THIS is the reading you will want to order if you wish to learn about your PRESENT LIFETIME and what the future holds for it. If you're looking to learn about THIS LIFETIME, do not order the FUTURE LIFE READING! The future life reading is to learn about your next lifetime after you pass away from this lifetime and reincarnate.
On a further note regarding the paragraph above: Please ignore the name "Meta" below. No time at the moment to pull her name out of the listing everywhere it appears! Thank you.
World-renowned Psychics Meta or Mya Moondance will read you & tell you about your present life. Things that she sees happening soon and in the future of this life will be revealed. She may learn the exact time and date you will perish. If she discovers this, she will give you the option of learning this information immediately, having her send the information to you in an email so that you may open it at a later date, or asking her to never reveal this information to you.
You may ask questions about your present life and Meta or Mya will attempt to learn the answers to your questions, but when she reads someone's present life, she is "shown" parts of your life that the universe deems important, so she cannot promise to answer every single question you ask her. However, she will probably have more to share with you about things you have not asked her regardless of whether or not she is able to answer every question you had for her.
She has been able to predict things about people in regard to their love life, finances, careers, where they would live, friendship questions, and much more. She has been extremely accurate with her readings, as I'm sure you will see as we get reviews on this new site. (It's not a new site, but it's being re-vamped using a new platform, so we lost all the reviews we had on the old site). We were not able to transfer our old site that was hosted by another company to this new site hosted by Shopify, sadly. (Not at the fault of Shopify though. They are a great hosting platform!)
Our Most Frequently Asked Question in Regards to Our Readings:
"Why is the Present Life Reading so Much More Expensive than the Past & Future Life Readings"?
Readings are scheduled in order received. We also may have this advertised on Etsy and she does readings in person locally, as well. She can usually do 4-5 readings per day but no more. She needs adequate rest each night after reading 4-5 readings per day in order to stay on top of her game.
If you order this reading, please contact us with the following information:
- Your full name as it is now, and as it was at birth.
- Your birthday
- Your gender as it is now and as it was at birth
- The town or county in which you live, as well as State, Country, etc. Everything but the street address, in other words.
- The name of someone with whom you are close in this lifetime, and their relationship to you.
- The name of the high school you attended.
- A face photo of you. A selfie is fine as long as it is not doctored in any way. No filters and no Photoshop.
- A list of 4 or 5 questions you are hoping to get the answers to. Meta will try to focus on finding these answers, but it is not a guarantee she will be successful if this is not something the universe wants you to be aware of at this time.
- Email address where your reading can be sent. It will be formatted into a .PDF document. You can open this with any word viewer such as the free Adobe Reader which is available for PC or Mac, or as a smartphone app.
Some of these questions are asked as an added measure to ensure Meta is zooming in on the correct person. Someone else in the world could look like you and have your name, so this helps her to hone in on YOU, vs someone who just looks like you.
With this reading, Meta may discover things like:
- Who some of your closest friends will be in this lifetime
- Information about your career path in this lifetime
- Whether or not you will be wealthy in this lifetime
- Where your love life is headed
- Who and when you might marry
- Other family information such as how many children or grandchildren you will have
- Where you will vacation at some point in your life
- Where you will settle down in your final move (or will you stay where you are for the rest of this lifetime?)
- And anything else she is shown as she does your reading
Please take a look at our reviews on our website as well as in our Etsy shop!
Why there is a shipping fee for spells cast:
In most cases, and almost always, Stormy creates a mojo bag with powerful ingredients that she uses specifically for YOU and for YOUR SPELL. She uses it in her spell-casting session and she will give it to us once she is finished with it. We will ship it to you with instructions on how to keep your spell charged using this mojo bag. Every package that leaves here is shipped via USPS Priority Mail or another Expedited Delivery Service so that your package arrives quickly. It will also be insured and include a tracking number, which will be sent to you once we ship your mojo kit.
(The mojo "kit" consists of the mojo bag, of course, instructions on how to keep the spell charged using the mojo bag, and any other necessary items for keeping your spell charged which could include candles, crystals and/or other items).
If you would like to see the instructions before purchasing so that you'll know in advance what will be required of you to keep the spell charged, please send us an email
As with all of our products and services, it is a requirement for you to read our TOS before making each and every purchase, as you are dealing with extremely powerful energy when you order spells, potions, or even readings. We have disclaimers and warning so we can't be held liable for anything that happens when you order our products and services, but most importantly, the information is there as a safeguard for you so that you will know exactly what you are getting into when you purchase from us. By purchasing this product or service, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our TOS on this page:
(A separate window will pop up so you won't lose your place here).
If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact us
Blessed be!
April B.
Office Manager
(You must be a verified customer to be able to join our private group). You will be able to discuss your results and experiences with our other customers and clients!
I feel very fortunate that this reading was an uplifting one!!! I’m very much looking forward to the future! Thank you!!
I didn't know what to expect from this reading, but WOW! Meta saw so many things in my future for me to look forward to. I wasn't sure if I was on the right path, but hearing about what she saw really helped me feel more at ease about where I'm headed. She also saw some not-so-great things, which can be changed if I decide not to act on the situation in a way that would trigger the bad scenarios. I'm glad to know more or less that where I'm headed is going to be better than where I am now. I'm also happy to learn that I'll have two lovely children in my future, as I was always concerned I wouldn't be able to ever conceive due to health issues. The closest upcoming event Meta saw is around the summer of this year so I'll keep this updated when things happen as she saw! Forever grateful for the Moondance ladies!!! 🥰🥰
I originally got this reading when I was very depressed and was close to giving up on life. Stormy and Meta helped pull me out of that hell in many ways. But the ultimate thing that gave me hope was Meta’s reading! I had no idea that I was ever going to be happy let alone have the fairytale life that Meta saw for me! I am now on the right path because I know what to actually pursue now. I really thought I wouldn’t make it past 18 or 21 but now I am 23 and so close to achieving my goals! I have been miserable most of my life due to trauma and a lot of stress in my life but now I feel I have a second chance at life because of the Moondance ladies. I would not be alive today if it wasn’t for them 😊 I would suggest this reading to everyone but especially if you are not sure what to do with your life this can give you a guide of what to do and what not to do! Thank you Meta and all the Moondance ladies love you all so much! 😘❤️❤️
Some things were surprising to learn but Meta knew things she couldn’t know if she didn’t read me the way she did. No one knew some of the things she said besides me. She was very accurate on several things. I’m going to buy a reading for future life next wk.
Mainly my Concern was the stupid 💉💉💉 cuz I’m a
CT 🧐🤨 So I wanted to know IF the A u t h 0 R ! t i e s would come to my house n Drag me off to some stupid Q u ^ R A n T ! 3 C A M P /jail because of the stupid plandemic since the U N v ^ xx 3d ppl are Labeled a “Threat to public health & safety” 😑😒
I KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING ON (& if you care to know what I’m talking about just follow my social media/my OLDER videos cuz I put Warnings about AGENDA 2030, Adrenochrome & The Georgia Guidestones in all of my videos on xvids. Just google my name JULIETUNCENSORED REALITY TV or look up the hashtag #JURTV4POTUS. My pornhub channel got BANNED fyi & I just deal with C e n $ 0 r S h ! P on a regular basis 😡🤬).
Anyway, Meta said that I do NOT have to deal wit the cops and I do NOT get dragged away, BUT I DO LOSE my income. And she was right, because after she did the reading, sure as shit, I f*cking had my disability pay LOWERED 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭
And then of course I saw in the headlines (after Meta did my Reading) that the stupid Prez announced that they will take away pensions and disability for the Un-Jabbed 😩😭😑😡😡😡😡🤦🏻♀️
I HIGHLY recommend for anyone New to magick or who is just starting out on their magickal journey/practice to get a Present Life reading done 1st BEFORE you cast any spells, because I wasted my time, $ & energy doing the Love Spell just to find out that my soulmate is DEAD 💀😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😔😞.
B4 I begin, i want you to Know my background (I did NOT provide any more info to Meta than what the Instructions asked for- the unaltered photo, DOB, etc.)-
I’m a Marine veteran, reality porn 🌟 /stripper & HARDCORE 🤨🤨🤨CONSPIRACY THEORIST 🧐🧐🧐
(I just say “CT” though since it’s too much to Type lol— & YOU WILL SEE ME PURPOSELY WRITE IN A SPECIAL WAY WHEN IT COMES TO CERTAIN KEYWORDS/sensitive topics, because I have been 🤬🤬 C 3 N S 0 R 3 D 🤬🤬 SO many times & in so many different places).
I’ve held a Top Secret Government security clearance when I worked as a Marine Security Guard in US Embassies abroad, so I know that my G 0 V T knows EVERYTHING about My Life & they also know everything about all the PEOPLE in my life as well, because they do a very THOROUGH background investigation on you before they give you the TS CLEARANCE to work with Highly sensitive & confidential information, material & property inside the embassy.)
I prefer to “KNOW” things so I can at least Mentally Prepare for what’s to come.
I got plenty of readings done: 1) A Present Life Reading for My Mom & Dad as 🎁’s. 2) The Space In-Between Lives, 3) Future Life & 4) TWO Present Life Readings for myself since Meta never knows where they take her. (So I still need to get the PAST LIFE one 😂)
Mainly my Concern was the stupid 💉💉💉 cuz I’m a
CT 🧐🤨
Meta’s Present Life Reading was insanely accurate! She described people in my life and interactions with them that would’ve been impossible for her to know. Even the small details were spot on. For example, she mentioned a date several years from now when things would really start improving for me. I had had a Vedic Astrology reading done a couple years ago by someone not associated with Moondance and when I dug that notebook out to check my notes, I saw her date lined up exactly as when he had told me that a “golden era” of my life would begin. Goosebumps! If you’re on the fence and looking for a real psychic. Look no further! Meta is the real deal!
She knew things she could not have known without truly reading me. She is straight forward and doesn’t hold anything back. Don’t get a reading if you don’t want to hear the bed to go along with the good because she pulls no punches. I’m so happy I had this reading done because now I’m sure of some decisions I couldn’t make. Blessed be Meta. 🙏🏼
I got chills when I read the report submitted to me by Meta! She was so accurate about everything it was just amazing! She told me about things I never even told anyone and no one could have known without being psychic. When she told me I was pregnant I thought she finally flubbed up because I didn’t think I could possibly be pregnant but she was right! That made my hair on my neck raise more than any part of the reading after I did a pregnancy test. I found out I was 3 months pregnant but kept getting periods anyway which is why I thought I couldn’t be pregnant since I hadn’t had sex in over a month at the time of the reading.
I will never waste my money on readings with anyone else now that I have found Meta!
I feel very fortunate that this reading was an uplifting one!!! I’m very much looking forward to the future! Thank you!!
I didn't know what to expect from this reading, but WOW! Meta saw so many things in my future for me to look forward to. I wasn't sure if I was on the right path, but hearing about what she saw really helped me feel more at ease about where I'm headed. She also saw some not-so-great things, which can be changed if I decide not to act on the situation in a way that would trigger the bad scenarios. I'm glad to know more or less that where I'm headed is going to be better than where I am now. I'm also happy to learn that I'll have two lovely children in my future, as I was always concerned I wouldn't be able to ever conceive due to health issues. The closest upcoming event Meta saw is around the summer of this year so I'll keep this updated when things happen as she saw! Forever grateful for the Moondance ladies!!! 🥰🥰
I originally got this reading when I was very depressed and was close to giving up on life. Stormy and Meta helped pull me out of that hell in many ways. But the ultimate thing that gave me hope was Meta’s reading! I had no idea that I was ever going to be happy let alone have the fairytale life that Meta saw for me! I am now on the right path because I know what to actually pursue now. I really thought I wouldn’t make it past 18 or 21 but now I am 23 and so close to achieving my goals! I have been miserable most of my life due to trauma and a lot of stress in my life but now I feel I have a second chance at life because of the Moondance ladies. I would not be alive today if it wasn’t for them 😊 I would suggest this reading to everyone but especially if you are not sure what to do with your life this can give you a guide of what to do and what not to do! Thank you Meta and all the Moondance ladies love you all so much! 😘❤️❤️
Some things were surprising to learn but Meta knew things she couldn’t know if she didn’t read me the way she did. No one knew some of the things she said besides me. She was very accurate on several things. I’m going to buy a reading for future life next wk.
Mainly my Concern was the stupid 💉💉💉 cuz I’m a
CT 🧐🤨 So I wanted to know IF the A u t h 0 R ! t i e s would come to my house n Drag me off to some stupid Q u ^ R A n T ! 3 C A M P /jail because of the stupid plandemic since the U N v ^ xx 3d ppl are Labeled a “Threat to public health & safety” 😑😒
I KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING ON (& if you care to know what I’m talking about just follow my social media/my OLDER videos cuz I put Warnings about AGENDA 2030, Adrenochrome & The Georgia Guidestones in all of my videos on xvids. Just google my name JULIETUNCENSORED REALITY TV or look up the hashtag #JURTV4POTUS. My pornhub channel got BANNED fyi & I just deal with C e n $ 0 r S h ! P on a regular basis 😡🤬).
Anyway, Meta said that I do NOT have to deal wit the cops and I do NOT get dragged away, BUT I DO LOSE my income. And she was right, because after she did the reading, sure as shit, I f*cking had my disability pay LOWERED 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭
And then of course I saw in the headlines (after Meta did my Reading) that the stupid Prez announced that they will take away pensions and disability for the Un-Jabbed 😩😭😑😡😡😡😡🤦🏻♀️
I HIGHLY recommend for anyone New to magick or who is just starting out on their magickal journey/practice to get a Present Life reading done 1st BEFORE you cast any spells, because I wasted my time, $ & energy doing the Love Spell just to find out that my soulmate is DEAD 💀😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😔😞.
B4 I begin, i want you to Know my background (I did NOT provide any more info to Meta than what the Instructions asked for- the unaltered photo, DOB, etc.)-
I’m a Marine veteran, reality porn 🌟 /stripper & HARDCORE 🤨🤨🤨CONSPIRACY THEORIST 🧐🧐🧐
(I just say “CT” though since it’s too much to Type lol— & YOU WILL SEE ME PURPOSELY WRITE IN A SPECIAL WAY WHEN IT COMES TO CERTAIN KEYWORDS/sensitive topics, because I have been 🤬🤬 C 3 N S 0 R 3 D 🤬🤬 SO many times & in so many different places).
I’ve held a Top Secret Government security clearance when I worked as a Marine Security Guard in US Embassies abroad, so I know that my G 0 V T knows EVERYTHING about My Life & they also know everything about all the PEOPLE in my life as well, because they do a very THOROUGH background investigation on you before they give you the TS CLEARANCE to work with Highly sensitive & confidential information, material & property inside the embassy.)
I prefer to “KNOW” things so I can at least Mentally Prepare for what’s to come.
I got plenty of readings done: 1) A Present Life Reading for My Mom & Dad as 🎁’s. 2) The Space In-Between Lives, 3) Future Life & 4) TWO Present Life Readings for myself since Meta never knows where they take her. (So I still need to get the PAST LIFE one 😂)
Mainly my Concern was the stupid 💉💉💉 cuz I’m a
CT 🧐🤨
Meta’s Present Life Reading was insanely accurate! She described people in my life and interactions with them that would’ve been impossible for her to know. Even the small details were spot on. For example, she mentioned a date several years from now when things would really start improving for me. I had had a Vedic Astrology reading done a couple years ago by someone not associated with Moondance and when I dug that notebook out to check my notes, I saw her date lined up exactly as when he had told me that a “golden era” of my life would begin. Goosebumps! If you’re on the fence and looking for a real psychic. Look no further! Meta is the real deal!
She knew things she could not have known without truly reading me. She is straight forward and doesn’t hold anything back. Don’t get a reading if you don’t want to hear the bed to go along with the good because she pulls no punches. I’m so happy I had this reading done because now I’m sure of some decisions I couldn’t make. Blessed be Meta. 🙏🏼
I got chills when I read the report submitted to me by Meta! She was so accurate about everything it was just amazing! She told me about things I never even told anyone and no one could have known without being psychic. When she told me I was pregnant I thought she finally flubbed up because I didn’t think I could possibly be pregnant but she was right! That made my hair on my neck raise more than any part of the reading after I did a pregnancy test. I found out I was 3 months pregnant but kept getting periods anyway which is why I thought I couldn’t be pregnant since I hadn’t had sex in over a month at the time of the reading.
I will never waste my money on readings with anyone else now that I have found Meta!
I feel very fortunate that this reading was an uplifting one!!! I’m very much looking forward to the future! Thank you!!
I didn't know what to expect from this reading, but WOW! Meta saw so many things in my future for me to look forward to. I wasn't sure if I was on the right path, but hearing about what she saw really helped me feel more at ease about where I'm headed. She also saw some not-so-great things, which can be changed if I decide not to act on the situation in a way that would trigger the bad scenarios. I'm glad to know more or less that where I'm headed is going to be better than where I am now. I'm also happy to learn that I'll have two lovely children in my future, as I was always concerned I wouldn't be able to ever conceive due to health issues. The closest upcoming event Meta saw is around the summer of this year so I'll keep this updated when things happen as she saw! Forever grateful for the Moondance ladies!!! 🥰🥰
I originally got this reading when I was very depressed and was close to giving up on life. Stormy and Meta helped pull me out of that hell in many ways. But the ultimate thing that gave me hope was Meta’s reading! I had no idea that I was ever going to be happy let alone have the fairytale life that Meta saw for me! I am now on the right path because I know what to actually pursue now. I really thought I wouldn’t make it past 18 or 21 but now I am 23 and so close to achieving my goals! I have been miserable most of my life due to trauma and a lot of stress in my life but now I feel I have a second chance at life because of the Moondance ladies. I would not be alive today if it wasn’t for them 😊 I would suggest this reading to everyone but especially if you are not sure what to do with your life this can give you a guide of what to do and what not to do! Thank you Meta and all the Moondance ladies love you all so much! 😘❤️❤️
Some things were surprising to learn but Meta knew things she couldn’t know if she didn’t read me the way she did. No one knew some of the things she said besides me. She was very accurate on several things. I’m going to buy a reading for future life next wk.
Mainly my Concern was the stupid 💉💉💉 cuz I’m a
CT 🧐🤨 So I wanted to know IF the A u t h 0 R ! t i e s would come to my house n Drag me off to some stupid Q u ^ R A n T ! 3 C A M P /jail because of the stupid plandemic since the U N v ^ xx 3d ppl are Labeled a “Threat to public health & safety” 😑😒
I KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING ON (& if you care to know what I’m talking about just follow my social media/my OLDER videos cuz I put Warnings about AGENDA 2030, Adrenochrome & The Georgia Guidestones in all of my videos on xvids. Just google my name JULIETUNCENSORED REALITY TV or look up the hashtag #JURTV4POTUS. My pornhub channel got BANNED fyi & I just deal with C e n $ 0 r S h ! P on a regular basis 😡🤬).
Anyway, Meta said that I do NOT have to deal wit the cops and I do NOT get dragged away, BUT I DO LOSE my income. And she was right, because after she did the reading, sure as shit, I f*cking had my disability pay LOWERED 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭
And then of course I saw in the headlines (after Meta did my Reading) that the stupid Prez announced that they will take away pensions and disability for the Un-Jabbed 😩😭😑😡😡😡😡🤦🏻♀️
I HIGHLY recommend for anyone New to magick or who is just starting out on their magickal journey/practice to get a Present Life reading done 1st BEFORE you cast any spells, because I wasted my time, $ & energy doing the Love Spell just to find out that my soulmate is DEAD 💀😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😔😞.
B4 I begin, i want you to Know my background (I did NOT provide any more info to Meta than what the Instructions asked for- the unaltered photo, DOB, etc.)-
I’m a Marine veteran, reality porn 🌟 /stripper & HARDCORE 🤨🤨🤨CONSPIRACY THEORIST 🧐🧐🧐
(I just say “CT” though since it’s too much to Type lol— & YOU WILL SEE ME PURPOSELY WRITE IN A SPECIAL WAY WHEN IT COMES TO CERTAIN KEYWORDS/sensitive topics, because I have been 🤬🤬 C 3 N S 0 R 3 D 🤬🤬 SO many times & in so many different places).
I’ve held a Top Secret Government security clearance when I worked as a Marine Security Guard in US Embassies abroad, so I know that my G 0 V T knows EVERYTHING about My Life & they also know everything about all the PEOPLE in my life as well, because they do a very THOROUGH background investigation on you before they give you the TS CLEARANCE to work with Highly sensitive & confidential information, material & property inside the embassy.)
I prefer to “KNOW” things so I can at least Mentally Prepare for what’s to come.
I got plenty of readings done: 1) A Present Life Reading for My Mom & Dad as 🎁’s. 2) The Space In-Between Lives, 3) Future Life & 4) TWO Present Life Readings for myself since Meta never knows where they take her. (So I still need to get the PAST LIFE one 😂)
Mainly my Concern was the stupid 💉💉💉 cuz I’m a
CT 🧐🤨
Meta’s Present Life Reading was insanely accurate! She described people in my life and interactions with them that would’ve been impossible for her to know. Even the small details were spot on. For example, she mentioned a date several years from now when things would really start improving for me. I had had a Vedic Astrology reading done a couple years ago by someone not associated with Moondance and when I dug that notebook out to check my notes, I saw her date lined up exactly as when he had told me that a “golden era” of my life would begin. Goosebumps! If you’re on the fence and looking for a real psychic. Look no further! Meta is the real deal!
She knew things she could not have known without truly reading me. She is straight forward and doesn’t hold anything back. Don’t get a reading if you don’t want to hear the bed to go along with the good because she pulls no punches. I’m so happy I had this reading done because now I’m sure of some decisions I couldn’t make. Blessed be Meta. 🙏🏼
I got chills when I read the report submitted to me by Meta! She was so accurate about everything it was just amazing! She told me about things I never even told anyone and no one could have known without being psychic. When she told me I was pregnant I thought she finally flubbed up because I didn’t think I could possibly be pregnant but she was right! That made my hair on my neck raise more than any part of the reading after I did a pregnancy test. I found out I was 3 months pregnant but kept getting periods anyway which is why I thought I couldn’t be pregnant since I hadn’t had sex in over a month at the time of the reading.
I will never waste my money on readings with anyone else now that I have found Meta!