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Razzie is a great spirit friend to adopt if you have restless nights and lack daytime energy!
She was born in Scotland on March 11, 1949 and passed away in January 1971, but she does not know the exact date, because she was in a coma. She believes it was around the 20th of January.
She fell from a cliff when she was out walking with friends. Her foot slid and she couldn't get her footing back before sliding over the cliff and tumbling down over, hitting rocks on her way down and breaking several bones. She was unconscious, but still alive. Her friends got her to a hospital as quickly as they could, but she never gained consciousness. She remained in a coma for almost two months before she perished.
Razzie was an early bird and would get up and walk or run every morning before going to work. Her job was to dress as a clown to cheer up patients at a nursing home. She was a high school drop-out, so she did not have a full education, much less a formal education. She dropped out of high school in tenth grade because her mother took ill, and her father needed help taking care of her mother while also working full-time to keep up with the household bills. Razzie had two baby sisters and a younger brother, as well, so it took both Razzie and her father to take care of everyone. Razzie worked second shift and her father worked first shift, so it worked out perfectly.
Razzie's mother died just 8 months after taking ill. Razzie missed her very much, but she knew she had to be strong to help raise her siblings. There was no time for grieving.
Razzie's super power is teaching people how to rise and shine with vigor so that they can have an amazing, energetic and productive day. In the evening, she helps people fall asleep easily at the proper time and helps them stay asleep so that they get adequate rest. She said that she has helped night owls turn their lives around by helping them get on a good schedule that is not only more productive, but therapeutic. We humans are biologically built to be in the best physical condition when we coincide with the sun's schedule. Getting up at the crack of dawn is ideal, and falling asleep an hour or two after dusk is perfect. This is exactly what Razzie aims to help her new keeper with starting the moment she arrives. She will work on your body and your mind to help you become sleepy when you are supposed to, and to rise at the ideal time for your body, mind and soul to be in the best possible condition.
She will send you jolts of energy and ambition throughout the day so that there is no crash and burn. The key is, you cannot fight this! When you feel like getting up and walking, do it! Don't waste those opportunities! When you feel as if you are sleepy and could take a nap, do that, as well. And when you feel like you can't keep your eyes open any longer at night, get to bed. She will give you the feelings you need. It's up to you to act on them.
Offerings: Razzie likes daisies, white or yellow flowers, and anything black, white, or black and white. She especially loves black and white feathers and crystals. Her favorite food offerings are butterscotch pudding, fish sticks, black licorice, black jelly beans, toast with mayonnaise, radishes, roast beef sandwiches with horseradish, and frosted flakes cereal.