Portal to Medusa - Remote Bridging
About Medusa
Medusa is the most famous of three monstrous sisters known as the Gorgons. The earliest known record about the story of Medusa and the Gorgons can be found in Hesiod’s Theogony. According to this ancient author, the three sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, were the children of Phorcys and Ceto and lived “beyond famed Oceanus at the world’s edge hard by Night”. Of the three, only Medusa is said to be mortal. But she is also the most famous and the her demise at the hands of Perseus is often recounted.
Why Did Medusa Get Cursed?
Although Hesiod gives an account of Medusa’s origins and the death of Medusa at the hands of Perseus, he does not say more about her. By contrast, a more comprehensive account of Perseus and Medusa can be found in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In this work, Ovid describes Medusa as originally being a beautiful maiden. Her beauty caught the eye of Poseidon, who desired her and proceeded to ravage her in Athena’s shrine. When Athena discovered the sea god had ravaged Medusa in her shrine she sought vengeance by transforming Medusa’s hair into snakes, so that anyone who gazed at her directly would be turned into stone.
Thus, the description of Medusa changed from one of an alluring lady, as Ovid describes in Metamorphoses:
"Medusa once had charms; to gain her love
A rival crowd of envious lovers strove.
They, who have seen her, own, they ne'er did trace
More moving features in a sweeter face.
Yet above all, her length of hair, they own,
In golden ringlets wav'd, and graceful shone".
~ Ovid, Metamorphoses
Photos shown in this listing were found online to depict Medusa as the beautiful woman she is when she is not attempting to court someone (and when they are not attempting to court her). The second photo is a depiction of what eligible men would see when they looked at her as they were about to ask her to spend time with her.
What can Medusa do for you?
If you work in the dark arts, she will enhance your skills for you three-fold. She is a love & light spirit by nature, but she's had a chip on her shoulder ever since Athena cursed her, so she has had a taste for the dark arts since her death. She loves to help with revenge and karma, in particular.
Medusa's name in ancient Greek means “to guard and protect.” She will protect you, your home, and everyone who dwells inside. If you would like her protection at work, as you're embarking on a trip, or anywhere outside your home, simply open her portal and ask for her to protect you in your travels. When you return, thank her for keeping you safe, and close the portal again.
About your purchase & what to expect:
This is a remote bridging of a communication portal for Medusa. If you're not familiar with portals, the best way to describe it is like a telephone. You open it to communicate, and close it when you are finished, much like dialing to make a phone call and hanging up when you are finished. You are not adopting Medusa! She cannot be adopted. You are simply gaining a means of communicating directly with her. It will be just like having a hotline to her. She will tune into you each time you open her portal and call to her. If you are clairaudient, you will hear her responses. If you are not, she will try other ways to get her comments and messages to you. If all else fails, she will simply listen to your assignments and/or desires, and she will likely help you with anything you ask her for. I say "likely", because spirits may not consider something you are asking for as something that would give you your best possible outcome. She may vary what you are asking of her slightly, or she may feel it is a bad idea altogether.
A good example of this was when a client of ours had a portal from us to Goddess Hathor. The client asked Hathor to do something horrible to her boyfriend, whom she was told cheated on her. (Not just told he was cheating on her, but "proof" was shown to her that he was in bed with someone else).
Hathor knew that the boyfriend did NOT cheat on our client, therefore, she knew our client would not want these horrible things to happen to him.
How did the rumor start? Our client's boyfriend's best friend was in cahoots with one of our client's girlfriends. The best friend wanted to go out with our client. The female friend of our client wanted our client's boyfriend. So the two of them got together and plotted the rumor, complete with photoshopped pictures, making it appear that he was cheating with another woman.
Our client was not clairaudient, so she did not know that Hathor was refusing to follow through with her requests. Hathor managed to communicate to her through telepathy though, showing her pictures of her so-called girlfriend and her boyfriend's so-called best friend plotting the breakup. Our client did eventually get back together with her boyfriend, and she was happy that Hathor knew better than to give him a small penis and an STD! The "best friend" of the young man and the girlfriend of our client were written off by the two of them for good, according to our client.
MEDUSA IS ONLY OFFERING FIVE (5) PORTALS AT THIS TIME, so only the first five purchases will be filled. Our system's inventory is set at a quantity of five, so if it is showing as "in stock" and you are able to put it in your cart and check out, we have not yet sold out. First come, first served. Payment of your order will reserve a portal for you, but it will not be scheduled until we know who or what we will be bridging the portal to, and until we have a photo of the object or of you, whichever the case may be.
We can bridge the portal to you or to an object. Please send us a photo of the object or a recent, un-filtered photo of you, depending on which way you would like her portal bridged, AFTER you make your purchase. If you send it before purchasing, it will make things even more chaotic around here than they already are, so please do not send anything to us until the purchase is made.
If we will bridge the portal to an object, please keep the object out in the open somewhere rather than hidden in a drawer or a closet until you receive our automated email that your order has been fulfilled. If we will bridge to your person, we will need to schedule this ceremony with you for a time when you can be at rest for 45 minutes to an hour without getting your heartrate elevated. You do not have to be lying down or sitting still, but you should not be doing any kind of aerobic exercise, including power walking, vigorous cleaning, having sex, etc. (Anything that makes your heart feel as if it is beating rapidly). You can dust, wash dishes, do laundry, or anything else that does not make your heart race. We encourage you to NOT watch any action movies or play video games during this time. The date and time for the bridging will be established once we have your photo, so please send the photo as soon as you order. If you are one of our regular clients and we already have a semi-recent photo of you in your file, you do not need to send us another photo of yourself.
Please ask us to email you our instruction sheet for communicating with spirits through a portal if we do not automatically send it to you upon purchase! If you have already had other spirit portals bridged to you or to an object, you should already have the instructions. There are only a few spirits that have separate instructions from the general instructions for communicating with all spirits.
For the record, Medusa did NOT decapitate Perseus! She communicated to Stormy years ago that this is a myth, and she was not happy when she heard that tale. She is especially not happy that there was a famous sculpture made in her likeness holding the head of Perseus after the so-called beheading would have taken place.