Reading to Determine if You’ve Been Cursed or if You have Demon Attachment
This is a reading for Meta or Mya to determine if you have a hex or a curse on you, since many of our spells will not work if you do.
Nine times out of ten, the client is found to not be cursed, but even if you think there is a remote possibility you are cursed, it would be a good idea to rule it out before ordering spells.
For example, if someone has cursed you to gain weight and to not be able to take it off, our fat loss spells will not work unless the curse is removed.
Your family could have been cursed generations ago, which would affect you, as well. So you may not have any known enemies, but hundreds or even thousands of years, there could have been a family curse placed on someone in your ancestry, which would affect every person born into that person's family.
This reading will tell you whether you have been cursed and it will also determine if you have demon attachment so that you will know if you will have to have the curse removed before purchasing any type of spell, if you will need a curse removal service or a demon slayer service, or if you are good to go. If you are clear of any curses or hexes, as most clients are, it is strongly recommended that you purchase the protection spell to be cast immediately upon determination that you are not cursed. This way you’ll be protected from malice the moment it is determined you are not cursed. Most people purchase these together regardless of what the outcome of the reading will be, since you would want to be protected from curses that could reverse any spells cast for you.
If it is determined that you ARE cursed or that you have demon attachment, the curse removal service and the demon slayer service both include the protection spell against black magick and demonic entities, and it will be cast immediately once the curse or the demon is removed.
You do not need to go through us for the curse removal, demon slayer service, or the protection spell if it is determined you are cursed or possessed if you have a favorite practitioner of Magick you prefer to use, of course. Please just be sure to take care of any issues before purchasing any spells or potions from us or they simply will not work for you.
Once you have purchased, in a SEPARATE MESSAGE from your order, please supply us with the following information VIA EMAIL so we can schedule your reading. Appointments for readings, remote bindings, and spells are not made until you have purchased the service AND you have submitted the information we need in order to get the service done for you.
1. Your full name at birth, and also as it is now, if it is different
2. Your birthday
3. Your gender
4. Your relationship status (married, single, divorced, in a relationship, living with someone). As much detail as you can provide about that.
5. Your city and state if you are in the United States. If you are outside USA, your town, province, country, etc. (However your area is defined)
6. Has someone told you that they have cursed you or hexed you? (Or has another psychic told you that you have been cursed)?
7. A clear photo of you that is UNFILTERED and not altered in any way. This can be a selfie, as long as we have a clear shot of your eyes. Photo should have been taken AFTER you started to feel as if you might have demons taunting you or you have been cursed. A photo taken a year ago when you were feeling fine won't tell us a thing. Thank you!
We will be in touch after we receive this information from you to tell you when Meta or Mya will be doing your reading. After the reading, we will tell you (hopefully) that there is currently no dark magick upon you in the form of a hex or a curse of any kind, and no demonic attachment....or we will tell you as much as we can about any hexes or curses that do appear to be upon you, if applicable.
We will always hope for the former!
Readings are exhausting, draining, and can cause horrible headaches. We normally charge anywhere from $100 - $200 for a reading, depending upon the type of reading. We charge a little less for this reading because it is less involved and there is not a document to type up to present to you. We simply email you with your results. Less work for us is less time, and less time is less cost.
As with all of our products and services, it is a requirement for you to read our TOS before making each and every purchase, as you are dealing with extremely powerful energy when you order spells, potions, or even readings. We have disclaimers and warning so we can't be held liable for anything that happens when you order our products and services, but most importantly, the information is there as a safeguard for you so that you will know exactly what you are getting into when you purchase from us. By purchasing this product or service, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our TOS.
(A separate window will pop up so you won't lose your place here).
If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact us.
Blessed be!
April B.
Operations Manager
(You must be a verified customer to be able to join our private group). You will be able to discuss your results and experiences with our other customers and clients!
Mya did the reading right away and I was all good and clear! Thanks to Sonya for facilitating such quick service also!
Great service. I had something come up and I needed this service. It was done very quickly. Luckily things were fine. If you even suspect there might be something negative happening spiritually, don't hesitate to get this. It's always good to know for sure if there is a problem or not.
I didn't know if I was cursed or not because someone a couple years ago swore they had me cursed by calling a witch. I had this reading done to find out if that actually happened. It was a relief to find out I didn't have any curses or demons. Peace of mind is worth paying for when you know you're hiring real psychics. I wasted my money on $5 psychics on etsy. Never again!
No results yet, just recieved my kit but super happy with communication within the team and everything was done in a timely manner ❤️
Meta pointed out a demon and dark portals in my home that were causing problems and then gave me all of the necessary info and encouragement to cast it out on my own. Thank you so much, Meta!! I appreciate everything that you do!!!
Very friendly service and fast results!
I was expecting a response that I was cursed so they could take more money from me to remove it but I was pleasantly surprised that they reported no curse. If they said I was cursed though I probably would’ve paid to get it reversed with them since my daughter trusts them and uses them a lot for things. I trust my daughter’s intuition because she’s probably good enough with intuition to work with Meta. She’s really good. And their fee for curse removed is 10x cheaper then other witches quoted if I would’ve needed that but I didn’t. April said Meta didn’t see any curse on me so I didn’t have to worry about spending a dime. It’s nice to know there are some honest people in this business.
Meta helped me with a problem I had with this issue I had been suspecting. she was very honest with me about it and gave me all the details. It was an old frenemy that has put a hex on me! she was able to untangle that mess easily and give me protection right away afterwards! I thank her so much for all that! I have since used both Stormy and Meta for several spells and protections and I love them dearly. I have learned a lot from Meta especially over the last year. I have encouraged and referred many friends to them for help of all kinds with no hesitation!
April Stammen
For certain I was expecting Meta to say I had a curse and it would cost thousands of dollars to remove it like all the others who have told me this prior to her reading me. She did not know I was already told I was cursed when she did this reading for me. She came back with news I am not cursed when she could've easily taken me for lots of money to remove a curse I didn't have. I know a couple of ppl that happened too. I am so greatful for finally finding this team after being taken so many times by fakes. Meta also did a present life reading for me and said my bf was going to propose to me within two weeks and he did. I was floored. i thought of Meta right away when he handed me a box and asked if I would wear what is inside -- forever. I'm engaged! I can't thaynk thEse women enogh for all they done for me so far and i'm going to get more done as soon as i have the money
Mya did the reading right away and I was all good and clear! Thanks to Sonya for facilitating such quick service also!
Great service. I had something come up and I needed this service. It was done very quickly. Luckily things were fine. If you even suspect there might be something negative happening spiritually, don't hesitate to get this. It's always good to know for sure if there is a problem or not.
I didn't know if I was cursed or not because someone a couple years ago swore they had me cursed by calling a witch. I had this reading done to find out if that actually happened. It was a relief to find out I didn't have any curses or demons. Peace of mind is worth paying for when you know you're hiring real psychics. I wasted my money on $5 psychics on etsy. Never again!
No results yet, just recieved my kit but super happy with communication within the team and everything was done in a timely manner ❤️
Meta pointed out a demon and dark portals in my home that were causing problems and then gave me all of the necessary info and encouragement to cast it out on my own. Thank you so much, Meta!! I appreciate everything that you do!!!
Very friendly service and fast results!
I was expecting a response that I was cursed so they could take more money from me to remove it but I was pleasantly surprised that they reported no curse. If they said I was cursed though I probably would’ve paid to get it reversed with them since my daughter trusts them and uses them a lot for things. I trust my daughter’s intuition because she’s probably good enough with intuition to work with Meta. She’s really good. And their fee for curse removed is 10x cheaper then other witches quoted if I would’ve needed that but I didn’t. April said Meta didn’t see any curse on me so I didn’t have to worry about spending a dime. It’s nice to know there are some honest people in this business.
Meta helped me with a problem I had with this issue I had been suspecting. she was very honest with me about it and gave me all the details. It was an old frenemy that has put a hex on me! she was able to untangle that mess easily and give me protection right away afterwards! I thank her so much for all that! I have since used both Stormy and Meta for several spells and protections and I love them dearly. I have learned a lot from Meta especially over the last year. I have encouraged and referred many friends to them for help of all kinds with no hesitation!
April Stammen
For certain I was expecting Meta to say I had a curse and it would cost thousands of dollars to remove it like all the others who have told me this prior to her reading me. She did not know I was already told I was cursed when she did this reading for me. She came back with news I am not cursed when she could've easily taken me for lots of money to remove a curse I didn't have. I know a couple of ppl that happened too. I am so greatful for finally finding this team after being taken so many times by fakes. Meta also did a present life reading for me and said my bf was going to propose to me within two weeks and he did. I was floored. i thought of Meta right away when he handed me a box and asked if I would wear what is inside -- forever. I'm engaged! I can't thaynk thEse women enogh for all they done for me so far and i'm going to get more done as soon as i have the money
Mya did the reading right away and I was all good and clear! Thanks to Sonya for facilitating such quick service also!
Great service. I had something come up and I needed this service. It was done very quickly. Luckily things were fine. If you even suspect there might be something negative happening spiritually, don't hesitate to get this. It's always good to know for sure if there is a problem or not.
I didn't know if I was cursed or not because someone a couple years ago swore they had me cursed by calling a witch. I had this reading done to find out if that actually happened. It was a relief to find out I didn't have any curses or demons. Peace of mind is worth paying for when you know you're hiring real psychics. I wasted my money on $5 psychics on etsy. Never again!
No results yet, just recieved my kit but super happy with communication within the team and everything was done in a timely manner ❤️
Meta pointed out a demon and dark portals in my home that were causing problems and then gave me all of the necessary info and encouragement to cast it out on my own. Thank you so much, Meta!! I appreciate everything that you do!!!
Very friendly service and fast results!
I was expecting a response that I was cursed so they could take more money from me to remove it but I was pleasantly surprised that they reported no curse. If they said I was cursed though I probably would’ve paid to get it reversed with them since my daughter trusts them and uses them a lot for things. I trust my daughter’s intuition because she’s probably good enough with intuition to work with Meta. She’s really good. And their fee for curse removed is 10x cheaper then other witches quoted if I would’ve needed that but I didn’t. April said Meta didn’t see any curse on me so I didn’t have to worry about spending a dime. It’s nice to know there are some honest people in this business.
Meta helped me with a problem I had with this issue I had been suspecting. she was very honest with me about it and gave me all the details. It was an old frenemy that has put a hex on me! she was able to untangle that mess easily and give me protection right away afterwards! I thank her so much for all that! I have since used both Stormy and Meta for several spells and protections and I love them dearly. I have learned a lot from Meta especially over the last year. I have encouraged and referred many friends to them for help of all kinds with no hesitation!
April Stammen
For certain I was expecting Meta to say I had a curse and it would cost thousands of dollars to remove it like all the others who have told me this prior to her reading me. She did not know I was already told I was cursed when she did this reading for me. She came back with news I am not cursed when she could've easily taken me for lots of money to remove a curse I didn't have. I know a couple of ppl that happened too. I am so greatful for finally finding this team after being taken so many times by fakes. Meta also did a present life reading for me and said my bf was going to propose to me within two weeks and he did. I was floored. i thought of Meta right away when he handed me a box and asked if I would wear what is inside -- forever. I'm engaged! I can't thaynk thEse women enogh for all they done for me so far and i'm going to get more done as soon as i have the money