Discover Your Spirit Animal - Psychic Reading by Mya Moondance
Mya has the ultimate ability to see your spirit animal with you, as she relates to animal spirits better than anyone, including Meta and Stormy, and they readily admit to that. Mya thinks she should have been born to a pack of wolves! (The wolf is one of her spirit animals). Some of us have more than one animal spirit guide. Mya has three.
On rare occasions, Mya might actually see that you have a specific spirt animal that has assigned himself or herself to you. This means that a named spirit animal is with you all the time rather than just the general rule of "fox" or "rabbit". It would be a fox named George, or whatever the case may be. Probably not George! If this is the case, Mya will include everything she can find out about your specifically assigned spirit animal to give you a more in-depth bio on him or her along with your results.
Don't be upset if you don't have an assigned individual animal spirit guide. It is special, but it is not extremely common, and this just means that you have the whole species of your particular animal watching over you rather than just one. On the other hand, if you have just one, they are most likely watching over you almost every second of every moment of your life. So there are pros and cons each way, but this is not a decision you can make. It is the way it is, and Mya will just show you what she sees.
Knowing who your spirit animal is can help you pave your way through life much easier than not knowing. You'll learn the benefits of having said animal as your animal spirit guide and also what kinds of things to avoid in life. This is a detailed report that you won't find anywhere else, because Mya spends a lot of time learning what the animals are working on for you (from the animal(s) who come to her, and all of this is included in her report.
In addition, if we have any spirits here with us of that specific species and/or breed of animal that Mya discovers to be YOUR animal spirit guide, you'll know who you might want to adopt. Remember that the majority of our available spirits are not listed yet, as we recently went back and forth between hosting companies for our website and had to start over again a few times over the past year. More help is coming next week to help us get caught up with listings.
We have MANY animal spirits among us not bound to any vessels that can be remotely bound to an item for you of your choosing (something you buy or already own), so no shipping charges would be added to your adoption fee. The adoption fee covers Mya's time to remotely bind the animal to you, expenses in keeping them here with us (offerings, etc.), and our administration expenses. Compare us to any other legit spirit foster center and you'll see that our prices are extremely low for what you are getting.
The pictures above don't put a dent in the type of animal you could have as an animal spirit guide. This is just a general outline. You may find that your guide is something you never even heard of. Remember also that "ANIMAL" covers a lot of territory! It can be anything from a sea sponge to a dung beetle. Don't be discouraged if you don't feel that your spirit animal is glamorous or courageous enough. It's not always about glamour or courage. There are many other useful things your spirit animal can do for you! Sure, we'd all like it to be a jaguar or a dolphin or something else we love to look at, or that we'd love to be ourselves if we weren't human, but my spirit animal ended up being a fire ant, and you can't even imagine what a fire ant can do for you!
You will get a PDF report about your spirit animal after Mya does the reading and gives it to me, April, to type up and email to you.
Be sure we have your email address on file when you make your purchase, and also email us with the following information ASAP after making your purchase. (Not before!)
- Your full name as you use it now
- Your birthday
- A face photo of you, unfiltered, eyes open and no glasses
- The general area in which you reside (street name and number not needed)
- Tell us what you do for a living or something about your hobbies or interests (this will help ensure Mya is focusing in on the correct person in case you have a name and birthday that is shared with someone else in the world)
You will be placed on Mya's schedule for this reading AFTER you have made your purchase AND submitted this needed information to us via email. It is first come, first served by who we receive both payment AND info from. Simply paying for the order will not get you placed on the schedule, so someone else who pays for their order after you but submits their info right away could be scheduled before you if you fail to provide us with the things we need in a timely manner.
Before I'd gotten this reading , I'd been feeling a very strong pull that I needed to have it done . Having an appreciation for many different animals , I was curious to find out which one would end up being my spirit animal. The answer not only made perfect sense to me (my spirit animal is the horse), but it was the way they appeared in Mya's vision that made it more amazing . Mya reported seeing 7 varied horses frolicking in a circle around me....what very few people know about me though is that I have a strong affinity for carousels/merry-go-rounds , and I incorporate them so much in home decor , that it turns out horse imagery was already everywhere around me! (I almost feel like a dummy I didn't notice it myself ! :-) lol) . Now that I know to call upon the spirit horses , I've noticed assistance from them that I've received in many areas of my life that I could use help with , such as courage , managing certain emotions when they become overwhelming , working to improve my spiritual communication abilites....even helping to increase sexual energy when I don't have it! :-) This reading will do wonders in connecting you to both to your designated spirit animal and how it can relate to you and guide you through this lifetime . Thank you, Mya ! <3
I always thought my spirit animal would be a wolf or a fox or something, but it turned out to be a bald eagle, which makes so much more sense for me. It's all about self-discovery for me in this lifetime (that's what I discovered my current life lesson to be) so a bald eagle makes sense because of the freedom, transformation, and courage this animal signifies. Thank you for continuing to shed light on my life and soul's purpose and journey!
I always had an obsession with grasshoppers and this reading told me why. The grasshopper is my spirit animal! Wow' I'm so impressed! Of all the animals in the world my reading came back this way and not many people know about my quirky obsession or that I see grashoppers all the time when other people in my family don't see them til I point them out! Glad I came to this site!
When Meta told me the poison dart frog was my animal spirit guide, I thought she had to be sadly mistaken. And I was really sad because other readings I got from her made perfect sense and lots of them helped lead me down the right paths. My past life reading helped me learn why I have some of the habits I have but anyways.
These frogs are poisonous and there was no way I'd ever see one here where I live in the US. Yesterday, about four months after I discovered the poison dart frog was my supposed animal spirit guide, I got word that the man who raped me when I was 11 years old (and got away with it) went to Peru with his fiancé visiting her family and was attacked by five of them in an alley. His girlfriend was reported as saying they seemed to jump at him out of nowhere and completely ignored her while attacking him. They wanted blood! He died that day. I don't wish death on anyone but I now understand why this is my guide. I am learning more and more about them and how they can feel my emotions and hear my thoughts in their spirit world. They then communicate with more poison dart frogs on earth to get things done. It's not always karma they dish out. They have helped me get good wholesome things too since I learned how to work with them. I love that I got this reading done!
Before I'd gotten this reading , I'd been feeling a very strong pull that I needed to have it done . Having an appreciation for many different animals , I was curious to find out which one would end up being my spirit animal. The answer not only made perfect sense to me (my spirit animal is the horse), but it was the way they appeared in Mya's vision that made it more amazing . Mya reported seeing 7 varied horses frolicking in a circle around me....what very few people know about me though is that I have a strong affinity for carousels/merry-go-rounds , and I incorporate them so much in home decor , that it turns out horse imagery was already everywhere around me! (I almost feel like a dummy I didn't notice it myself ! :-) lol) . Now that I know to call upon the spirit horses , I've noticed assistance from them that I've received in many areas of my life that I could use help with , such as courage , managing certain emotions when they become overwhelming , working to improve my spiritual communication abilites....even helping to increase sexual energy when I don't have it! :-) This reading will do wonders in connecting you to both to your designated spirit animal and how it can relate to you and guide you through this lifetime . Thank you, Mya ! <3
I always thought my spirit animal would be a wolf or a fox or something, but it turned out to be a bald eagle, which makes so much more sense for me. It's all about self-discovery for me in this lifetime (that's what I discovered my current life lesson to be) so a bald eagle makes sense because of the freedom, transformation, and courage this animal signifies. Thank you for continuing to shed light on my life and soul's purpose and journey!
I always had an obsession with grasshoppers and this reading told me why. The grasshopper is my spirit animal! Wow' I'm so impressed! Of all the animals in the world my reading came back this way and not many people know about my quirky obsession or that I see grashoppers all the time when other people in my family don't see them til I point them out! Glad I came to this site!
When Meta told me the poison dart frog was my animal spirit guide, I thought she had to be sadly mistaken. And I was really sad because other readings I got from her made perfect sense and lots of them helped lead me down the right paths. My past life reading helped me learn why I have some of the habits I have but anyways.
These frogs are poisonous and there was no way I'd ever see one here where I live in the US. Yesterday, about four months after I discovered the poison dart frog was my supposed animal spirit guide, I got word that the man who raped me when I was 11 years old (and got away with it) went to Peru with his fiancé visiting her family and was attacked by five of them in an alley. His girlfriend was reported as saying they seemed to jump at him out of nowhere and completely ignored her while attacking him. They wanted blood! He died that day. I don't wish death on anyone but I now understand why this is my guide. I am learning more and more about them and how they can feel my emotions and hear my thoughts in their spirit world. They then communicate with more poison dart frogs on earth to get things done. It's not always karma they dish out. They have helped me get good wholesome things too since I learned how to work with them. I love that I got this reading done!
Before I'd gotten this reading , I'd been feeling a very strong pull that I needed to have it done . Having an appreciation for many different animals , I was curious to find out which one would end up being my spirit animal. The answer not only made perfect sense to me (my spirit animal is the horse), but it was the way they appeared in Mya's vision that made it more amazing . Mya reported seeing 7 varied horses frolicking in a circle around me....what very few people know about me though is that I have a strong affinity for carousels/merry-go-rounds , and I incorporate them so much in home decor , that it turns out horse imagery was already everywhere around me! (I almost feel like a dummy I didn't notice it myself ! :-) lol) . Now that I know to call upon the spirit horses , I've noticed assistance from them that I've received in many areas of my life that I could use help with , such as courage , managing certain emotions when they become overwhelming , working to improve my spiritual communication abilites....even helping to increase sexual energy when I don't have it! :-) This reading will do wonders in connecting you to both to your designated spirit animal and how it can relate to you and guide you through this lifetime . Thank you, Mya ! <3
I always thought my spirit animal would be a wolf or a fox or something, but it turned out to be a bald eagle, which makes so much more sense for me. It's all about self-discovery for me in this lifetime (that's what I discovered my current life lesson to be) so a bald eagle makes sense because of the freedom, transformation, and courage this animal signifies. Thank you for continuing to shed light on my life and soul's purpose and journey!
I always had an obsession with grasshoppers and this reading told me why. The grasshopper is my spirit animal! Wow' I'm so impressed! Of all the animals in the world my reading came back this way and not many people know about my quirky obsession or that I see grashoppers all the time when other people in my family don't see them til I point them out! Glad I came to this site!
When Meta told me the poison dart frog was my animal spirit guide, I thought she had to be sadly mistaken. And I was really sad because other readings I got from her made perfect sense and lots of them helped lead me down the right paths. My past life reading helped me learn why I have some of the habits I have but anyways.
These frogs are poisonous and there was no way I'd ever see one here where I live in the US. Yesterday, about four months after I discovered the poison dart frog was my supposed animal spirit guide, I got word that the man who raped me when I was 11 years old (and got away with it) went to Peru with his fiancé visiting her family and was attacked by five of them in an alley. His girlfriend was reported as saying they seemed to jump at him out of nowhere and completely ignored her while attacking him. They wanted blood! He died that day. I don't wish death on anyone but I now understand why this is my guide. I am learning more and more about them and how they can feel my emotions and hear my thoughts in their spirit world. They then communicate with more poison dart frogs on earth to get things done. It's not always karma they dish out. They have helped me get good wholesome things too since I learned how to work with them. I love that I got this reading done!