Open Your Third Eye Spell Cast for You - Communicate with Spirits
Spell cast by Stormy Moondance to release blockage and clear the path for pineal gland activation. With your pineal gland (third eye) cleared you can become more aware of everything that is, and become more intuitive, activating your psychic abilities. This spell casting takes about 90 minutes for Stormy, and you will need to remain inactive during the ritual in order for it to be effective. (Be in a relaxed, calm state while she casts remotely).
The good news: We are all born with the capability of communicating with spirits! Some of you may simply have to learn how to tap into those communication skills, and it’s easier than you might think, especially with the aid of Stormy's spell and keeping it charged.
© Moondance Magick™ 2023 - All Rights Reserved
Not everyone has issues with experiencing spirit because of logic and ego, but the majority of the time, it is 100% because of how we were raised that prevents us from truly experiencing the REAL reality. Other things that could prevent you from experiencing spirit (hearing, seeing, or even smelling them) could be a blocked third eye chakra or that your chakras are all misaligned. This can be caused by a trauma at any time in your life, a curse that was placed on your, and a few other causes. There is a chakra reading that Mya or Meta can do for you listed on this website.
They can also open blocked chakras for you the majority of the time. If they see that there is more going on than just a blocked chakra or two, such as total misalignment of all 7 of your chakras, for example, they will recommend that you see a reputable professional local to you to have your chakras aligned in person, as they do not feel it is nearly as effective if they attempt to do this remotely. It is much more difficult for them to do it remotely than it is for a practitioner to take care of it for you in person, as well, which means it would actually cost you more for Meta or Mya to do it for you remotely than if you go to someone in person who works close to where you live.
Full instructions for keeping this spell charged will be emailed to you upon ordering, as well as information on the date and time when Stormy can cast your spell. If they are not sent to you automatically, please remember we are all multitasking non-stop, so please email us for the instructions.
You will need to be at rest for Stormy to cast this spell. You don't have to be sitting or lying down, but you should not be doing anything vigorous that would get your heart racing such as running, exercising, climbing up and down stairs, etc. It's important that you relax. Watch TV if you wish, but please refrain from watching an action movie or a thriller! You can even be engaging in light cleaning or chores. You can wash dishes, put laundry away, or wipe down your kitchen counters, but don't vacuum or scrub the bath tub if it elevates your heart rate.
You will need to email us with the following after you purchase this spell:
1. A face photo of you that is not filtered or doctored in any way. No glasses please.
2. Your full name (also your name at birth, if it was different from your name now).
3. Your birthday
4. Tell us something unique about you to differentiate between you and someone else who may look like you and have your same name, just in case Stormy has any issues when she’s on top of the mountain and isn’t sure she’s focused on YOU vs someone else with your name.
5. A list of few different timeframes over the course of a couple weeks when you know you can be at rest and not allow your heart rate to elevate. You can be at your job if your job is a desk job or something where you are not moving swiftly to elevate your heart rate, assuming your job is also pretty lowkey and not stressful. If your job is stressful or physically demanding and you work from 8 am - 5 pm eastern time, but you are usually not doing much of anything from 7 pm to 11 pm Monday through Friday, for example, let us know that any day from 7-11 pm eastern time M-F is a good time for Stormy to cast your spell. If your schedule is not consistent, you'll need to give us some actual dates and times that could work for you. If you work third shift and your job is stressful or physically demanding, we will need to know your nights off, because Stormy ALWAYS works at night under the moon.
This spell usually takes Stormy about 2 hours to complete from start to finish, so you'll need to be able to be in a somewhat relaxed state for a solid two hour period of time. She is in high demand, so she is almost always booked ahead anywhere from a week to a month, depending on the time of year and how many people order spells over the course of the preceding weeks before you place your order, so be aware that your spell may not get cast immediately. If you're in a hurry, please email us before ordering and ask us how far out her schedule is currently running. If it won't be another month before she can cast your spell, we will ask you closer to that time about when you can be at rest. We will book you for a certain date, but we will not close in on an exact time until you know your schedule for that day. If you work nights, we may have to re-schedule you for a night you are off, but it will be close to your original appointment date made. We will make change to the rest of her schedule for that week. You won't have to wait another month!
Once Stormy has cast your spell, we will email instructions for you to keep this spell activated long enough for your third eye blockage to completely break up and disintegrate, and for your third eye to fully open, if it is a case where your third eye was blocked. If you are not currently experiencing the presence of spirit due to being convinced at a young age that what you were seeing did not exist (the brainwashing Meta wrote about in her book), it can take a little longer, and you should continue to charge your spell until you are fully aware of the spirits around you.
There can be anywhere from 30 - 60 days of this 5-minute ritual to be done on your end to keep the spell strong until it is working for you fully and completely, but much depends on each individual.
The instructions to keep the spell charged will also include links to the YouTube videos we like with the proper music and tones for keeping you in the zone and keeping the spell activated while you work on your gifts.
It is also a good idea to have purple or blue candles on hand for when you charge the spell, unless you charge it during daylight hours outdoors. Dusk or Dawn will work best, as it should be somewhat ambient and relaxing. You don't want to sit in the dark, as you do need some lighting, but artificial lighting is not ideal. More instructions are included when we email you after your purchase, but this is something you may want to know up front so you can make your purchase of candles. Blue and purple are best for use with magick when it comes to opening your third eye and for enlightenment.
(You must be a verified customer to be able to join our private group). You will be able to discuss your results and experiences with our other customers and clients! Everyone is VERY nice in this group, and there have been ZERO conflicts, to date! You can be yourself, let your hair down, and not worry about judgment here. If there were to be any issues with members being hurtful, judgmental, or bullying, the boot would quickly escort that individual out of the group forever.
You must read our policies, terms, and warnings before making ANY purchase from this shop! Moondance Magick Terms of Service (TOS)
By making a purchase from this shop, you are confirming that you have read the above page, and you are agreeing to the terms on the page listed above. You are also acknowledging that you understand our terms, conditions, and warnings.
This page is protected by copyright due to the excerpt from Meta's book. No portion of this page may be copied or duplicated in any way.
© Moondance Magick™ 2023 - All Rights Reserved
I had similar spells cast by 4 different witches in the past but they never worked. This one did! For the first time I am hearing the spirits I got from here and I even saw one of them this morning. 4 months in. So glad I found Stormy. Thank you also to Tracy for helping me with my questions and being so patient with me.
I bought alot of products and spells and readings from the moondance ladies. Everything I got works great and most of the spells worked rapidly. This one took a little longer but it's finally kicking in. I think it took longer because I didn't charge it as much as the others. you really gotta keep up with the charging meditation. It was cast last september I think and I just heard my first spirit talk to me last week. She said Beverly don't eat that! Haaa ha! I thought maybe it was my mind playing tricks because I also had the weightloss spell casted and lost a ton of weight from that and I keep doing good with it so i attempted again to chomp into this piece of angelfood cake and Reeva said I said you don't want to eat that. plane as day! I didn't hear her again but I saw her standing in front of my fridge last night when I went to see if my daughter might of left me any sodas that were leftover from our yardsale we had here on saturday. There was one in there but Reeva standing in front of the fridge like she was garding it from me made me pause. It was so amazing to see her! And oddly she looked just like I invisioned her. I strongly recomend this spell for anyone who wants to start opening up to see there spirits and talk to them. I can't wait to see what happens next!
This definitely works. I felt it when it was casted. I'm still working with this one.
I could see spirits sometimes but only briefly and they would dispear. It took a couple months after Stormie casted the spell but now I see them long enough to talk to them and now I can hear them talking to. I had spirits in my house I didn't know but they like me I guess so they were just hanging out and now my gramma is here with me to. Best money I ever spent.
I was giving up hope on being able to see or hear spirit. I purchased this spell and kept up with it for a couple months and before you know it I was able to see spirit a couple times. I’m still working on it because I do want to get better. I don’t see spirit all the time but when I do it’s for a couple seconds maybe a minute or two and I’m always taken aback by it. I’ve heard spirit twice so far. Once while I was doing my third eye activation spell. I have a couple of spirit friends in my household and I heard them conversing with each other. The second time I was at work and he was mocking my customer service voice. I must say though I can hear them in my thoughts. They give me “gut feelings” on their responses and I use my pendulum after to confirm if they said what I think they said. At times I can feel where there is spirit around me. This is the real deal and I’m glad I went through with this purchase. I’m mad at myself for not doing so sooner!
i have been trying to communicate with my twin sister ever since she past 6 years ago with no luck. i watched countless videos and read numerous books on the topic. i tried everything i knew to reach her to no avail. stormy cast this spell for me and i felt it was working within a few weeks. i could feel sara with me. it's been 5 months now and last night i saw her standing next to me in the kitchen for about 5 seconds smiling at me. i said is that really you are you finally with me and she said she's always been with me and things will get interesting now. i heard all that! then she disappeared probably because i was so excited and shaking at the same time i probably blocked her momentarily but i know she will come back and i can't wait. i finally feel whole again.
I had similar spells cast by 4 different witches in the past but they never worked. This one did! For the first time I am hearing the spirits I got from here and I even saw one of them this morning. 4 months in. So glad I found Stormy. Thank you also to Tracy for helping me with my questions and being so patient with me.
I bought alot of products and spells and readings from the moondance ladies. Everything I got works great and most of the spells worked rapidly. This one took a little longer but it's finally kicking in. I think it took longer because I didn't charge it as much as the others. you really gotta keep up with the charging meditation. It was cast last september I think and I just heard my first spirit talk to me last week. She said Beverly don't eat that! Haaa ha! I thought maybe it was my mind playing tricks because I also had the weightloss spell casted and lost a ton of weight from that and I keep doing good with it so i attempted again to chomp into this piece of angelfood cake and Reeva said I said you don't want to eat that. plane as day! I didn't hear her again but I saw her standing in front of my fridge last night when I went to see if my daughter might of left me any sodas that were leftover from our yardsale we had here on saturday. There was one in there but Reeva standing in front of the fridge like she was garding it from me made me pause. It was so amazing to see her! And oddly she looked just like I invisioned her. I strongly recomend this spell for anyone who wants to start opening up to see there spirits and talk to them. I can't wait to see what happens next!
This definitely works. I felt it when it was casted. I'm still working with this one.
I could see spirits sometimes but only briefly and they would dispear. It took a couple months after Stormie casted the spell but now I see them long enough to talk to them and now I can hear them talking to. I had spirits in my house I didn't know but they like me I guess so they were just hanging out and now my gramma is here with me to. Best money I ever spent.
I was giving up hope on being able to see or hear spirit. I purchased this spell and kept up with it for a couple months and before you know it I was able to see spirit a couple times. I’m still working on it because I do want to get better. I don’t see spirit all the time but when I do it’s for a couple seconds maybe a minute or two and I’m always taken aback by it. I’ve heard spirit twice so far. Once while I was doing my third eye activation spell. I have a couple of spirit friends in my household and I heard them conversing with each other. The second time I was at work and he was mocking my customer service voice. I must say though I can hear them in my thoughts. They give me “gut feelings” on their responses and I use my pendulum after to confirm if they said what I think they said. At times I can feel where there is spirit around me. This is the real deal and I’m glad I went through with this purchase. I’m mad at myself for not doing so sooner!
i have been trying to communicate with my twin sister ever since she past 6 years ago with no luck. i watched countless videos and read numerous books on the topic. i tried everything i knew to reach her to no avail. stormy cast this spell for me and i felt it was working within a few weeks. i could feel sara with me. it's been 5 months now and last night i saw her standing next to me in the kitchen for about 5 seconds smiling at me. i said is that really you are you finally with me and she said she's always been with me and things will get interesting now. i heard all that! then she disappeared probably because i was so excited and shaking at the same time i probably blocked her momentarily but i know she will come back and i can't wait. i finally feel whole again.
I had similar spells cast by 4 different witches in the past but they never worked. This one did! For the first time I am hearing the spirits I got from here and I even saw one of them this morning. 4 months in. So glad I found Stormy. Thank you also to Tracy for helping me with my questions and being so patient with me.
I bought alot of products and spells and readings from the moondance ladies. Everything I got works great and most of the spells worked rapidly. This one took a little longer but it's finally kicking in. I think it took longer because I didn't charge it as much as the others. you really gotta keep up with the charging meditation. It was cast last september I think and I just heard my first spirit talk to me last week. She said Beverly don't eat that! Haaa ha! I thought maybe it was my mind playing tricks because I also had the weightloss spell casted and lost a ton of weight from that and I keep doing good with it so i attempted again to chomp into this piece of angelfood cake and Reeva said I said you don't want to eat that. plane as day! I didn't hear her again but I saw her standing in front of my fridge last night when I went to see if my daughter might of left me any sodas that were leftover from our yardsale we had here on saturday. There was one in there but Reeva standing in front of the fridge like she was garding it from me made me pause. It was so amazing to see her! And oddly she looked just like I invisioned her. I strongly recomend this spell for anyone who wants to start opening up to see there spirits and talk to them. I can't wait to see what happens next!
This definitely works. I felt it when it was casted. I'm still working with this one.
I could see spirits sometimes but only briefly and they would dispear. It took a couple months after Stormie casted the spell but now I see them long enough to talk to them and now I can hear them talking to. I had spirits in my house I didn't know but they like me I guess so they were just hanging out and now my gramma is here with me to. Best money I ever spent.
I was giving up hope on being able to see or hear spirit. I purchased this spell and kept up with it for a couple months and before you know it I was able to see spirit a couple times. I’m still working on it because I do want to get better. I don’t see spirit all the time but when I do it’s for a couple seconds maybe a minute or two and I’m always taken aback by it. I’ve heard spirit twice so far. Once while I was doing my third eye activation spell. I have a couple of spirit friends in my household and I heard them conversing with each other. The second time I was at work and he was mocking my customer service voice. I must say though I can hear them in my thoughts. They give me “gut feelings” on their responses and I use my pendulum after to confirm if they said what I think they said. At times I can feel where there is spirit around me. This is the real deal and I’m glad I went through with this purchase. I’m mad at myself for not doing so sooner!
i have been trying to communicate with my twin sister ever since she past 6 years ago with no luck. i watched countless videos and read numerous books on the topic. i tried everything i knew to reach her to no avail. stormy cast this spell for me and i felt it was working within a few weeks. i could feel sara with me. it's been 5 months now and last night i saw her standing next to me in the kitchen for about 5 seconds smiling at me. i said is that really you are you finally with me and she said she's always been with me and things will get interesting now. i heard all that! then she disappeared probably because i was so excited and shaking at the same time i probably blocked her momentarily but i know she will come back and i can't wait. i finally feel whole again.