X- Adopted! - Remote Spirit Binding of Geryon - Pegasus's Nephew - Greek Giant
Geryon was the nephew of the infamous Pegasus. He was a giant (not to be confused with the Gigantes) in Greece who lived on the island Erytheia of the Hesperides. He was the son of Chrysaor and Callirrhoe. (Chrysaor was Pegasus' brother).
Geryon was often depicted as a monster with three heads and one body, while other sources described him as having three bodies as well. Mya tells us he has just one head on his shoulders, but he can easily shapeshift to make it appear that he has three when he needs to. He also had a dog with two heads named Orthrus, which was the brother of Cerberus, guardian of the Underworld.
Mya and Meta often speak of the "giants". These giants are actually not of this world. They are starseeds that were here way before Adam and Eve. Geryon has some of that "alien giant DNA" in him. This is not something you will read about much in text books or even online, except for the few true astral travelers of the world who have actually mastered traveling across timelines.
Mya says she has seen Geryon wipe out an entire small city with just a few stomps of his feet when the people there were making a mockery of him. She said it would be similar to watching a human jumping around their back yard a few times to stomp out all the ants and ant holes.
The first photo shown is what Mya says looks most like Geryon out of all the artwork she could find online when he is showing his three heads, which is just about anytime he is in battle. His dog looks similar to that shown in photo #2, except she says his fur is longer.
With a bodyguard like Geryon, who would need any other protection?
We would normally offer a portal to a spirit such as Geryon, but Geryon wishes to be bound to someone's person or to an object that person will almost always carry with them, even into the shower and under their pillow or their bed when they sleep at night. If you leave him behind, he won't get angry, but he cannot protect you in those instances. The way he works is just a bit different from the way some other of the grander spirits work.
He is most powerful when he is angry. What makes him angry? When someone screws with the people he cares about! This will be his keeper and his keeper's family and friends, when they are near him, and at his keeper's request.
No product will be shipped to you, so there are no shipping charges. This is a remote binding which Meta or Mya will conduct to help Geryon transition from our space to your item or to you, whichever you prefer.
The object you choose for Geryon's vessel, if not your person, can be anything you find to be pleasing to the eye. Something that sparks you when you see it. It can be a gem or a crystal, a skull, a baseball bat or anything you'd consider to be a weapon, a piece of jewelry, a small statue, an antique of some sort, or anything you find aesthetically pleasing but not derogatory. Most spirits don't have enough of a sense of humor to allow some of the things that some have requested in the past. If it's something you wouldn't show your mother, don't even bother sending us the pic! We have had people send us pics of fake dog poop, sex toys, a bong, and more. Just use common sense! It doesn't have to be beautiful in Geryon's eyes. It only needs to be something you find to be aesthetically pleasing, and something you know would not be insulting to him.
When you submit the photo of the object you wish Geryon to be bound, please also set that item out on a table or a dresser somewhere (not in a drawer or a closet). We can usually knock bindings out pretty quickly between harder jobs such as readings when we need a break from those more tedious jobs. You might be told the binding ceremony will take place three days from now, but if we find an hour somewhere that we can get this done for you before that appointment time, we will do it if you tell us that you have the item out in the open. Most spirits will not bind to anything that is tucked away somewhere, or at least not without hesitation.
Once the binding ceremony is finished, you will know either by receiving an email from us letting you know your spirit has been remotely bound or by getting a notification directly from our website system that looks like a form letter stating that "your purchase is on the way". We did not choose this verbiage, so rest assured, in this case, the binding is complete. They use that verbiage because many of our products are shipped, and we don't want panic from people who get this automatic notification when we print postage for their item. If it read "Your item has been delivered", many customers would worry that they got a delivery notification rather than a shipping notification if they know they did not receive their order. So please excuse the verbiage for remote bindings, readings, and portals to special spirits. This notification actually means the service has been done. We try to also contact you by email to let you know, but this is not always possible when we are extremely busy getting orders out. Mya or Meta always have time to mark the order as fulfilled when they finish the binding ceremonies though.
For offerings, Geryon likes red meat, water with lemon or orange slices, nuts of all kinds, (but especially roasted peanuts), paper airplanes and model airplanes, blue crystals and stones, and to watch golf matches on TV or in person, or golf lessons on YouTube.