The Alluring Love Spell with Alluring Potion by Stormy Moondance
This spell is like the love spell, but it works a little differently.
The regular love spell works to attract someone who is right for you, but it cannot attract a particular person, because we all have free will to choose the mate we wish to be with. It is not up to anyone else to decide for someone who they should be with.
The Alluring Spell will work on someone you know has feelings for you, but for whatever reason, he or she is not responding to you the way you want them to. Maybe an Ex, maybe the boy or girl next door that you grew up with, your baby daddy or mommy, or someone you just feel there is a certain chemistry with, but he or she is either shy, seeing someone else who is not right for them, or has some other reason for not coming forward. Many times, people will simply think they aren't good enough for you, or that you are out of their league, and they won't pursue anything with you. This spell removes any inhibitions the person might have, any doubts in their minds about whether or not it is a good idea to ask you out, and any other obstacles that may be keeping them from taking things a step further with you.
So many people don't get together for various reasons when they should. That's where this spell comes into play. If it's in the cards, but there are obstacles, the obstacles are removed.
The potion that comes with the mojo kit for this spell is essential! Wear it whenever you are going to be around this person or you may not get their attention in the first place. Once they lock eyes with you, they will start to become more comfortable about making their move, or they will find that boost of confidence they need, or other obstacles will start to be removed. It may take a few instances of bumping into this person, but it works. Stormy has a 94.4% success rate with this spell at the time this listing is being published. Of course, no magick is guaranteed to work 100%, but 94.4 is not bad at all.
Read reviews on spells cast by Stormy and you'll understand why people come to her from all over the world for spells. She's worth it!
What I (Tracy) will need from you after you purchase this spell:
1. A photo of you without glasses worn and no filters used to enhance the photo
2. Your name
3. Your birth month and year, and your astrological sign
4. The name of the person you want to "wake up"!
5. A photo of the person in #4
6. The person in #4's birthday
7. Something about the person in #4 that is unique to him or her over anyone else who could share the same name and birthday. This could be what school they went to, the name of one of their parents or siblings, the name of their pet, what kind of car they drive, what sports teams they like, etc.
Email me (Tracy), with all of the above, and I will put you on Stormy's schedule. Please remember Stormy is highly sought-after for her work, and it is not uncommon for her to be scheduled out for several weeks. The average wait time is only about one to two weeks, especially in the slower months like the summer months and December when everyone is busy getting ready for the holidays. January through March, it is not uncommon to wait 5 - 7 weeks. Be sure to read our terms of service before any purchase on our site.
Stormy casted this spell on January 30 and I wore the potion whenever I was going to be at my daughter's dance practice and recitals. My ex would also be there and we would usually sit together or near each other if he was bringing his girlfriend because she didnt care much for me. On April 1 I bumped into him right outside my work when I was leaving for lunch break. He said he was going to the bank but he never goes to the bank in the middle of the day. He makes work deposits after hours. He asked what I was up to and I said I was going to the sandwich shop across the street and he asked if he could join me. That was the beginning of us getting back together. We moved back in together before Memorial day and we are still happy! I can't keep him off me now!
Stormy casted this spell on January 30 and I wore the potion whenever I was going to be at my daughter's dance practice and recitals. My ex would also be there and we would usually sit together or near each other if he was bringing his girlfriend because she didnt care much for me. On April 1 I bumped into him right outside my work when I was leaving for lunch break. He said he was going to the bank but he never goes to the bank in the middle of the day. He makes work deposits after hours. He asked what I was up to and I said I was going to the sandwich shop across the street and he asked if he could join me. That was the beginning of us getting back together. We moved back in together before Memorial day and we are still happy! I can't keep him off me now!
Stormy casted this spell on January 30 and I wore the potion whenever I was going to be at my daughter's dance practice and recitals. My ex would also be there and we would usually sit together or near each other if he was bringing his girlfriend because she didnt care much for me. On April 1 I bumped into him right outside my work when I was leaving for lunch break. He said he was going to the bank but he never goes to the bank in the middle of the day. He makes work deposits after hours. He asked what I was up to and I said I was going to the sandwich shop across the street and he asked if he could join me. That was the beginning of us getting back together. We moved back in together before Memorial day and we are still happy! I can't keep him off me now!