Nuka - Native American Health & Healing Spirit Doll
Nuka is amazing! This is a MUST READ! Nuka comes with ten questions you may ask Meta or Mya to ask him in up to ten different channeling sessions with him, if required. If you are clairaudient and do not require mediumship service, we will reduce the price for you. Read on for details!
Nuka was happy staying with us, but since we do our own healing, he is looking for a home where he can help others heal physically as well as emotionally and mentally.
He was born February 21, 1701 and died February 28 1799 in his sleep, peacefully. He attributes his long life to knowing the right medicines to use from Gaia, and never ingesting anything manufactured for any ailments that tried to penetrate him. He goes on to say that he rarely got sick, but when he did, he was able to nip it in the bud rapidly with his knowledge.
If you don't communicate well with spirits yet, no worries! He has other ways to let you know what it is you need to do. First, he will attempt to show you the words and pictures of what it is you should do when he senses things like your immune system becoming weak, disease trying to settle in, your emotions running ramped or your brain chemistry becoming off kilter, and more. He will even alert you if you are pregnant or about to become pregnant so that you can take proper care of yourself sooner than later.
The thing you might really love about Nuka is that he helps keep your motivation going for doing the right things to become as healthy as you can be! If you are overweight, he will help you with choosing better food options and give you more energy to work out or walk/run. If you are underweight, he'll give you the energy to train with weights and to eat the proper foods to help you bulk. If you need more stamina in the bedroom, he'll see to it that you are getting the proper nutrition for that, as well!
If communicating to you by sending you word thoughts and pictures does not work for you, we include ten responses to questions you might have for him when you choose the option of "With 10-questions" to check out. We listed two separate prices from which you may choose. One includes the ten questions and one does not. If you choose "WITH", Meta or Mya will channel him and ask him your questions and we will send those answers to you by email. You do not have to ask them all at once, so this is a much greater value than buying a ten-question reading from our store. The ten-question reading service on our website requires all ten questions be asked at once so that one of the ladies only has to start one session with the spirit. With Nuka, you may ask us to communicate with him ten different times if you wish, and there is no expiration date on this. If you choose the option, "WITHOUT", remember that you may still purchase a service package at any time for Meta or Mya to channel him to ask your questions, but all questions would have to be asked in one single channeling session. Please contact us if you do not understand this before adopting Nuka.
Nuka is happy to be remotely bridged to you or to an object if you prefer not to receive the doll vessel and/or to have to pay any shipping costs. He is a little fussier than most about vessels, however, so if you are considering going the route of remote bridging, he will most definitely need to see a photo of the object to which he will be bound prior to adoption, as well as your picture and information as outlined in our Terms of Service, as usual.
Nuka had three sisters and three brothers. He was the middle child. His sisters were all older than him, and his brothers all younger, but their mother gave birth to them all within 9 years, so they were all very close in age. They were a very tightknit family. Loyalty to family always comes first for Nuka. You and your family will become his new family if you adopt him, and he will treat you with the same respect, love and adoration as he did his blood family.
His vessel is small, standing at only 12" tall, so he does not take up a lot of room. Metal doll stand will be included.
His favorite offerings will be provided upon adoption.