Portal to 3 Loved Ones Passed - Human or Pets
Do you wish to contact someone you love? Would you like to talk with them anytime you wish through a portal? We like to think our loved ones who have passed are always around us listening, but it is sometimes difficult for spirits who have passed recently to get the hang of it when it comes to finding and listening to those they left behind.
With a portal, you can reach out to them since they may have difficulty reaching out to you. If you are in tune with spirit and you are clairaudient, you will usually hear a response to your questions for them. If you are not, you may wish to use this portal in conjunction with a spirit board and pendulum or a spirit box, if you have a good one that works properly.
You can also use this portal to reach out to your deceased pets. Any responses you receive will not be barks or meows, but rather the thoughts your pet has when you reach out to them. It would be thoughts of anything that they knew while alive. So if they knew words like "Love", "Kiss", "Ball", "Mouse", "Frisbee", "Treat", "Birdie", "Good Girl or Boy", "Giddie up", etc., these are the words you will hear if this is what they are thinking when you communicate with them. If your pet was incapable of knowing commands or keywords, you will likely see images in your mind of his or her return messages, or you might hear a sound or see a clear sign from them that they are with you.
If you are not in tune with spirit and you do not have a good spirit box, you will at least be able to relay your thoughts and feelings to your loved ones. They will often send you signs that they are hearing your messages, if you are not able to hear their communication to you. However, if they do not send you any clear signs, do not get discouraged, especially if they have passed in recent years.
The first customer to order this remote direct binding of a spirit portal for their loved one has been talking to her father for 8 years without any communication or signs given to her. She bought it just weeks after he passed and talked to him almost daily. Finally one day, he tapped on her living room window. She thought it was just a bird at first, but she could have sworn the tapping sound was rhythmic, and it almost sounded like the beat to a song that he always sang to her when she was a little girl. She figured her mind was playing games with her and she brushed it off. He knew this was her thought process though, so he did it again the next day, and the next, and the next. After a few days, she also realized it was happening around the same time of day each day, so she started writing down the time that appeared on her phone. It was 4:18 pm each afternoon. His birthday was 4/18. After a few days of hearing it at precisely 4:18, she knew it was him, and she told him she knew it was him. When she told him this, she heard a sigh. The following day, he did not tap. She got to her portal and asked her why he did not tap. She was sort of second-guessing her thoughts at this point. But this time she heard him speak. He said, I don't need to tap anymore since you will soon hear me when I speak. She yelled, "I heard that! I actually heard you!" And she has been talking with him daily ever since. Sometimes he has much to say. Other times he just asks how her day went. Sometimes he simply tells her he loves her.
This is not typical. Most people hear responses to their communication much sooner than this. When she asked him why it took him so long to communicate with her, his answer was simply, "Newbie". This is a term he used a lot around her. He tried to keep up with the latest technology by having a smart phone and getting on social media, she said. When he couldn't figure out how to do something in regards to techy stuff, he'd always say, "help your poor newbie dad out with this honey".
Some people report back to us that they immediately saw or heard signs that their loved one was listening. Some report that they actually held conversation with their loved ones immediately. Others reported that it took weeks, months, or years. We cannot guarantee the outcome or the speed at which this will work for you and your loved one, since most of this is up to the deceased and their ability to reach back to you after you reach out to them.
You will need to either provide us with a photo of the item you wish us to use in our ceremony to create a portal for you, or tell us if you'd like the portal bound to your person. If you choose to have the portal bound to yourself, you will communicate to your loved ones simply by looking into a mirror and reaching out to them by talking to your own image in the mirror. If you choose to go this route, be prepared to possibly see your loved ones' image(s) in the mirror, and do not be frightened.
This portal will give you access to contact up to three people who have passed, but all three would have to be bound to the portal in one ceremony that Meta or Mya will conduct to set up the portal. If you only have one or two deceased friends or family you wish to connect with through the portal, that can be done also, but if a new ceremony has to be conducted at a later date as more friends and family pass, Meta or Mya will have to conduct the ceremony again, which is more time out of their schedules than if they were able to do all three at one shot. In this case, please refer to the "Add to the Spirit Portal" service listed.
For Meta or Mya to be able to complete this service, they will need the following from you. Please send via email to moondancemagik@gmail.com:
1. A face photo of you. A selfie is fine, but it should be an un-altered photo. No photoshopped photos or filters should be used.
2. Your full name and birthday (the year is not needed)
3. A photo of the deceased people you wish to be able to communicate with.
4. The deceased people's full names at time of death of their human body
5. Your relationship to the deceased people
6. Dates of birth of the deceased (Month and year for them) and dates of death, if known. If you do not know these dates, approximate dates will probably work. If they do not, you will either receive a full refund (if we cannot create the portal for you at all for any of the people on your list) or you will be given an opportunity to provide a different loved one's info. Most of the time, Meta or Mya can locate the deceased with the photo, approximate birthday, approximate date of death, and full name at time of death.
7. A photo of the object you wish to use as your portal
Instructions on how to communicate with your loved ones through the portal will be emailed to you upon completion of the portal connection. If you have asked us to create your portal for two or three spirits, you will contact each spirit one at a time. After you finish your conversation with something simple like "See you later", walk away from the portal (or the mirror), for at least five minutes before attempting to contact one of the other spirits through the portal, giving the first spirit time to be released before contacting the second and/or third spirit.