Portal to Hindu Goddess Shakti - Supreme Being - Energy, Ecstasy, Willpower, Strength
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The word shakti literally means power. Shakti the innate power in reality, has five faces. It manifests as the power to be conscious, the power to feel ecstasy, the power of will, or desire, the power to know, and the power to act. In a nutshell, Shakti means power, energy, or force.
People worship Shakti as the divine mother who calls for absolute surrender. Yogis regard Shakti as the power, lying dormant within the body as a coiled serpent (kundalini), that must be aroused and realized to reach spiritual liberation. Shaktism is an essential part of Hindu Tantra, a system of practices involving the worship of the goddess and designed to empower and release both mind and body.
Shakti is always described as feminine, often personified as the goddess, Devi, the divine feminine consort of the divine masculine god Shiva. But at the deepest level, Shakti transcends gender.
Shakti may be personified as the gentle and benevolent Uma, consort of Shiva, or Kali, the terrifying force destroying evil, or Durga, the warrior who conquers forces that threaten the stability of the universe. Goddess worshippers often view their deity as the all-powerful Supreme Being, second not even to a male god.
To please the divine goddess, it is recommended to chant the shakti mantras with utmost sincerity. This practice connects the chanter to the Shakti mantra's vibration. It's a wonderful mantra for expecting women to chant for their kids, as well as for all women to connect with the Holy Feminine energy. Shakti bija (single-syllable or "seed") mantras are some of the most powerful mantras, foremost being Om, which is the sound of the universe, cosmic energy and creation.
The main shakti mantras and their energies are: Om (pranic energy), Aieem (sound), Hreem (solar), Shreem (lunar), Kreem (electric), Kleem (magnetic), Hum (fire), Hleem (power to stop), Streem (power to stabilize) and Treem (power to transcend). The best mantra to associate with Goddess Shakti when meditating is the Om sound. If you are not familiar with the universal sound of Om, we recommend this YouTube video:
To learn more about Goddess Shakti, we found this magnificent testimonial article. It is a good read, and the writer is 100% legit, per Meta.
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