Portal to Aphrodite - Greek Sex Love Beauty Goddess
APHRODITE was the Olympian goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation. She was depicted as a beautiful woman often accompanied by the winged godling Eros (Love). Her attributes included a dove, apple, scallop shell and mirror. In classical sculpture and fresco she was usually depicted nude.
Use your portal to contact Aphrodite if you're looking for love to enter your life ASAP. She is a matchmaker of sorts, and she loves a happy ending when it comes to love stories. She will make it her personal duty to find love for you.
If you already found the love of your life, ask Aphrodite to spice things up for you in the bedroom, or to help you and/or your spouse with any issues you may have in that category, such as ED, dryness, the inability to climax, or any other problems that may present themselves for you and your lover. She has heard about just about any hurdle you can imagine and she understands them all, so don't be afraid to talk with her about any concerns you have with your sex life, whether physical, mental, or emotional. She will get to the bottom of the issues and fix them.
If you have already found love and you and your lover already have a very active, healthy, and spicy sex life, Aphrodite will help you with much more. If you are having trouble conceiving, she will make conditions better for this to happen for you.
Maybe you don't feel beautiful, or wish you could. Aphrodite is your girl!
Instructions for communicating with Aphrodite through your portal will be emailed to you upon purchase. We will bind a portal remotely for you...either to yourself or to an object. If you opt to have her portal bound to an object, you'll need to make sure that object is accessible anytime you need her for help with your sex life, your love life, or with fertility. If you have her portal bound to your person, you will need access to a mirror anytime you wish to speak with her.
One thing is for certain: Aphrodite makes you feel loved, appreciated, and BEAUTIFUL! Man or woman, Aphrodite is not happy until YOU are HAPPY! She won't give up on you!
More about Aphrodite:
Hesiod, Theogony 176 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C.) :
"Ouranos (the Sky) came, bringing on night and longing for love, and he lay about Gaia (the Earth) spreading himself full upon her. Then the son [Kronos] from his ambush stretched forth his left hand and in his right took the great long sickle with jagged teeth, and swiftly lopped off his own father's members and cast them away to fall behind him . . . and so soon as he had cut off the members with flint and cast them from the land into the surging sea, they were swept away over the main a long time: and a white foam spread around them from the immortal flesh, and in it there grew a maiden. First she drew near holy Kythera, and from there, afterwards, she came to sea-girt Kypros, and came forth an awful and lovely goddess, and grass grew up about her beneath her shapely feet. Her gods and men call Aphrodite, and Aphrogeneia (the foam-born) because she grew amid the foam, and well-crowned (eustephanos) Kythereia because she reached Kythera, and Kyprogenes because she was born in billowy Kypros, and Philommedes (Genital-Loving) because sprang from the members. And with her went Eros (Love), and comely Himeros (Desire) followed her at her birth at the first and as she went into the assembly of the gods. This honour she has from the beginning, and this is the portion allotted to her amongst men and undying gods,--the whisperings of maidens and smiles and deceits with sweet delight and love and graciousness."
I had this one bound to me. Normally, the deities I work with have came to me. So this is the first time I have ever used a portal. Aphrodite has been great. She definitely wants to help you out. Of course you have to open and close the portal to work with her. I am connected rather strongly to some of the others I work with. So it's similar in that way. Or they come to me when they need to talk to me or want me to do something. So it's definitely a bit different getting used to having a portal. Aphrodite will help with your love life. And with beauty and even self love. I would definitely recommend her if you are looking to work on these things.
You always know you’re getting what you pay for if not more when it comes to The Moondance Ladies ✨ I haven’t had this portal to Goddess Aphrodite for too long, so we are still getting to know each other (: she’s very sweet and I get a warm/loving feeling when she’s around. When I went to use the bathroom there was a honey bee by my mirror. I, myself, don’t like critters so immediately I wanted to smush it. Had a sudden urge/feeling that I shouldn’t do so. I went ahead and asked her what I should do since it was clear I wasn’t allowed to smush it and took Mr. Bee outside hahaha just her way of letting me know she’s always around 🥰
I had this one bound to me. Normally, the deities I work with have came to me. So this is the first time I have ever used a portal. Aphrodite has been great. She definitely wants to help you out. Of course you have to open and close the portal to work with her. I am connected rather strongly to some of the others I work with. So it's similar in that way. Or they come to me when they need to talk to me or want me to do something. So it's definitely a bit different getting used to having a portal. Aphrodite will help with your love life. And with beauty and even self love. I would definitely recommend her if you are looking to work on these things.
You always know you’re getting what you pay for if not more when it comes to The Moondance Ladies ✨ I haven’t had this portal to Goddess Aphrodite for too long, so we are still getting to know each other (: she’s very sweet and I get a warm/loving feeling when she’s around. When I went to use the bathroom there was a honey bee by my mirror. I, myself, don’t like critters so immediately I wanted to smush it. Had a sudden urge/feeling that I shouldn’t do so. I went ahead and asked her what I should do since it was clear I wasn’t allowed to smush it and took Mr. Bee outside hahaha just her way of letting me know she’s always around 🥰
I had this one bound to me. Normally, the deities I work with have came to me. So this is the first time I have ever used a portal. Aphrodite has been great. She definitely wants to help you out. Of course you have to open and close the portal to work with her. I am connected rather strongly to some of the others I work with. So it's similar in that way. Or they come to me when they need to talk to me or want me to do something. So it's definitely a bit different getting used to having a portal. Aphrodite will help with your love life. And with beauty and even self love. I would definitely recommend her if you are looking to work on these things.
You always know you’re getting what you pay for if not more when it comes to The Moondance Ladies ✨ I haven’t had this portal to Goddess Aphrodite for too long, so we are still getting to know each other (: she’s very sweet and I get a warm/loving feeling when she’s around. When I went to use the bathroom there was a honey bee by my mirror. I, myself, don’t like critters so immediately I wanted to smush it. Had a sudden urge/feeling that I shouldn’t do so. I went ahead and asked her what I should do since it was clear I wasn’t allowed to smush it and took Mr. Bee outside hahaha just her way of letting me know she’s always around 🥰