Portal to Goddess Fortuna - Prosperity, Clarity, See the Future
Goddess Fortuna is easy to get along with. If you respect her, and she will respect you in return. Whether you love to take big risks in life, or you need fate to start working in your favor, Fortuna is a wonderful Goddess to call upon.
This portal is also a powerful divinatory tool and can bring divine knowledge, interpretation and guidance. Place it beside your bed at night to experience lucid and prophetic dreams, and to receive divine protection from danger and nightmares.
You don’t have to try and call her with lengthy rituals and offerings, simply use the vessel and she will hear you.
Fortuna was the Roman goddess of chance and luck. She started out as an Italian farming deity, most often linked with prosperity. As a fertility goddess, she would bring prosperity and abundant harvests. Evidence suggests that people who worshipped Fortuna during Rome’s earliest days, received the abundance they were seeking, not only in their harvests, but in other ways, as well.
Fortuna tells us that she is still providing people with their NEEDS, and she determines their needs vs. greed of always wanting more and never being satisfied. Example: You might need a different car to drive because you keep sinking hundreds or thousands of dollars into the same old car and it's keeping you from getting anywhere financially. She will help you get a suitable and reliable vehicle for your needs, but it doesn't mean you'll get a Cadillac or a Ferrari. Those are greedy wants in her book, not needs.
When working with Fortuna, you may experience:
● The Clarity To Make Your Life How You Want It To Be
● Fate Begins To Work In Your Favor
● Enhanced Divination
● See The Future
Please note that Goddess Fortuna is a little harder for us to work with as she is not as easy to conjure to get her attention to the matter of bridging her to a portal. Once she is bridged, she is easy to summon, but we have not had as easy a time of summoning her for this task. Because it takes a little more time and effort, the price for this portal is slightly higher than others. You can believe it though, that she is well worth it!
This is a remote binding to an object of your choosing. This can be your favorite crystal, a piece of jewelry, a statue, or anything you have that is a durable piece that will hold up over time. We can also bridge the portal to your person.
After you purchase this item, email us with the following:
- Your full name,
- Birthday
- An un-doctored photo of yourself (no filters should be used whatsoever. It can be a selfie).
- A photo of the item you wish to use as your portal, if you are not having us bridge the portal to you, personally.
We will reply to you with instructions on how to effectively use your portal to communicate with Goddess Fortuna, and with your appointment date and time.
For this bridging, you do not have to do anything special in anticipation of the portal bridging unless we are bridging this portal directly to you (vs. to an object). If bridging the portal to you, we must conduct this ceremony at a time when you will be somewhat peaceful. You don't have to be sleeping or even sitting down, but you should not have your heart racing from aerobic activity of any kind during this time. It could delay the whole process, and it will be very frustrating for Meta or Mya to get the job done. So no scrubbing floors, running up and down stairs, jogging, playing tennis, having sex, or even watching an action movie if they tend to make you edgy and raise your heart rate. But you can certainly do things like washing dishes, watching a calm movie, reading a book, etc.
If you are having the portal bridged to yourself, please provide a few windows of time or tell us about your schedule so that we can plan for this bridging ceremony appropriately when scheduling it for you.
Bridging ceremonies usually take less than an hour, and most often take about 35-45 minutes from start to finish, so you will not need to remain in a calm state for very long. When it is complete, you will receive an automated email from our website stating that your service has been rendered. This will be manipulated by Meta or Mya marking the order as fulfilled on the back end. Once you receive that email, you can follow the instructions we sent you to communicate with Goddess Fortuna and welcome her to your home.
Please understand that you are not receiving Goddess Fortuna's spirit to keep like you would in the case of spirit adoption. She is available to you all the time, but she is not with you all the time. You must open the portal and call to her in order to communicate with her. Spirit can be in many places at one time, so she can be helping others while also helping you.
Since this is not an adoption of a spirit but rather a portal to communicate through with a spirit, you do not need to go through the adoption process of contacting us first before purchasing, but you should still read our Terms of Service, as with all purchases.
They told me to be patient because it can take a few weeks or months but I got this yesterday and today I got a bonus I wasn't expecting to get at work over $700 today! I didn't even know if I was doing it right! Thank you goddess Fortuna and Meta! I can't wait to see what's next!
They told me to be patient because it can take a few weeks or months but I got this yesterday and today I got a bonus I wasn't expecting to get at work over $700 today! I didn't even know if I was doing it right! Thank you goddess Fortuna and Meta! I can't wait to see what's next!
They told me to be patient because it can take a few weeks or months but I got this yesterday and today I got a bonus I wasn't expecting to get at work over $700 today! I didn't even know if I was doing it right! Thank you goddess Fortuna and Meta! I can't wait to see what's next!