Portal to Greek Goddess Tyche (Tykhe) - Fortune, Chance, Success
You will receive a communication portal to the Greek Goddess of Fortune with this listing, Goddess Tyche.
TYKHE (Tyche) was the goddess of fortune, chance, providence and fate. She was usually honored in a more favorable light as Eutykhia (Eutychia), goddess of good fortune, luck, success and prosperity.
Tykhe can help you by giving you an edge on things you chance (including gambling), bring you good fortune, and helping you become successful. Instructions for opening the portal and communicating with her will be emailed to you upon purchase (please remind us!) The portal can be secured to something you own or to your person. The instructions tell you how to communicate with her through the portal whether your portal is yourself or an object. We will need a photo of the object or of you in order to complete the portal attachment.
More about Tykhe:
Tyche was the presiding tutelary deity who governed the fortune and prosperity of a city, its destiny. She is the daughter of the Titans Tethys and Oceanus, though some thought she was the daughter of Zeus. She served to bring positive messages to people, relating to external events outside their control.
During the Hellenistic period, with dramatic socio-political changes starting with Alexander the Great, Tyche increasingly embodied the whims of fate (both negative and positive), eclipsing the role of the Olympic gods. The Greek historian Polybius believed that when no cause can be discovered to events such as floods, droughts, frosts, or even in politics, then the cause of these events may be fairly attributed to Tyche. Other ancient Greek sources corroborate Polybius, such as Pindar who claims Tyche could hand victory to a lesser athlete. This "Hellenistic Tyche" is often featured on coins such as those minted by Demetrius I Soter. Further, Tyche comes to represent not only personal fate, but the fate of communities. Cities venerated their own Tychai, specific iconic versions of the original Tyche. This practice was continued in the iconography of Roman art, even into the Christian period, often as sets of the greatest cities of the empire.
According to the Pausanias in his Description of Greece, Palamedes created the first pair of dice and gave them as an offering to Tyche, hence her calling as the Goddess of Chance.