Super Charged Ultimate $ Spell Cast by Stormy Moondance - CONTACT US BEFORE BUYING!
Super Charged Ultimate Green Spell for money and abundance. It works faster and in larger amounts manifested on average than the regular money spell, assuming you do your part, and you also keep greed out of your heart. Requires weekly charging, which only takes a few minutes each time. You will also need gold or silver candles and Bergamot oil to anoint your candles.
Stormy is now casting this spell without the requirement of a mojo bag. She also tweaked it a bit recently. Email us for the instructions for keeping it charged, and be sure to provide a RECENT face photo with a clear visual of your pupils.
Contact us before buying!
This is available to a select few established customers only, unless Stormy agrees to read you first to ensure you would accept this spell responsibly. If you haven't purchased from us before and Stormy does not know you, please email us for further information we will need from you in order to determine if you're a candidate for having this spell cast.
If Stormy does agree to cast this spell for you, please ask us for the instructions to keep it charged after you order it. We have 1,001 things going on at any given time, so please help us help you by emailing us for the instructions to keep the spell charged. Thank you!
If you do purchase the spell after being approved, please email us with the following information immediately AFTER you make your purchase:
1. A face photo of you
2. Your full name as it is now
3. Your full name at birth
4. Your birthday
5. Something else about you so we can be sure we are casting for the correct person in the event your face looks much like someone else with your name and birthday. Yes, that has happened before! This can be your spouse or parents names, children’s names, the name of the school you attended, the model of car you drive. Anything that doesn't describe the vast majority of the population. In other words, this "special" thing should not be that you like to watch the sunset or something overly popular. It should be something that not all the people who could also happen to have the same name and DOB would be able to claim.
Be sure to contact us via email after you purchase the spell with this info!
I am set! Only four months after spell cast I won $2 mill! I just found out last night and after I get the money and pay the taxes on it stormy you are going to get a nice gift! This couldn't have happened at a better time. I was about to be evicted from my crappy apartment in the hood. Now I'm looking for a house to bye! I cried for ours last night when I found out i won!
I've definitely noticed more abundance since doing the spell, but I'm still waiting to receive what I've been trying to manifest through this spell. I know it will come to me, at the right time. I also know that throughout this process, I must be continuously working on myself. I'm so thankful for the Moondance family. They are truly so special and so gifted. This spell was completed right away for me, which I so appreciated because of how much my family has needed this. As I've said, we've definitely noticed more abundance. I've been able to manifest someone helping us pay for a months' worth of bills while my husband transitioned into a new job and we had little money. I've also manifested free new bedroom furniture for my step-children, which they've definitely needed. As I said, I'm still waiting on my big payout. But I KNOW this has a divine time. Patience, trust, faith and kindness are everything for this spell. <3
You won't regret it!
I started with the regular money spell two years ago and it worked but it didn't get me to where I wanted to be long-term. The reg money spell pulled a total of $17,777 in for me over 2 yrs which was really nice but I needed much more then that to get out of debt. (notice the four 7s). This is the real total of the three times I got unexpected money so I thought it was a sign to keep going. Stormy cast this spell for me a little over 5 months ago and nothing happened until two weeks ago today. I now have $1.2 mill in my bank account. I was in tears when it happened and Stormy you'll be getting a nice tip today! I shoulda done it sooner but I had to meet with an advisor on how to handle this so that I'm not overpaying taxes and to get the most out of it. I didn't even pay off my bills yet because I just met with her yesterday to get instructions on such a huge responsibility. I don't want to lose all my money again because of doing stupid stuff with it so I advise everyone who gets this when you get your money make sure you talk with someone about taking the right steps with it. Taxes are already paid on it up front including income tax and that's what I have left. Should do me! Once I pay off my debts I will still have over a mil to invest and to start my business and get a good start on adulthood (I'm 24). I can't thank you enough stormy. oh and don't forget to make charitable contributions like they said or you'll lose it all. I'm donating 15% to cancer research since I lost my dad to cancer and mom is fighting it right now.
It started out small for me found $5 then got an unexpected check for $438. I also won the grand door prize at a social event worth $1,000. That was all in the first three 1/2 months. In the fifth month I came into enough money to retire comfortably at age 39. I just finished meeting with a financial advisor moments ago and worked out investment details to ensure I'm doing everything smart. The money came to me Thursday. Don't forget to give to some to charity when you get big money or I heard you can lose it all. Pay it forward when you get your money. And get a financial advisor and a lawyer and for petes sake don't forget to tip your witches!
I won't say how much but it was alot and I know it wouldn'ta happened without this spell. It was a class action lawsuit I completely forgot that I even submitted to be apart of. A long time past after they sent me something to join in on the lawsuit if I wanted to. I did it for shitz and grinz because I know these things when they have them people might get five bucks or something. It wasn't a month I don't think after stormy casted this spell that I got notified I was getting a check and the email showed the amount. I almost fell over but then I thought it was a scam email or something so I still didn't get excited. But then the check came and holy wow! I was still trying not to get excited because I didn't know if the check was real. Took it to the bank and they looked at it with a special light and held it up and called the bank and everything. It was real. I had to wait a bit for it to clear because of the amount but it got cleared after two weeks I think and I'm set now. This spell works!
So Stormy cast this spell for me on January 3rd of this year. On January 5th, my birth mother who gave me up for adoption when I was two weeks old contacted me out of the blue. I tried to get in contact with her several years ago but she did not want her name and location divulged. I left the request open so that if she changed her mind she could contact me. My adopted mother passed away which was why I was looking for my birth mother. I felt lost when my mom died and I guess I figured finding my birth mother would be the next best thing to having a mom even if all we did was meet one time. I'm 47 years old and I'm doing ok moneywise except I live paycheck to paycheck and when something happens like my car breaking down it causes me a lot of anxiety because I really don't have much money saved and I work 18 miles from my home. I do make good money at my job but there's always something to be fixed. Last year it was a new furnace. The year before that I needed car repairs that were over $2,000 and my yard needed excavating (long story). So my birth mother calls me and asks me if she can meet me at a restaurant close to my home. I met her for the first time in this public restaurant, which wasn't ideal. I would rather she came to my house. I was amazed at how much I looked like her. We stood there looking at each other not knowing what to say when I walked in and she standing by the table that she told me she would be at. The tables are all labeled for the servers like A1, A1, A3, etc. We met at 2 :30 pm when it wouldn't be busy. Not lunch and not dinner. I walked up to her and before I could say anything, she handed me an envelope. She said lets not make this hard. I can't have you in my life. This should be enough money to help you forget about me. And she walked away. I wept. I went home and opened the envelope. Inside was a letter explaining why she gave me up. She was married to a man in the service who was stationed overseas. She got pregnant and had me before he returned, so he never knew she had a baby, and he still didn't know it. She wanted to keep it that way. I still don't know her name or where she lives and that's fine. There was $100,000 in the envelope. Cash. I don't need her. I am sad that it is the way it is but she doesn't deserve me in her life and now she'll die realizing that.
It worked! I hit $790,000 and some change in th lottery! I admit I was starting to doubt it would work for me sence I got it casted almost 8 months ago. I just won it yesterday so when I get the payout you'll be hearing me Stormy thank u so much!
I am set! Only four months after spell cast I won $2 mill! I just found out last night and after I get the money and pay the taxes on it stormy you are going to get a nice gift! This couldn't have happened at a better time. I was about to be evicted from my crappy apartment in the hood. Now I'm looking for a house to bye! I cried for ours last night when I found out i won!
I've definitely noticed more abundance since doing the spell, but I'm still waiting to receive what I've been trying to manifest through this spell. I know it will come to me, at the right time. I also know that throughout this process, I must be continuously working on myself. I'm so thankful for the Moondance family. They are truly so special and so gifted. This spell was completed right away for me, which I so appreciated because of how much my family has needed this. As I've said, we've definitely noticed more abundance. I've been able to manifest someone helping us pay for a months' worth of bills while my husband transitioned into a new job and we had little money. I've also manifested free new bedroom furniture for my step-children, which they've definitely needed. As I said, I'm still waiting on my big payout. But I KNOW this has a divine time. Patience, trust, faith and kindness are everything for this spell. <3
You won't regret it!
I started with the regular money spell two years ago and it worked but it didn't get me to where I wanted to be long-term. The reg money spell pulled a total of $17,777 in for me over 2 yrs which was really nice but I needed much more then that to get out of debt. (notice the four 7s). This is the real total of the three times I got unexpected money so I thought it was a sign to keep going. Stormy cast this spell for me a little over 5 months ago and nothing happened until two weeks ago today. I now have $1.2 mill in my bank account. I was in tears when it happened and Stormy you'll be getting a nice tip today! I shoulda done it sooner but I had to meet with an advisor on how to handle this so that I'm not overpaying taxes and to get the most out of it. I didn't even pay off my bills yet because I just met with her yesterday to get instructions on such a huge responsibility. I don't want to lose all my money again because of doing stupid stuff with it so I advise everyone who gets this when you get your money make sure you talk with someone about taking the right steps with it. Taxes are already paid on it up front including income tax and that's what I have left. Should do me! Once I pay off my debts I will still have over a mil to invest and to start my business and get a good start on adulthood (I'm 24). I can't thank you enough stormy. oh and don't forget to make charitable contributions like they said or you'll lose it all. I'm donating 15% to cancer research since I lost my dad to cancer and mom is fighting it right now.
It started out small for me found $5 then got an unexpected check for $438. I also won the grand door prize at a social event worth $1,000. That was all in the first three 1/2 months. In the fifth month I came into enough money to retire comfortably at age 39. I just finished meeting with a financial advisor moments ago and worked out investment details to ensure I'm doing everything smart. The money came to me Thursday. Don't forget to give to some to charity when you get big money or I heard you can lose it all. Pay it forward when you get your money. And get a financial advisor and a lawyer and for petes sake don't forget to tip your witches!
I won't say how much but it was alot and I know it wouldn'ta happened without this spell. It was a class action lawsuit I completely forgot that I even submitted to be apart of. A long time past after they sent me something to join in on the lawsuit if I wanted to. I did it for shitz and grinz because I know these things when they have them people might get five bucks or something. It wasn't a month I don't think after stormy casted this spell that I got notified I was getting a check and the email showed the amount. I almost fell over but then I thought it was a scam email or something so I still didn't get excited. But then the check came and holy wow! I was still trying not to get excited because I didn't know if the check was real. Took it to the bank and they looked at it with a special light and held it up and called the bank and everything. It was real. I had to wait a bit for it to clear because of the amount but it got cleared after two weeks I think and I'm set now. This spell works!
So Stormy cast this spell for me on January 3rd of this year. On January 5th, my birth mother who gave me up for adoption when I was two weeks old contacted me out of the blue. I tried to get in contact with her several years ago but she did not want her name and location divulged. I left the request open so that if she changed her mind she could contact me. My adopted mother passed away which was why I was looking for my birth mother. I felt lost when my mom died and I guess I figured finding my birth mother would be the next best thing to having a mom even if all we did was meet one time. I'm 47 years old and I'm doing ok moneywise except I live paycheck to paycheck and when something happens like my car breaking down it causes me a lot of anxiety because I really don't have much money saved and I work 18 miles from my home. I do make good money at my job but there's always something to be fixed. Last year it was a new furnace. The year before that I needed car repairs that were over $2,000 and my yard needed excavating (long story). So my birth mother calls me and asks me if she can meet me at a restaurant close to my home. I met her for the first time in this public restaurant, which wasn't ideal. I would rather she came to my house. I was amazed at how much I looked like her. We stood there looking at each other not knowing what to say when I walked in and she standing by the table that she told me she would be at. The tables are all labeled for the servers like A1, A1, A3, etc. We met at 2 :30 pm when it wouldn't be busy. Not lunch and not dinner. I walked up to her and before I could say anything, she handed me an envelope. She said lets not make this hard. I can't have you in my life. This should be enough money to help you forget about me. And she walked away. I wept. I went home and opened the envelope. Inside was a letter explaining why she gave me up. She was married to a man in the service who was stationed overseas. She got pregnant and had me before he returned, so he never knew she had a baby, and he still didn't know it. She wanted to keep it that way. I still don't know her name or where she lives and that's fine. There was $100,000 in the envelope. Cash. I don't need her. I am sad that it is the way it is but she doesn't deserve me in her life and now she'll die realizing that.
It worked! I hit $790,000 and some change in th lottery! I admit I was starting to doubt it would work for me sence I got it casted almost 8 months ago. I just won it yesterday so when I get the payout you'll be hearing me Stormy thank u so much!
I am set! Only four months after spell cast I won $2 mill! I just found out last night and after I get the money and pay the taxes on it stormy you are going to get a nice gift! This couldn't have happened at a better time. I was about to be evicted from my crappy apartment in the hood. Now I'm looking for a house to bye! I cried for ours last night when I found out i won!
I've definitely noticed more abundance since doing the spell, but I'm still waiting to receive what I've been trying to manifest through this spell. I know it will come to me, at the right time. I also know that throughout this process, I must be continuously working on myself. I'm so thankful for the Moondance family. They are truly so special and so gifted. This spell was completed right away for me, which I so appreciated because of how much my family has needed this. As I've said, we've definitely noticed more abundance. I've been able to manifest someone helping us pay for a months' worth of bills while my husband transitioned into a new job and we had little money. I've also manifested free new bedroom furniture for my step-children, which they've definitely needed. As I said, I'm still waiting on my big payout. But I KNOW this has a divine time. Patience, trust, faith and kindness are everything for this spell. <3
You won't regret it!
I started with the regular money spell two years ago and it worked but it didn't get me to where I wanted to be long-term. The reg money spell pulled a total of $17,777 in for me over 2 yrs which was really nice but I needed much more then that to get out of debt. (notice the four 7s). This is the real total of the three times I got unexpected money so I thought it was a sign to keep going. Stormy cast this spell for me a little over 5 months ago and nothing happened until two weeks ago today. I now have $1.2 mill in my bank account. I was in tears when it happened and Stormy you'll be getting a nice tip today! I shoulda done it sooner but I had to meet with an advisor on how to handle this so that I'm not overpaying taxes and to get the most out of it. I didn't even pay off my bills yet because I just met with her yesterday to get instructions on such a huge responsibility. I don't want to lose all my money again because of doing stupid stuff with it so I advise everyone who gets this when you get your money make sure you talk with someone about taking the right steps with it. Taxes are already paid on it up front including income tax and that's what I have left. Should do me! Once I pay off my debts I will still have over a mil to invest and to start my business and get a good start on adulthood (I'm 24). I can't thank you enough stormy. oh and don't forget to make charitable contributions like they said or you'll lose it all. I'm donating 15% to cancer research since I lost my dad to cancer and mom is fighting it right now.
It started out small for me found $5 then got an unexpected check for $438. I also won the grand door prize at a social event worth $1,000. That was all in the first three 1/2 months. In the fifth month I came into enough money to retire comfortably at age 39. I just finished meeting with a financial advisor moments ago and worked out investment details to ensure I'm doing everything smart. The money came to me Thursday. Don't forget to give to some to charity when you get big money or I heard you can lose it all. Pay it forward when you get your money. And get a financial advisor and a lawyer and for petes sake don't forget to tip your witches!
I won't say how much but it was alot and I know it wouldn'ta happened without this spell. It was a class action lawsuit I completely forgot that I even submitted to be apart of. A long time past after they sent me something to join in on the lawsuit if I wanted to. I did it for shitz and grinz because I know these things when they have them people might get five bucks or something. It wasn't a month I don't think after stormy casted this spell that I got notified I was getting a check and the email showed the amount. I almost fell over but then I thought it was a scam email or something so I still didn't get excited. But then the check came and holy wow! I was still trying not to get excited because I didn't know if the check was real. Took it to the bank and they looked at it with a special light and held it up and called the bank and everything. It was real. I had to wait a bit for it to clear because of the amount but it got cleared after two weeks I think and I'm set now. This spell works!
So Stormy cast this spell for me on January 3rd of this year. On January 5th, my birth mother who gave me up for adoption when I was two weeks old contacted me out of the blue. I tried to get in contact with her several years ago but she did not want her name and location divulged. I left the request open so that if she changed her mind she could contact me. My adopted mother passed away which was why I was looking for my birth mother. I felt lost when my mom died and I guess I figured finding my birth mother would be the next best thing to having a mom even if all we did was meet one time. I'm 47 years old and I'm doing ok moneywise except I live paycheck to paycheck and when something happens like my car breaking down it causes me a lot of anxiety because I really don't have much money saved and I work 18 miles from my home. I do make good money at my job but there's always something to be fixed. Last year it was a new furnace. The year before that I needed car repairs that were over $2,000 and my yard needed excavating (long story). So my birth mother calls me and asks me if she can meet me at a restaurant close to my home. I met her for the first time in this public restaurant, which wasn't ideal. I would rather she came to my house. I was amazed at how much I looked like her. We stood there looking at each other not knowing what to say when I walked in and she standing by the table that she told me she would be at. The tables are all labeled for the servers like A1, A1, A3, etc. We met at 2 :30 pm when it wouldn't be busy. Not lunch and not dinner. I walked up to her and before I could say anything, she handed me an envelope. She said lets not make this hard. I can't have you in my life. This should be enough money to help you forget about me. And she walked away. I wept. I went home and opened the envelope. Inside was a letter explaining why she gave me up. She was married to a man in the service who was stationed overseas. She got pregnant and had me before he returned, so he never knew she had a baby, and he still didn't know it. She wanted to keep it that way. I still don't know her name or where she lives and that's fine. There was $100,000 in the envelope. Cash. I don't need her. I am sad that it is the way it is but she doesn't deserve me in her life and now she'll die realizing that.
It worked! I hit $790,000 and some change in th lottery! I admit I was starting to doubt it would work for me sence I got it casted almost 8 months ago. I just won it yesterday so when I get the payout you'll be hearing me Stormy thank u so much!