Mary & Slugger - Protector Spirits. Haunted Photograph or Remote Bridging
Mary and Slugger are brother and sister. They don't look like much when it comes to protection, but when they were growing up, people knew better than to mess with them.
It wasn't always that way. When Mary was 10 and Slugger was 9, they moved into a new area with their parents, and they got picked on by the kids at their new school. This lasted less than a week. On the fourth day of being bullied, Slugger punched out four boys within 10 seconds, knocking all of them out cold. On the fifth day, Mary was holding the heads of three female bullies under water at the river between the school and her home until they were almost goners. She pulled their heads out of the water just in time for them to catch another breath. She knew precisely how long she could make her point before she'd be in trouble for drowning them. After these two incidences, no one bullied them again. In fact, everyone wanted to be their friend.
Mary never married or had children, nor did Slugger. And by the way, we don't know Slugger's real name. There is something printed on the back of this photo. We can clearly read the name Mary, but there is something underneath her name that has faded. It starts with an "S", so it may have read Slugger at one time, or it could be the first initial of their last name. In any case, when we asked Slugger what his real name was, after a long pause, his response was, "Slugger".
This photograph has seen better days. It is old, but it's also never been framed, as far as we can tell. We will send it to you in a frame, if you wish, as we do have some frames that will fit the photograph nicely. They are also agreeable to remote bridging, as long as they can be bridged to the same item.
Mary was born August 19, 1902, and Slugger was born on July 15, 1903. Both died of old age, but neither seems to want to share the date of their death.
Slugger says he is just as fit to "open up a can of whoop-ass" today as he was when he was 20! He and Mary had one prior keeper, and they have gotten him out of many messes over the years. Their keeper's name was Calvin, and Calvin had a big mouth. He drank too much alcohol, as well, so he was forever getting himself in jammed up in bars. He was also a bit of a cheater when it came to gambling and sports, so he tended to get in trouble at the poker table, the pool table, and with dart games. Slugger says he gave him the power to kick butt on many occasions so that he could get home in one piece without broken bones or a bloody nose due to his indiscretions at the bar.
Mary helped him out a few times, as well. On top of Calvin not having the sense to keep his mouth shut and not cheat at pool and poker, he had a bad habit of touching women in ways he shouldn't have. He'd slap a woman on the butt as she walked by, blow in their ears if they sat next to him at the bar, and even grope their breasts. One woman was so furious over what he did to her that she stood up and started to kick Calvin's butt! She was almost twice his size. In retrospect, Mary says she thinks she was a transvestite. She was way too tall and strong to be a woman, and she was putting a hurting on Calvin. Mary intervened though, and kept Calvin alive.
Mary always takes on the women, and Slugger takes on the men (unless there are unknown transvestites)! They BOTH take on demons, evil entities, witches, warlocks, vampires, or anyone else who attempts to harm their keeper or the people they grow fond of. Calvin could have been killed once by an entity of unknown origin. He was stumbling home drunk one night and was attacked in a dark alley. Mary and Slugger both jumped this entity, and Calvin was never the wiser the next morning when he woke up on his front stoop. He never even knew he was attacked, as he had forgotten about being jumped, and he did not have a scratch on him.
Please inquire about Mary and Slugger if you are interested in adopting them. Their list of favorite offerings will be provided upon adoption.