gin by those he is fond of. Until people get to know him though, he prefers them to call him Ginteel, as "Gin" is strictly for people he knows and is fond of. His new keeper may call him Gin from the start.
We found that Gin likes to talk about himself. He was not hard to get to know. He loved telling us about his likes and dislikes, and the exact and thorough reasons for liking and disliking these things.