Oliver and Oakleigh - Brother & Sister Healing Spirits - Amazing Energy Haunted Dolls
Oliver and Oakleigh are brother and sister spirits who do not wish to be separated, so they need to be adopted together.
Oakleigh was born August 19, 1963, and Oliver was born on June 1, 1964, so they are very close together in age.
They were born in Durham, North Carolina, USA. Their parents were tobacco farmers. They did not have any other siblings.
Oakleigh new when she was about 8 years old that she was different from most kids. Anytime she touched someone who was not feeling well, they instantly felt better. She only realized this was her affect after it happened the third time. One of her friends in school had a stomach ache so bad one day that she was doubled over in pain crying. Oakleigh put her arm around her and said, why don't you ask to go to the nurse's office? The girl instantly stopped crying and sat up straight for the first time in a half hour. The pain was gone.
Another time, Oliver had a headache from his sinuses acting up. Oakleigh touched his face to point out that he was swollen on one side of his nose and said the headache is probably due to his swollen sinuses. He instantly felt better when she touched him, and went about his business. He said, "well, it's gone now, so I don't need to take any pills for it".
The third time was when she found a cat giving birth to kittens. The momma cat was clearly in distress. Oakleigh bent down to pet the cat and reassure her that it was almost over and she would soon be finished with those labor pains. The cat instantly stopped panting and licked Oakleigh's hand. This was a feral cat, so the fact that the cat allowed Oakleigh to pet her was amazing in itself. Oakleigh noticed right away that the cat felt better, and then the cat delivered the final kitten. Afterwards, she licked Oakleigh again, then took her kittens and moved them one by one into a more secure area.
One day, when Oakleigh was about 14 years old, she finally decided to confide in Oliver about her gift. Her brother was her best friend, and the only person in the world she trusted implicitly with anything and everything. Oliver's eyes opened very wide when Oakleigh said she thinks she's special and has special healing powers. He said, "I have special powers too! Anytime I wish something for someone who is in need, they get what I have wished for"!
So the two became a pair of healers, and even though it took them a long time to be taken seriously, they eventually went on to opening their own little business healing and helping people. They were ages 15 and 14 when they became entrepreneurs! At their ages, they were happy to accept things like movie tickets, magazines, and other things they loved as accepted forms of payment.
Unfortunately, their business fell apart when they were killed in a car accident. Oakleigh was 16 and Oliver was 15. No date was given, and we do not know who was driving. We did not ask, because since Oakleigh was 16 years of age, there was a good possibility that she was the driver, and we don't want to make her feel worse, if that's the case.
Oakleigh - Anything red or pink in color, roses, petunias, daisies and carnations (either silk, dried, or fresh), any green, blue or purple crystal, (or combination), dinosaurs, watching dinosaur programs and movies, toothpicks, hair brushes, and wigs. For food offerings, she likes popsicles, buttered bread, watermelon, pears, chicken, fish, Sprite or Sierra Mist, and ice cream (any flavor).
Oliver: Anything brown or blue in color, race cars, tractors, Halloween decorations, Easter decorations, and satchels. His favorite foods and drinks are bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, hashbrowns, and grits. So, he likes breakfast! He loves orange juice and grapefruit juice, as well.