Thunderbird Spirit for Peace and Prosperity
We have seventeen Thunderbird spirits with us who are looking for homes. It is not recommended that you adopt one of them if you have small birds such as parakeets or if you keep small rodents such as gerbils, mice, rats, or anything smaller than an adult squirrel. The Thunderbirds will not harm them, but if your pets can see or hear spirit, and most of them can, they could develop some anxiety or even die of heart failure if they are constantly exposed to the Thunderbird.
The thunderbird spirits will create a peaceful environment for you, as well as prosperity, especially when it comes to having an abundance of food and good health, but they have also assisted in creating wealth for people who keep them.
You do not need to get permission from these spirits to adopt them. When you adopt a Thunderbird spirit from this listing, one of them will choose you. If there is only one left, there will be no need for choices to be made. This said, the most finicky Thunderbird will be the last one to be adopted. We are sorry that you may not choose your Thunderbird. This is at their request. All of them offer the same gifts for you and are equally capable of manifesting abundance and bringing you and your family peace. If there is drama at work, ask your Thunderbird to join you when you go to work to smooth things over for you. Take your Thunderbird with you anywhere you feel he or she will be needed for creating a peaceful atmosphere and/or helping you to manifest.
The males and females are equally as powerful, although we have to say Opulla seems to be the loudest when we hear her creating sounds of thunder. The list below shows the names of Thunderbirds that are still available, and we will remove each name as they are adopted, assuming we remember to do so! Please remind us if you think of it! Normally we would just do a selection list from which you may choose, which makes it so much easier for everyone, but these Thunderbirds want to be the ones who chooses who goes to whom. Thanks for your patience. :)
Their names are as follows:
- Quill (male) (x 2)*
- Avie (female)
- Opulla (female)
- Vortex (male)
- Aquilla (female)
- Tundra (male)
* There are two Thunderbirds with the name of Quill and two with the name of Arrow. As each Thunderbird is adopted, we are going to TRY to remember to remove their names from the list above so that you'll have an idea of how many are remaining, and who they are, so even though we started with 17 Thunderbirds, there may only be a few names remaining on the list. When both Quills have been adopted, we will change the list above by removing the (x2) from the name Quill. Both Thunderbirds by the name of Arrow HAVE already been adopted, so that name was removed already.
Upon completion of your transaction, we will tell the flock that an adoption was requested, and we will give the Thunderbird spirits your name. It will be decided by the Thunderbirds which one of them will be bridged to you, except in the case of the last remaining Thunderbird. Once that decision is made, we will give you the name of your Thunderbird and provide you with a little more information about their what they have to offer you, and also give you their list of the offerings they prefer for themselves.
Please provide a photo of the item you wish to have your Thunderbird bridged to immediately following your transaction, and leave this item out in the open until you receive notification that the bridging ceremony has been completed.
About Thunderbirds:
The thunderbird spirit creates thunder by flapping its wings and lightning by flashing its eyes - kind of like what Meta and Mya do when they're angry.
Thunderbirds are creatures spoken of by North American indigenous peoples' history and culture. It is a supernatural being of power and strength.
They are recognized by Pacific Northwest American cultures, especially, but they are also celebrated by some peoples of the American Southwest, in the East Coast of the United States, in the Great Lakes Region, and in the Great Plains region of USA.

I absolutely love Arrow already. The day he arrived home we had thunderstorms come through and again just yesterday. The sounds of thunder were amazing. Then while working one of people who called me were super angry. I haven't been yelled at like that in a long time. I'm very sensitive and I believe empathetic. Needless to say it really got to me. I asked for support from my spirit family and I believe Arrow helped. Somehow there was a phone issue and they were cut off the line. Wether or not it was a glitch or help from Arrow. I am so happy Arrow is with me❤️

I absolutely love Arrow already. The day he arrived home we had thunderstorms come through and again just yesterday. The sounds of thunder were amazing. Then while working one of people who called me were super angry. I haven't been yelled at like that in a long time. I'm very sensitive and I believe empathetic. Needless to say it really got to me. I asked for support from my spirit family and I believe Arrow helped. Somehow there was a phone issue and they were cut off the line. Wether or not it was a glitch or help from Arrow. I am so happy Arrow is with me❤️

I absolutely love Arrow already. The day he arrived home we had thunderstorms come through and again just yesterday. The sounds of thunder were amazing. Then while working one of people who called me were super angry. I haven't been yelled at like that in a long time. I'm very sensitive and I believe empathetic. Needless to say it really got to me. I asked for support from my spirit family and I believe Arrow helped. Somehow there was a phone issue and they were cut off the line. Wether or not it was a glitch or help from Arrow. I am so happy Arrow is with me❤️