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Willow is another tiny but mighty spirit to have with you as you delve into the craft. Her vessel is an adorable Mary Molini signed and numbered porcelain ball-joint doll. Her legs move at the hips and knees, but her head and arms are stationary. She is dressed for winter, so you may wish to get her some summer clothes if you don't live where it's cold year-round. Her little red beret is so cute on her, especially with her matching scarf and mittens.
Willow was one of 7 children. All seven of them practiced the craft with their father, who raised them. Willow was the oldest of the seven, followed by two other girls one year after the next. The boys came next; all four at one time! Yes...quadruplets! The boys were an added blessing to the family, but sadly, their mother did not make it through the labor and delivery of these four bouncing baby boys. The doctor saved all four boys, but mother lost too much blood.
This event devastated their father, as now he had lost the love of his life while also gaining four more children to their already ample-sized family. He now had seven mouths to feed, and seven children to raise properly and keep entertained. If it weren't for his sister Melba, he may not have survived the whole ordeal himself.
Willow's father, James, only practiced white magick, but Melba, his sister, practiced the dark arts as well. While James was doing his best to manifest good things for his family, he was not good enough at his practices to bring everything they needed into his home. There were times he would receive money for things he wasn't expecting, but it wasn't always enough to keep all the children fed and everything running smoothly. Just as he would start to see some progress, something would backfire.
Melba knew that the reasons things were backfiring was because of other dark magick that was cast against him. She tried to explain to James that reverse cursing and karma spells would solve his problems. There was too much light, she said, and not a balance of darkness. James didn't believe in any of that "nonsense", as he put it, so Melba went behind his back to cast black magick curses against those who were sabotaging him and his efforts to keep a happy home for his children. Willow knew what she was doing, and insisted on learning black magick as well. Melba normally would not have taught a child dark arts, but she needed all the help she could get to retaliate and eliminate the darkness coming their way, so she taught her everything she knew.
Before long, the mishaps and bad luck stopped, and James was doing great with manifesting money, good health for his family, and happiness. He never discovered that Melba and Willow threw some darkness into the mix to get them to where they were, and that was fine. Melba told Willow that the less he knew, the better. She said great things will never come to those who don't also use the dark arts to ensure that their journey a successful one. She felt James was naïve to think that all good things would come his way because he was a good person and that he would not also have to watch his back.
Willow continued to practice white magick with her father and siblings as well as black magick with her Aunt Melba throughout her life. She went on to practicing the craft in its entirety (black and white magick alike) in spirit. She wants to assist her next keeper with obtaining the things they want and need through witchcraft. (Light and dark).
Willow was born on August 14, 1755 and passed away on August 15, 1854, just one day past her 99th birthday. We asked her where she lived, and her response was Europe, which leaves a lot of real estate possibilities! Meta asked her what part of Europe she lived in, and she only replied that it is not there anymore. We believe this means the name of her town or community has changed since the 1800s.
Willow likes anything black, silver or purple in color. Her favorite foods are string beans, eggplant, grape juice and grapes, hotdogs, potatoes, fireflies, holiday lights, and the following items to work with in witchcraft: argy wormwood, marigold flower, money plant leaves and flowers, any purple, brown or yellow crystal, rosewood, willow branches, St. John the Conqueror Oil, Ylang Ylang, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Yucca leaf, wild orange oil, and dried pears. She says these are her staples for the craft, but there are many others that she uses. Her favorite past time is practicing the craft as well as watching some pros in action (Stormy allowed her to watch her a few nights, which is something not many get to witness). She also likes to have an occasional laugh watching videos of amateurs attempting to practice magick.