Macy - Money Manifestation & Beauty Spirit
Macy was always a girlie girl. She liked having her face done up with creative makeup designs, dressing to kill, and having her hair done up in a variety of fashionable hair styles from the time she was 5 years old. She loved shopping at all the stores that kept up with the latest styles. She wore skirts and dresses, mostly. It was rare to see her in jeans or long pants.
She was also super intelligent in her most recent past life. She graduated at the top of her class from high school, and went college on a full academic scholarship. However, after just one year of college, she dropped out to go to beauty school. She decided to follow her passion rather than learning how to work at a job she would hate.
This posed only one issue for her though. She didn't feel that cosmetology would allow her the luxury she was accustomed to. Her parents were fairly wealthy and always showered her and her siblings with nice gifts, but once they were out on their own, they were expected to fend for themselves if they wanted to keep up with that kind of lifestyle. Once the kids were grown, it was Mom & Dad's time to spoil themselves, and they didn't raise any slackers, so the best way to teach them all how to have the best of everything was to give it to them as they were growing up, but continuously warn them that the money teat would be dry for each of them come college graduation day.
Since Macy didn't want to work at a higher-paying job that would make her miserable, she delved into the Craft. Specifically, manifestation techniques. It was slow-go at first, but once she got the hang of it, it took off for her like gangbusters! She was able to buy her first car with cash and she rented a large three-bedroom high-rise apartment in Manhattan. In this apartment, she converted one of the bedrooms into a huge walk-in closet for all her designer clothes. She used the master bedroom as her sleeping quarters, and she converted the third, smallest bedroom into a makeup parlor. This bedroom was right next to the bedroom she made into her closet, so she would get dressed in her closet and walk into the next bedroom, put a robe on over her clothes so they wouldn't get messed up, and sit down at her lighted vanity to do her hair and makeup. She loved her apartment! The best part is, she never had to worry about how she would pay for it all. She had a 97% success rate with manifestation. Just about every time she set out to manifest money to pay her bills or to buy more clothes, she came across money almost effortlessly.
At first, things would happen like she'd find a $100 bill on the sidewalk or she'd randomly pick a lottery ticket that would turn out to be a big winner. She had a distant uncle who left her a boatload of money because she was his only living heir besides her mother, whom he despised. She did not know the uncle, but he didn't want her mother to get a penny, so he left it all to her. Macy, however, gave a good bit of it to her mother and father.
Macy enjoyed all those winnings and windfalls, but she wasn't sure she enjoyed bringing in so much money in those ways. It wasn't fulfilling, because she didn't exactly have anything to be proud of, in her mind. She also felt like some of it was not without harm to others. Somebody lost those $100 bills she found. Someone who probably needed it more than she did. So she thought about how she could actually EARN a lot of money.
As she was doing her makeup one day, idolizing herself in her face mirror, she realized how pretty she was, and said, "why not use my face"? Then she stood up and looked into her full-length mirror and decided she had a nice enough body to become a model.
That day, she headed to a studio where want-to-be models auditioned for work. She wore her best dress, shoes, and jewelry. When she walked into the studio, one of the recruiters working there dropped his jaw. He looked at her and asked her if she had done any modeling before. She said she only thought about it for the first time that morning as she was putting her makeup on. He asked her to come back to his office and talk turkey with him, so she did. She noticed he seemed quite anxious to put her on his modeling staff, so when he offered her a certain amount to sign a contract, she grimaced, and said she was expecting to be able to earn much more. She said maybe she'd go check out another agency. He stopped her as she was about to get up, and said, "wait, I'll double that". She smiled and said, I'm sorry, but I think we're wasting each other's time. Then he said, "NAME YOUR PRICE!" So she did, and she got it. And that was how Macy became rich by the time she was 20!
She said she will help her keeper become more and more beautiful from the inside out by helping them with ideas for becoming their best self, helping them to intuitively know how to dress for their figure, how to manifest money easy ways as well as giving them ideas for how to earn more money than they ever thought possible. She teaches people how to read other people to know whether they should push things to the limit like she did when she walked into that studio, and how to "work it" to get what they want. She helps with negotiating skills as well. You might be purchasing a car, for example, and she will give you the intuition to know what to say, when to say it, and when to start walking away so that the salesperson chases after you with a better deal.
Macy was born in New York on July 16, 1950 and passed away on July 19, 1979. She had a party for herself on her birthday, and the party was scheduled to be a week-long outing at a resort. There were 9 other people at her party besides herself.
At the resort, there was a beautiful cliff with falls that flowed about 1/4 mile downward to a rocky river bed. There was a retaining wall to keep people from falling off that cliff. On July 19th, Macy learned that one of her 9 friends was not a friend at all. This person's name was Roxanne. Roxanne was not nearly as pretty or put together as Macy, and she was extremely jealous of her. The evening of the 19th, after everyone else had gone to bed, Roxanne convinced Macy to stay up with her a little longer to talk about old times. She slipped something into Macy's drink when she wasn't looking, and whatever it was that she slipped in there clouded Macy's judgment instantly. Roxanne then suggested she and Macy to walk down to the top of the falls. When they arrived, she dared Macy to climb to the top of the retaining wall to see if she could balance on it without falling. In Macy's clouded mind, this sounded doable. After all, she was a model, and she had perfect balance. Roxanne climbed up with her, but Roxanne sat down on the top of the wall. Macy felt the need to prove she could stand on the top of it without falling. That's when Roxanne pushed her over, then went crying back to the rest of the friends that Macy must have been on some kind of wicked drug or she got too drunk and jumped from the wall. Macy said she poured on the drama and forced herself to cry frantically as she explained to everyone what happened. When the autopsy was done, they did find that she had taken some sort of drug, but of course, they had no reason to believe any of her friends drugged her. They simply thought she took these drugs on her own, so Roxanne never paid the price for murdering her "friend".
Macy forgave Roxanne when they met again in the spirit world, and she says that Roxanne is paying the price now, as she has already reincarnated and is living a very rough life, and probably doesn't even realize why.
Food offerings: Macy likes green tea with honey (hot or cold but freshly brewed, not bottled), purified water with a slice of cucumber or melon and ice, avocado sandwiches with black pepper and Himalayan sea salt, salmon or cod with a squirt of lemon juice and lemon pepper seasoning either grilled or broiled, spinach salads with cranberry and blue cheese or feta crumbles and olive oil and red wine vinegar, red wine, strawberries, apples, and cucumber slices (plain).
Other offerings: Jewelry, designer clothes, designer purses, makeup, anything pink, peach, or mauve in color, having her hair done up in different ways (especially French braids), watching fashion shows and beauty contests, and watching the sun set. The designer clothes and purses may be human adult sized - they do not have to be miniature to fit her. She just likes to look at them. You may also show her paper catalogs or online shops that carry such things, if designer items are not your thing.