X- Adopted! - Princess the Unicorn Spirit - Remote Binding - Healing and Wellness, Beauty & Fitness
Princess is a healer spirit. The touch of her horn on any part of your body will start the healing process. If you have a headache, ask Princess to heal your head. If you have a disease, ask her to heal it. If you're having a depressing day or even a moment of depression, tell Princess.
Unicorns are good and pure creatures with magickal powers. Their horns have powers to heal wounds and sickness and to neutralize poison. They also have super-speed and super-strength and they can sense when water is poisoned so they can purify it. This is why if you ever had the opportunity to see one, you probably saw him by rivers and lakes, peacefully watching over the waters. It only takes the delicate touch of the unicorn's horn for the water to be clean again!
And by the way, Science has recently proven that unicorns did and still do exist. The unicorn is not a mythical creature, as it is referenced by many who haven't seen the proof yet, or who refuse to believe it (because we all know there are many people who are still asleep out there and refuse to believe that something they have never personally seen can exist).
Unicorns generally live for centuries, and Princess was no different. She was a strong and healthy unicorn, but even an unhealthy unicorn easily becomes well again at their own hand (or horn, in this case) or with the aid of another unicorn if they can't point their own horn on the part of their body that needs healing.
Princess was born in 449 AD and lived until she was over 6 centuries old, passing away in the year 1051 AD. In the time since she has passed, she has helped thousands of people with ailments utilizing the magick of her sparkling horn, but she excels in helping women become more beautiful, radiant, and fit. You will find yourself having more energy and enthusiasm to exercise, take care of your skin and hair, and becoming more social as you grow into the beauty and fitness goddess you never thought you could be.
If a good Healer Spirit with the added benefit of becoming physically fit and even more attractive than you already are is what you seek, look no further!
Princess was born with deformities that she refers to as "hideous", including her mangled face. Her mother's womb and birth canal were too narrow to carry Princess and give birth to her without crushing her. If it weren't for her mother's special ability to keep Princess alive while in her womb, Princess wouldn't be here in spirit today.
She grew up being ridiculed for her mangled face and deformed body by other animals, but the unicorns she met throughout her childhood were all kind and gentle around her in regards to how she looked. It still bothered Princess a great deal to look so different from all the other unicorns. She never felt worthy of carrying a leigh of flowers around her neck, and she never, ever attempted to get close to a stallion.
Her mother could have helped her just by touching her horn to her face and to the parts of her body that were deformed, but it would have been painful for Princess if this would have been done at any time as she was still growing. When her mother was certain Princess was finished growing, she gave her a special surprise on the morning of her birthday one year. Princess woke up to be the most beautiful unicorn you could ever imagine! Stallions everywhere came to see her and shower her with gifts, all trying to win her love. This was a game-changer for Princess. She suddenly wanted to be out and about all the time rather than hiding behind her mother and keeping her head low. She now galloped around with pride.
This is the reason she has such a strong passion for helping women feel the way she did and still does. She says every woman should feel like a princess. For this reason, she wishes her spirit to be split amongst as many women as she can be matched with to help them reach their own potential. As most of you know, spirit can be in a multitude of places at one time. Even our own spirit is many places at once, as we speak. We are in many dimensions at once. (Hence one of the reasons for Deja vu. The other, of course, is remembering segments of past lives or seeing segments of future lives).
You will be sharing Princess with others who also keep her spirit, but you'll never feel any differently than if you had her all to yourself. She will always be with you, as often or for as long as you like, while also helping others.
It is rare for a unicorn spirit to ask for this, but this is Princess's wish. (Most spirits simply don't ask us to bind them with multiple keepers, but that doesn't mean they're not also in other places after the binding).
If you're apprehensive about sharing her, just remember that probably 90% of the spirits you already keep are also in other places while with you. This doesn't make them disloyal. It usually happens for several reasons, but they all have different reasons for wanting to be in many places at any given time. They might have blood family they are with, but they also want to be with you. They also might be in different time dimensions, as we refer to it on Earth. They could be living the best part of their life while they were still attached to a flesh body while also living strictly in spirit with you, and possibly already living a future life all at the same time.
Another fantastic thing about Princess that sets her aside from other unicorns we have had with us in the past, as well as presently, is that when she is standing close to you, you can feel her breath, and it feels like a warm blanket. It doesn't feel like a dog in heat breathing on you while dripping with saliva! It feels as if someone just brought you a warm blanket and wrapped it around you after you have been sitting outside in the snow in your bathing suit for an hour. It's powerful! It took Mya a while to realize it was actually Princess's breath causing that feeling of euphoric warmth.
Keep Princess challenged in the fitness and beauty department! If she's not helping you with skin care, creating beautiful, flowing hair for you, or keeping you in tip-top shape, she will want to be helping you with getting through hard emotional states or getting you through other challenges you face in regards to your health and wellness.
Princess is described as having snow white fur with a mane and tail in a variety of pastel colors. Her horn is buff colored except when she is working her magick (healing, etc.), at which time it turns purple and lights up. Her eyes are emerald green, and she wears a variety of accessories. Sometimes she is wearing a leigh of flowers around her neck, other times she wears a tiara or elaborate neck jewelry. Mya has seen her wearing similar jewelry to what you see in the first photo around her horn that drapes down over her face between her eyes.
We will remotely bind Princess's spirit to you or to an object you own or to yourself. After purchase of the portal, send us the following information so we can set up an appointment for Meta or Mya to conduct the binding ceremony.
- A picture of you (no filters!)
- Your full name
- Your Birthday
- Your general location (everything but the street name and number)
- A photo of the object you wish Princess to be bound to, if not your person. If you wish her to be bound directly to you, please tell us this in the email.
No product will be shipped to you, so there are no shipping charges. This is a remote binding which Meta or Mya will conduct to help Princess transition from our space to your item or to you, whichever you prefer. The object you choose for Princess's vessel, if not your person, can be anything you find to be attractive. It can be a gem or a crystal, a bouquet of silk flowers, a piece of jewelry, a small statue, an antique of some sort, or anything you find aesthetically pleasing but not derogatory. Most spirits don't have enough of a sense of humor to allow some of the things that some have requested in the past. If it's something you wouldn't show your mother, don't even bother sending us the pic! We have had people send us pics of fake dog poop, sex toys, a bong, and more. Just use common sense! It doesn't have to be beautiful in Princess's eyes. It only needs to be something you find to be attractive and something you know would not be insulting to her.
Animal spirits are a little harder to bind remotely than a human spirit or a god or goddess. Language has to be converted to match that of yours if you are going to communicate with them, so it takes a little longer than other bindings.
When you submit the photo of the object you wish Princess to be bound, please also set that item out on a table or a dresser somewhere (not in a drawer or a closet). We can usually knock bindings out pretty quickly between harder jobs such as readings when we need a break from those more tedious jobs. You might be told the binding ceremony will take place three days from now, but if we find an hour somewhere that we can get this done for you before that appointment time, we will do it if you tell us that you have the item out in the open. Most spirits will not bind to anything that is tucked away somewhere, or at least not without hesitation.
Once the binding ceremony is finished, you will know either by receiving an email from us letting you know your spirit has been remotely bound or by getting a notification directly from our website system that looks like a form letter stating that "your purchase is on the way". We did not choose this verbiage, so rest assured, in this case, the binding is complete. They use that verbiage because many of our products are shipped, and we don't want panic from people who get this automatic notification when we print postage for their item. If it read "Your item has been delivered", many customers would worry that they got a delivery notification rather than a shipping notification if they know they did not receive their order. So please excuse the verbiage for remote bindings, readings, and portals to special spirits. This notification actually means the service has been done. We try to also contact you by email to let you know, but this is not always possible when we are extremely busy getting orders out. Mya or Meta always have time to mark the order as fulfilled when they finish the binding ceremonies though.
Princess loves green apples! (Any green variety). Other foods she enjoys for offerings include sweet peppers, cantaloup, squash, watermelon and all varieties of lettuce. For fun she likes to watch women apply makeup, do funky things with their hair, and accessories with jewelry. Her favorite color is green (especially lime green), and her favorite thing to watch on TV is anything mystical or "mythical", although we all know that most myths are not myths at all. (More like government officials all over the world don't want us to know the truth in order to avert chaos). Princess also likes colorful tattoos. If you don't have brilliant, vibrant, colorful tattoos, she suggests you get some, even if they are temporary tats that can be washed off. She thinks sporting bright tattoos is FUN. If you have dark tats, she is fine with that, but she's not a fan of them.