Portal to Lilith - Remote Binding - Unleash Your Inner Lilith!
You asked for her, and we finally got her to agree with our terms :)
There are multiple rumors about the history of Lilith, but Lilith tells us that she was, indeed, the first wife of Adam. Lilith's name is not included in the creation story of the Torah, but she appears in several midrashic texts.
Lilith was created by God from dust and placed with Adam in the Garden of Eden to be his wife. That was not an issue for either of them, as they found each other quite suitable. But soon, problems arose between Adam and Lilith. Adam tried to exercise dominance over Lilith, which was a bad call indeed.
The first time they had sex, they mingled about in different positions. The second time they started to make out, Adam expressed that he felt he should always be on top during sex, so she refused to have sex with him. She told him they were created equal, both from the dust of the earth, so she should not have to lie beneath him. After Adam disagreed, Lilith fled the Garden of Eden to gain her independence. Adam told God that Lilith had left, so God sent three angels, Senoi, Sansenoi, and Sammangelof, to retrieve her.
The three angels found Lilith in a cave where she was bearing a multitude of children. They told her she needed to come back to her husband Adam, but she refused to return to the garden. The angels then told her they would kill 100 of her children every day for her disobedience, and they did. Out of revenge, she vowed to rob children of life, and she is responsible for the deaths of still-born infants and crib deaths (SIDS) up until the year 350 BC. Male children were at risk of Lilith's wrath for 8 days after birth (until circumcision) and females were at risk for 20 days. Although Lilith stole the lives of children during the night, she agreed not to kill the children who had amulets of either of the three angels (Senoi, Sansenoi, and Sammangelof).
After the angels' departure, Lilith tried to return to the garden, but upon her arrival she discovered that Adam already had another wife, whom we all know as Eve. Out of revenge, Lilith had sex with Adam while he was sleeping and stole his seed. (Is that even possible? How does a man sleep through to the end?) With Adam's seed, she bore "lilium", (earth-bound demons), to replace her children who were killed by the angels. Lilith says she is also widely responsible for many boys' erotic dreams and nocturnal emissions. When they have their "wet dreams", she steals their seed, as well.
Lilith was not only the first human woman on Earth, she was the first independent woman. Unfortunately, it would be many thousands of years before women would start to seek out their own independence again. Despite Lilith's downfalls, she still remains a symbol of power simply by her survival and mysteriousness. She is open for interpretation, and therefore allows women to reinterpret her symbolism and power within the tradition.
What Lilith will do for you:
- She will help you find and unleash your "Inner Lilith". She says all of us who survive today are her descendants, as she was the first woman alive on earth.
- She will help you become more stoic (she gave birth to thousands of children, so she's the bish!)
- She will help you find courage to stand up for yourself
- Make you feel more confident
- Give you the strength you need to fight for what you want while also giving you the wisdom to know when something is not worth fighting for
- Provide you with her essence so that no man will be courageous enough to attempt to unfairly dominate you with his physical strength, unless you want them to
- Help you with witchcraft by giving you insight to the tools and ingredients you’ll need for the most potent spells
And more!
It is NOT recommended that any male human species purchase a portal to Lilith. She will not help you with anything.
Remember that this is a PORTAL to communicate with Lilith. You will not actually have her spirit bound to you (or to your item). Your experience with Lilith will be similar to calling her on the phone. Ask us for instructions for opening and closing the portal to your spirits once you complete a transaction for a portal, unless you have purchased other portals from us previously. This instruction sheet will also include tips on communicating with any spirit via portal.
No product will be shipped to you, so there are no shipping charges. This is a remote binding which Meta or Mya will conduct to create a portal for you to communicate with Lilith
The object you choose for Lilith’s portal, if not to your person, can be anything you find to be pleasing to the eye. Something that sparks you when you see it. It can be a gem or a crystal, a skull, a wand, or anything you'd consider restive to your purpose.
When you submit the photo of the object you wish to use as your portal, please also set that item out on a table or a dresser somewhere (not in a drawer or a closet). We can usually knock bindings out pretty quickly between harder jobs such as readings when we need a break from those more tedious jobs. You might be told the binding ceremony will take place three days from now, but if we find an hour somewhere that we can get this done for you before that appointment time, we will do it if you tell us that you have the item out in the open. Most spirits will not bind to anything that is tucked away somewhere, or at least not without hesitation.
Once the binding ceremony is finished, you will know either by receiving an email from us letting you know your spirit has been remotely bound or by getting a notification directly from our website system that looks like a form letter stating that "your purchase is on the way". We did not choose this verbiage, so rest assured, in this case, in means the binding is complete. They use that verbiage because many of our products are shipped. So please excuse the verbiage for remote bindings, readings, and portals to special spirits. This notification actually means the service has been done. We try to also contact you by email to let you know, but this is not always possible when we are extremely busy getting orders out. Mya or Meta almost always have time to mark the order as fulfilled when they finish the binding ceremonies though.
Offerings: Lilith likes a wide variety of things as offerings, some of which may surprise you. Foods and drinks she likes are lemons and limes, grapes, figs and fig jam, fish, muscadine wine, water with cucumber slices, and grape juice. She DETESTS APPLES and anything derived from apples. She also enjoys watching porn, but if you prefer she not watch poem under your roof, she will just eavesdrop on people in your community, but she will never overstep any boundaries with you. In addition, she also likes to knit. 😂 You can’t make this 💩 up!
When you make a purchase with us, you are stating you have read, understand and agree to our Terms of Service.
While I do not or have ever purchased a portal to Lilith, I am rather close to her. She is my matron deity. And of course as the listing suggest, don't buy one if you are a male. My situation and being chosen by her is rather unique. But that is another story. She will definitely help you to stand up for yourself. You might want to be prepared for going deep into shadow work as well. She will most likely make you do that if you need to. She also teaches glamour magick. And of course the other stuff mentioned here and more. I would also recommend perfumes, dark chocolate, and red roses for offerings. Lavender incense is good also. And anything with owls. She is amazing to work with. It's been great having her with me. I just wanted to chime in on this for any women here who are on the fence about getting a portal to her.
While I do not or have ever purchased a portal to Lilith, I am rather close to her. She is my matron deity. And of course as the listing suggest, don't buy one if you are a male. My situation and being chosen by her is rather unique. But that is another story. She will definitely help you to stand up for yourself. You might want to be prepared for going deep into shadow work as well. She will most likely make you do that if you need to. She also teaches glamour magick. And of course the other stuff mentioned here and more. I would also recommend perfumes, dark chocolate, and red roses for offerings. Lavender incense is good also. And anything with owls. She is amazing to work with. It's been great having her with me. I just wanted to chime in on this for any women here who are on the fence about getting a portal to her.
While I do not or have ever purchased a portal to Lilith, I am rather close to her. She is my matron deity. And of course as the listing suggest, don't buy one if you are a male. My situation and being chosen by her is rather unique. But that is another story. She will definitely help you to stand up for yourself. You might want to be prepared for going deep into shadow work as well. She will most likely make you do that if you need to. She also teaches glamour magick. And of course the other stuff mentioned here and more. I would also recommend perfumes, dark chocolate, and red roses for offerings. Lavender incense is good also. And anything with owls. She is amazing to work with. It's been great having her with me. I just wanted to chime in on this for any women here who are on the fence about getting a portal to her.