Nalina the Water Lily Fairy - Links You to Angels - Remote Bridging
Nalina is both an air fairy and a water fairy. Specifically, she is a water lily fairy. Because she is both an air fairy and a water fairy, she can link you to angels as well as to other water spirits. She is beautiful with long, flowing, wavy red hair and gorgeous hazel eyes (green with just a touch of light blue). We rarely see such a breathtakingly beautiful spirit in our shop. Even we ladies who could see her stood there looking at her in awe when she made her appearance to us for the first time.
Primarily, she would like her keeper to use her as a messenger to angels when you need their guidance and help. She tells us she is very influential with angels, and she has a good relationship with many of them. She loves working with angels and she absolutely adores Raphael, Gabriel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel, who are all archangels. They are like family to her.
Nalina was born in the area of what is now called Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on June 8, 948 AD, and she had four sisters, one of which was older than her and three who were born after her. Nalina and her three younger sisters, when they were ages 14, 13, 11, and 10 were all captured by "mean men" and kept captive for 30 or more years (they lost track). They used them as a side show, among other things. She has a very hard time discussing this era of her life, but she tried very hard to give us her story. Mya is the one who stopped her when she realized how painful it was, and told her she did not need to go into great detail.
She then went past that thirty-some odd years period of her life and explained that the men became old and had no more use for them, so they set them free. The four sisters tried to then migrate back to their family at that time, but they were unsuccessful. Too much time had lapsed for them to remember how to make their way back home, and they were so young when they were captured.
They came upon another small village of fairies along the way, and they stayed with them for the remainder of their lives. They never got to see their other sister or their parents again.
Nalina lived to be 970 years old, and she was the last of her three sisters to pass away. She did not give us an exact DOD. She tells us that her fourth sister, the older one who was not captured, lived on beyond all four of the younger girls by more than 60 years. All of her other sisters have long since reincarnated, but Nalina will not return to fairy form until the year 2088. She said she has much to do on earth in spirit form before she starts her next lifetime.
She is happy to be bridged to anything you have that you find pleasing to the eye, or to one of the items in our new category where you can find a few items we added to the category so far. This new category is where we will showcase some pretty items we have in our shop that are suitable for spirit vessels or portals. If you choose one of these items, add it to your cart, along with Nalina, and add a note to the order that you'd like Nalina bridged to the other item in your order. We will bridge her to the item and ship it to you promptly. If she is bridged remotely to an item you own, there are no shipping charges. If you add an item to your cart that requires shipping, the shipping charges for that item will apply.
She does not wish to be bridged to her keeper, as she does not like mirrors. Please do not inquire about Nalina if you want her bridged to you. She can be in your home with mirrors hanging on walls, but she will not look into them, so you will not be able to communicate with her through a mirror, as most people prefer to do if they have had spirits bridged to them.
Her favorite offerings:
Popcorn, red licorice, almonds, dark chocolate, red grapes, red wine, blueberries, water balloons, feathers, cardinals and blue jays, and watching mermaid movies and cartoons. She is not a mermaid, but she has mermaid ancestors, so technically, she has some mermaid lineage and therefore, has mermaid DNA. She does not have a mermaid torso and tail. She has wings, as shown in the photo, but she has a regular female "humanesque" body. Yeah that's not a real word you'll find in the dictionary, because Mya coined it! She also loves to work with crystals, and her favorite crystals are blue kyanite, blue denim, celestite, lapis lazuli, and larimar. Her favorite color is blue, despite the fact that she seemingly likes a lot of red offerings!