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It's called Angelite for a reason! Sharpen your Angel Speak skills with this beautiful palm stone infused with Stormy's intent!
With Stormy's infused intent, you will have enhanced communication with your angel guides and with all angels, for that matter.
Hold your palm stone in your dominant hand while sitting in a quiet place. Call out to your angels of choice for them to hear your requests. If the angel(s) you communicate with after explaining what you need and why agree that what you have asked for is something that could benefit you without harming others, patiently wait as the angel(s) go to work for you. Using Stormy's Angelite stones will never fail you! If the angel(s) foresee that granting your wishes would end badly, such as you or a loved one being harmed in any way, the angels will not abide, as they are here to guide us and see to it that we do not put ourselves or others in harm's way.
Sizes, colors and patterns vary.
There is nothing you need to do in order to keep your ANGEL COMMUNICATION stone activated, but DO NOT cleanse it in any way of it's energy upon arrival! This will wash away Stormy's infused energy. This means do not sage it, do not soak it in a salt bath, do not soak it in sunlight, and do not set it on Selenite or any other cleansing stone. If you are about to do something with it that falls into the category of cleansing a stone of it's energy, just don't! It won't harm the stone, but it will remove Stormy's intent. When in doubt, contact us before exposing it to any elements.
These PALM STONES are small, averaging approximately 2-3" in length, so they will fit in your pocket nicely. 😊 In the case of these powerful healing stones, size does not matter! 😉