Lily - Limnad Undine Spirit for Good Health, Prosperity, Overall Happiness
The energetic flavor of elementals is quite unique and unlike anything else in the intangible realms.
Limnads are Naiads that lived in freshwater lakes, specifically, and Naiads are a specific species of Undines. Their parents were the Potamoi (river gods) or the lake gods. Merpeople are also specific species of Undines, but they generally dwell in the ocean waters. Limnads are the freshwater lake counterpart of Merpeople.
Lily was born in a lake in the city of Nis in Serbia on 5 July, 220 AD. Since Limnads are born from the seed of lake gods, Lily has an infinity of siblings. Lily was one of the fortunate Undines to marry a human being, which provided her with an immortal human soul. Marrying a human shortens an undine's lifespan on earth, but without marriage to a human being, there is no afterlife, as an undine does not have a soul unless they enter into a marriage with a human. Lily's lifespan on earth could have been about 250 years, but when she married Robert, she gave up her option for a long earth life to have an immortal soul. (Wise choice)! She lived to be 79 years of age on earth, passing away on 28 November, 299 AD. She died of natural causes, with Robert by her side. Robert did not grieve, as he knew he would have her with him eternally. He passed away 7 weeks to the day after Lily left the Earth. They never had any children.
What Lily can do for you:
Lily will help you with your overall health, happiness, and wellness. She can also help you manifest the things you want and need in your life, such as a better circle of friends, a better job, money to get out of debt, nicer living conditions, and more. When you are around Lily, you will feel a happiness that is unexplainable. Almost a feeling of giddiness and elation. She fills a room with love, peace and joy.
Lily will be bridged to you or to an object remotely. Please provide a photo via email to us of yourself, if we don't already have one on file, or of the object to which she should be bridged. If bridging to you, we will also need your schedule or a few good windows of time when you can be in a somewhat relaxed state and not getting your heart rate elevated to do the bridging ceremony. If bridging to an object, please leave the object out in the open until you are sent confirmation that the bridging has been completed.
A better understanding of Undine spirits:
Undine, also spelled Ondine, is a figure of European lands, a water nymph who becomes human when she falls in love with a man, but is doomed to die if he is unfaithful to her. Derived from the Greek figures known as Nereids, attendants of the sea god Poseidon, Ondine was first mentioned in the writings of the Swiss author Paracelsus, who put forth his theory that there are spirits called “undines” who inhabit the element of water.
Undines are almost invariably depicted as being female, which is consistent with the ancient Greek idea that water is a female element. They are usually found in forest pools and waterfalls, and their beautiful singing voices are sometimes heard over the sound of water. The group contains many species, including nereides, limnads, naiades, mermaids and potamides.
What all undines lack, compared to humans, is a soul. Marriage with a human shortens their lives on Earth, but earns them an immortal human soul. They do, however, possess spirit, which is separate from soul.
The offspring of a union between an undine and a man are humans with a soul, but also with some kind of aquatic characteristic, called a watermark. Moses Binswanger, the protagonist in Hansjörg Schneider's Das Wasserzeichen (1997), has a cleft in his throat, for instance, which must be periodically submerged in water to prevent it from becoming painful.