Lord Asper - King Spirit from Lyra - Remote Bridging
Lord Asper came to us in a broken vessel. It broke our hearts, but he is still with us, which is the important thing. The beautiful vessel was in a thousand pieces when it arrived to us from Morocco. Lord Asper is a Lyran King lion spirit.
Asper's energy is so strong! He is an excellent protector, healer, and encourager, among other great attributes. He can help his keeper with just about anything.
Being a Lyran starseed, and adding to it that he was a king of his species, he is extremely powerful. He will help you gain respect, admiration, courage, intuition, and manifestation capabilities. He will help you heal from a broken heart, depression, mourning, anxiety, or any other illness or disease that affects your emotions.
He says that if anyone messes with his keeper, they better look out. We asked him to elaborate on that a little, and his response was that no one will get away with bringing harm to his keeper, as he will take it as an insult, and it won't happen a second time, guaranteed.
He tells us that his wife is also coming along shortly and will join us, at which time, we will get her listed as well. She is not attached to a vessel, that we know of. We got the impression she would just float in some day. Asper and his wife do not have to be adopted by the same person or family, as they are both very much focused on their missions, and they will spend time together regardless of where they are, since spirit can be in several places at one time.
Asper was born on August 12th, but we do not have a year, as is often the case with starseeds. They do not recognize linear time like we do on Earth, but they do recognize specific dates and the constellations.
Asper likes banana pudding, banana leaves, bananas with peanut butter, butterscotch anything, cherries, almonds, okra, milk, and peaches for his food and beverage offerings. He likes to hear his horoscope daily for "entertainment". He likes to laugh at what some of the humans think a horoscope really is. (Don't shoot the messenger).
Obviously, Aspen will have to be bridged to you or to your person, unless you opt for an item in our store for him to be attached to. If you decide upon the latter, place both Aspen and the item in your cart, and please note in the comments that you'd like him bridged to the other item in your cart. This beautiful star seed will not last long. Don't hesitate!