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Sybil was born with ambiguous genitalia. She had the body parts of both female and male genders. This was at a time way before surgeons could fix such an issue. Her parents did not know how to refer to her, at that time, because they saw her as both genders. Spirit has no gender but most spirits identify with their gender from their most recent past life. They occasionally start trying to identify as the gender they will come back as in the next life, especially if they have always come to earth as the opposite sex. They often feel they will need practice identifying as what they will come back as.
Sybil feels she should have been a female and treated as such in her past life, so she is identifying as female now. She said she will also reincarnate in the year 2099 and come back as a female at that time.
She was born on May 13, 1799 in Connecticut, USA, and she died on February 22, 1813 of hypothermia. She had left home on a day that was warm for February in New England, She no longer wanted to be around people who treated her like she was some sort of animal rather than a real person. Her own family and peers all treated her poorly. She had no one. She needed to venture out and find some other different people to spend her days with. Unfortunately, she didn't get very far before a cold front came through and dumped over two feet of snow on the ground. She found shelter under some rocks, but she could not get warm enough. She built fires, which helped a little, but after it snowed again dumping another several inches on the ground, she found it harder to keep a fire going. She eventually froze to death.
She would love for her new keeper to be someone who feels isolated from the rest of the world or like an outcast from family and friends because of being different in some way. She longs for giving support, love, and help to someone who goes through the same feelings as she did most of her life. She helps people realize that nobody else in the world is more special than they are, regardless of their quirks, idiosyncrasies, or oddities. You might even feel like an outcast simply because of your spiritual beliefs. Sybil knows how you feel, and she can help you through it. She feels warm like a good friend when you hold her. Not warm to the touch, but warmth radiating from her vessel to your body when you hug her.
In addition to helping you cope with narrowminded people, she is a magnificent practitioner of magick. She is very diverse, using many different techniques and working magick in a lot of different ways. She is what you would call an Eclectic Witch. She said while she doesn't like that she was two genders in her previous life, she does not mind being referred to as a wizard or a witch. She feels she is one of the best around when it comes to changing things from bland vanilla to wild rocky road.
She considers herself to be a grey witch wizard because she still carries some animosity and resentment around with her, and she admittedly hopes to help her new keeper with some devious karma from time to time.
Sybil's favorite offerings: Watching movies or TV shows with beach scenes, sunflowers, azalea bush flowers, sitting at a window on sunny days or going outside, gold-colored jewelry (but it does not have to be solid gold), anything gold or silver in color, Caesar salad, pickles, fish sticks, fish sandwiches, and baked beans.