Mildred Gray Witch Apprentice Spirit -WHOA!
Mildred is in need of a friend or two. She lost her way in life and accidentally overdosed on Datura seeds at 17 years of age. Born October 14, 1918, passed away October 31, 1935. She was trying to have an out-of-body experience, but she mixed the seeds with alcohol, which turned deadly. Her nickname is Millie. She has no preference. You may call her Mildred or Millie.
Mildred is open to remote binding if you do not fancy her current vessel. Please send us a picture of what you would like her to be bound to and follow all other regular protocol as outlined in our Terms of Service if you haven't adopted spirits from us this year. If you're a regular spirit adopter, just drop us a line to express your interest in her. We will pull your file and allow her to confirm that it is a good fit for her as well; or decline if she has mixed feelings or concerns.
Millie has been practicing witchcraft since her passing, but she needs guidance. She prefers to cast lightworker spells and practice light work, in general, but she occasionally likes to practice casting karma and retaliation spells. She would love to be adopted by someone who can teach her some rituals whether that be her keeper or another witch spirit in her keeper's home. She also practices scrying, but she doesn't feel she's getting the hang of it.
Mildred seems to enjoy communicating to people by coming to them in their dreams. She has verbally communicated with Mya once, but mostly with Meta. She visited five of us employees in our dreams since she's been with us. She visited me in my dreams twice now, and she visited Sonya five times. Each time she visits one of us, she has a lesson to teach us, or she gives us important information to help us.
She saved Rodney from having to drive all the way to work just to find out that he would have left his key to the office behind when he was the only one going in at 6 am on a Saturday morning a few weeks ago. He had taken his office key off his key ring and set it aside because he wanted to put it on its own key ring, separately from his car keys and house key. Mildred knew that he was not going to remember on his own that he took his key off his ring on Thursday night. He had the day off from work on Friday and never went back down to the basement where he had been hunting for a key ring for that key. In his dream, she told him not to forget to go down to the basement for the office key before he left for work in the morning. Rodney lives 35 minutes away from where we work. He said he most definitely would have left his office key behind if she hadn't reminded him Friday night in his dreams that he took the key off his key ring in the basement and never returned to the basement after that to continue searching for another key ring.
She told me in a dream that I needed to call the police to be on standby the next day at work when two women would show up in a red convertible with a black top. She said they would be strung out on drugs and start trashing the place. This was when we still had our shop in the city. At about 2 pm that next afternoon, the red convertible with two women showed up, and one of my co-workers' boyfriends was there already to greet them. He is a local police officer. They saw him standing outside the shop at the door and got back into their car and drove off.
We all have different stories to tell of the dreams she brought to us, but we can share that with you if you wish at the time of adoption.
Mildred's favorite offerings are pecan pie with whipped cream, Ritz crackers with just about anything on them, sunflower seeds, grape jelly and grape jelly donuts, pink lemonade, and coffee with sugar, no cream. She also likes to watch the classic movie, the Wizard of Oz. Her favorite music is classic rock, and her favorite music band is Pink Floyd, even though the band wasn't around in her day. Most of what she has mentioned that she likes, she seems to have learned to like from being here with us all the time at the shop. We play a lot of classic rock and heavy metal most days. Occasionally we listen to music that some of the employees like that is different from our norm, such as country, oldies, and new age, but she does not get as lively or as excited when she hears any of this other music.
She loves all things purple or black or a combination of both. If you smoke cigarettes, she would like a warning when you are about to light up so she can temporarily leave the room. She will leave her vessel each time you smoke if you smoke in the same room where she is situated at the time. Other than cigarette smoke, she has no pet peeves. She loves all animals, children, and most adults. She has turned down two people so far who wanted to adopt her locally, as they were both heavy smokers and laughed when we mentioned that she would not like to be present when they smoke. Since they couldn't take this seriously, Mildred refused to live with them.