Portal to Selene, The Moon Goddess - Answers Your Questions While You Sleep
Selene is a Titan goddess to the Greeks. Selene is the daughter of Titans Hyperion and Theia. Her brother, Helios, is the god of the sun, and her sister, Eos, is the goddess of the dawn.
She was worshipped by the Greeks because of her ability to pull the moon across the sky with her chariot to provide a bright light in what would otherwise be a dark sky. She was referred to as the all-seeing eye of the night because the moon would always be visible in the night sky, and no one could run from it.
Selene also had the power to give sleep to mortals by allowing them to have a period of the day with no sun.
She represents constant change. As the moon would go through different phases each month, Selene personified life’s constant changes.
Another power that Selene possesses, and maybe most importantly to those of us who like to work with her, is her ability to allow mortals to dream while they sleep. She will visit you in your sleep and give you an answer to a question you may wish to ask. People who never seem to be able to remember any of their dreams always wake up with the knowledge Selene plants in their minds while they sleep. Some say it's the only dreams they ever remember. We have found that when she does not come to us with an answer, she either does not know the best answer to give, or she feels the answer should not be known at this time. Oftentimes, this is for our own protection.
Meta and Mya, at times, both work closely with Selene to help them gain knowledge of a client's previous life. The Moondance ladies do not need to sleep to communicate with Selene though. They merely close their eyes and relax before they ask Selene a question about the reading they are working on, and Selene will show them the needed aspects of the client's life that Meta or Mya could not see on their own when they traveled through the client's life to do the reading.
For instance, Meta may see that someone was married in a previous life to someone they know in this life, but they might not get all the details they had hoped to get, such as the person's name in this life or even a description of them. Often, Selene will help them with an issue like that so that they can complete their reading by showing them something they couldn't see before.
If you're not at the point yet where you are traveling through your own life or other people's lives to see their past, present and future, and let's face it, most of us are not, that's never a problem for Selene. She always knows how to get a message to anyone to help them make decisions, or to just know some answers to questions they might have about their lives.
Ask us for the document on how to communicate with gods and goddesses through a portal after you make a purchase for this item (or for any goddess/god portals), unless you've already purchased other portals from us, in which case you should already have the document.
This is not a shippable item. Mya or Meta will create a portal for you to communicate with Goddess Selene out of any item you choose. Send us a photo of the item as soon as possible after you make your purchase, as we cannot place you on Meta or Mya's schedule until you have made your purchase AND provided us with a photo of the object you wish to use. If you do not have anything to use, you may shop our site for crystals, jewelry, statues, or anything else we may have in stock at the time. If you find something you like, add it to the SAME ORDER with this portal, and indicate in the notes section of the order that you'd like us to create the portal using the other item on your order. We have a section where we started placing random items in it for potential portal ideas for those who don't have anything they feel is suitable to use.
Your portal could be a decoration you have that you love, a piece of jewelry, a crystal, a statue, an ornament, or just about anything you have that you enjoy looking at. It can even be a photograph. You may also have the portal bridged to your person, if you wish. In this case, you would look for the specific instructions on our instruction sheet for operating your portal when the portal is you. If you decide that you want to be your own portal, please send us a face photo of yourself, and do not filter it in any way. No photoshop or any enhancements whatsoever. We will need a clear visual of your eyes to achieve this for you. Please do not send pictures of anything though until after you place your order so that we have an order to match up with the email.
A portal to a god or a goddess is a means of communication. You open the portal to ask your questions or to converse with the god or goddess, and you close it after you're finished with your conversation. (How to do this is all in the instructions). Since spirits don't have cell phones, we use a portal to reach them.
You are not adopting a spirit. Gods and goddesses do not wish to be adopted! This is strictly a means of getting their attention quickly, working with them while the portal is open, and closing it back up again when you're finished. It's like a hot line to the gods and goddesses. They are always aware of who has portals to contact them so that they are on alert and at your disposal anytime you open the portal. Just follow the simple instructions and you'll be reaching your goddess in no time.
Remember that spirit can be, and is, in many places simultaneously. A million people can have portals to the same god or goddess, and those gods and goddesses can serve all of them at once. So when you call them, they will come.
The portal creation ceremony is done on Mya or Meta's schedule, as well as at a time when they can work with the god or goddess effectively. While they are always listening, they might not always be able to be present for a 45 minute portal ceremony. Unless we are bridging the portal directly to you, you do not need to do anything special while this is taking place. Just be sure to have your item out in the open that you want to use as your portal once you make your purchase, unless you are purchasing that item from us. If you are ordering something online from a different website, please do not purchase the portal until that item is in your possession and you're ready for the portal bridging service to be completed.

I was debating for awhile to get a portal for Selene. I'm always trying to figure out my dreams. I know there are a lot of answers in your dreams. So I'm looking forward to working with her. Thank you Moondance Magick ❤️
I wasn't sure I believed this would work but after 4 nights in a row of my requests coming true I am definitely convinced and I'll be getting more portals from this store.

I was debating for awhile to get a portal for Selene. I'm always trying to figure out my dreams. I know there are a lot of answers in your dreams. So I'm looking forward to working with her. Thank you Moondance Magick ❤️
I wasn't sure I believed this would work but after 4 nights in a row of my requests coming true I am definitely convinced and I'll be getting more portals from this store.

I was debating for awhile to get a portal for Selene. I'm always trying to figure out my dreams. I know there are a lot of answers in your dreams. So I'm looking forward to working with her. Thank you Moondance Magick ❤️
I wasn't sure I believed this would work but after 4 nights in a row of my requests coming true I am definitely convinced and I'll be getting more portals from this store.