X - ADOPTED! - Spica Starseed Spirit VERONICA Helps with Intelligence and Third Eye
Meet Veronica, aka "Ronnie". We gave her the nickname, and she likes it, but she says you may call her Veronica or Ronnie; either is fine with her.
She is a starseed from a star called Spica (pronounced Spyke Uh), which is somewhat close to Venus when we look at them in the sky, assuming it’s a clear enough day to see Spica. But Spica is actually over 250 light years away from Venus.
The Spica starseed species is very unique. They do not have visible physical bodies when they are alive, so if you are not a member of their species, you likely would not know a live Spica from a Spica who’s soul left their physical body. They do have bodies, but they are translucent, and they blend with just about anything they stand in front of. You can see their energy only when they are moving, and even then, most of us would not know if it is a Spica spirit or a live Spica entity that we are seeing if we are not in tune with spirit the way some people are, such as the Moondance ladies.
Mya has met some live Spica people personally. Meta has as well, but she has not visited Spica since she was 15. Mya has a much greater rapport with them. She says the Spica people are gentle and kind and would never harm an Earthling. They are true lightworkers. Spica spirts are not spirits to adopt if you are hoping to adopt a gray spirit. Spicas will not bring harm to others. They will protect you in the respect that they will warn you of danger though.
Spica spirits help with intelligence and knowledge, which are not the same thing. They will first spark your noodle to activate some of the parts of it that you are not currently using. Primarily, the pineal gland.
Spika spirits will also ignite your frontal lobe to help you with cognitive challenges. If you are already a brainiac, you’ll become even brainier. If you’re average, like me, you’ll become smarter. An average college student with a 3.2 grade point average who obtains that average and keeps it by putting forth a lot of effort to do so can expect that average to work its way up to an easy 4.0 by studying less than they did to keep their 3.2. They will take your cognitive ability up a notch or two, in other words.
The most exciting part of this though, for most of you who would be reading this listing in the first place, is their ability to spark your pineal gland. In many cases, but certainly not in all cases, the smarter you are, the more you practice the art of logic. Some of us just have logical thoughts instilled in us since birth. Things such as, there is no such thing as monsters, fairies, and ghosts. We were brainwashed by the brainwashed, because our parents’ parents told them the same thing, and so on and so on.
Since logic tells most people that they’re crazy if they attempt to communicate with spirit, they might think they are attempting to do so anyway, but there’s this little voice in the back of their heads that is telling them, stop it…you look silly talking to the air. That voice is probably that of their parents, a teacher, an older sibling, or another family member. These are the people who told us since we can remember not to believe in all that woo woo stuff. They weren’t lying. They just didn’t know they weren’t telling the truth, because it was their truth, as well. It is what they believe.
Spica spirits have the ability to increase the energy and the strength in the part of the brain that needs to solve problems, whether they be of a mathematical, scientific, or other nature, while also heating up the pineal gland so that we will have the ability to put our frontal lobe to rest in order for the pineal gland to take over momentarily as we communicate with spirit. This does not happen overnight, but I (April) am certain that my own abilities became much stronger once I adopted a Spica spirit. I actually adopted the first one that came to visit us! I never usually get that chance with starseeds, so I’m stoked about having Jessibell with me!
Spica spirits do not like dolls as vessels, so all the ones who came to us have opted for other objects. Some of them are fussy, and would not settle for anything we had here, so we had to do some shopping. Most of them chose crystals, precious metal objects such as jewelry and statues, and other small objects we had available to us.
If you're having trouble getting into the zone for meditation, Veronica can help you relax and clear your mind. She specializes in yoga relaxation techniques, but any type of meditating you enjoy, she will be there to help.
Veronica wanted something made special for her, so Meta made this .925 Sterling silver pendant with Citrine and Peridot crystals. The Citrine is oval and HUGE weighing in at 11.41 carats! The Peridot is pear shaped and weighs 2.4 carats. I will add more information about Citrine and Peridot qualities shortly when I update with photos.
Veronica likes anything light blue in color, watching clouds or pictures/videos of clouds, watching fractal videos, listening to the sounds of the ocean and of singing bowls (YouTube will suffice), dominos, crystals of all types, candles, and stickers.
There is very important information that must be read before adopting any spirit on our site and before making any purchase with us for any product or service on our site.
Definitely do not adopt any spirit by "purchasing" the listing without reading our TERMS OF SERVICE, as there is a process to follow. You must be pre-qualified by any spirit before you may adopt.
In addition, unless this is a listing for a remote binding, the calculated shipping may be incorrect because we are having issues with our shipping calculator online at the time of this listing. Please understand the shipping for a larger spirit vessel will likely come to a much higher rate than the one you may see in checkout at this time. We are working on getting this fixed. Please bear with us.
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Blessed be,
All of us at Moondance Magik™
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