X - ADOPTED! - Leighann Haunted POWERFUL Money Manifestation Spirit Doll or Binding
Leighann is one of the best we've seen at manifesting money quickly. She starts out slowly and works her way up to larger quantities of money coming your way. We personally know her two most recent previous keepers. Both have had phenomenal success with her help.
The second-to-last keeper who had her started out with getting a $200 bonus she wasn't expecting within two months of Leighann's arrival. From there, she got a $4,000/year raise that she had asked for months before adopting Leighann and was denied due to funding. Out of the blue, she got the raise, and to her awareness, their budget was no better when she got the raise from when she asked for it. A while later, she got wind that her uncle in Georgia passed away and left his estate to her. She never even knew she had an uncle in Virginia, but since she was the sole heir and his estate was worth $400,000, she had no problem accepting his gift.
She went down from Pennsylvania to the home she just inherited to check it out to see what might be needed to either sell it or move into it. Upon arrival, she found it was packed with furniture and all of her uncle's belongings. She looked in the closets and they were also packed. She had Leighann with her, and Leighann whispered to look in the box on the bottom left of the coat closet. So, she found the coat closet and it was packed with boxes. She had to remove quite a few to get to the bottom, but when she did, she found a shoe box with almost $100,000 cash inside! That's when she knew she would be leaving her job, moving into this home, and starting a new life. She had to see what other treasures she might find, and she didn't trust to leave the house sitting vacant when she lived so far away. After she moved in, she found numerous other bundles of cash stuffed here and there. The last time we spoke to her, she had found over $200k in his home and she said that she still had looked in every nook and cranny yet!
Since Leighann did so well for that woman, Leighann asked that she rehome her so she can help someone else. So Leighann was adopted by her current keeper's friend from high school who was not doing well financially. As mentioned, we know this woman as well. We will call her "Jane Doe".
Jane was in over $60,000 in credit card debt at the time she adopted Leighann. Most of it was due to her sorry @ss Ex running credit cards up in her name without her knowledge. She disputed the charges, but since the man lived with her in her household, they said there was no way to know she didn't authorize his use so they could both gain from the purchases made, and she would have battle it out with her Ex. Until then, she was stuck with the bills. She did go to a lawyer and attempted to have him charged for the credit mess, but the court could not find her Ex to settle this debate and couldn't even find that a man existed with his name, so she got stuck with the bills. He had given her a fake name, and she was never the wiser.
She was in debt so badly that she had to leave her comfortable and roomy two-bedroom townhome and move into a bad section of town to rent a cheap, tiny one-bedroom apartment that smelled like cat pee.
She told Leighann the story behind her debt a few days after Leighann had settled in with her, but if Leighann responded in any way, Jane could not hear her. The first woman communicated with spirits, but Jane did not at the time.
The next day, Jane decided she would pay what she could on each credit card, so she logged into her bank account bill pay. She checked the boxes for each of her credit cards to make a payment, but when she attempted to pay $50 on each one, they all came up with a warning that she was about to pay a bill with a zero balance. She called each bank one by one and found that their computer screens also indicated that she had a zero balance.
A couple days later, Jane got a call from her Ex. "Why are all these banks calling me for payment on these credit card bills"?
Jane: "Oops"!
She hung up, called her phone company to have her number changed, and never heard from her Ex again. He didn't know where she lived, either, because he was out of the picture when she had to move! Jane did nothing wrong though, and neither did Leighann. Jane did not run up those credit card bills. She didn't even open most of the accounts. She had one emergency Visa card when she met her Ex but by the time she discovered what he was doing, she had many cards and a whole lot of debt.
Leighann did nothing but give that debt to the correct person. Jane moved out of that crappy apartment into a roomier, nicer apartment in a nicer neighborhood a week later. She since moved out of state, bought a home in a prominent country club neighborhood, and paid cash for it. The home is valued at over $500,000.
Jane adopted Leighann 6 years ago, and in that time, her credit card debt went from over $60k to 0, her credit score went up over 200 points, and she now owns a home that she paid for with cash, though she did not wish to share how the money came to her or how much money she still had after paying for her home. She assures us though that she did nothing illegal and it was all totally legit.
Leighann was born in India on July 25,1808 and died in South Carolina, USA, in 1872, but she did not give us her exact DOD. She was one of four girls in her family. She left India with her mother and her three sisters for the United States when she was only 11 years old. She tells us the move was to escape her father, but she did not elaborate on that, and seemed to want to end the conversation there.
Leighann's mother had no job skills, and it was only by grace that she was able to flee with her three daughters to America. If she hadn't known a very kind man who offered to help her, they may have never made it out of India and away from the man who was obviously harming them in some way. Still, now that they were in the United States, they had no home and very little money. Leighann's mother had been given some cash by her friend who helped them, and she was able to get that money converted over to USD. That helped her get rent paid in a very small, dilapidated apartment and budget food (rice and beans) for two months while she and her oldest daughter looked for work. Leighann, in the meantime, decided this would be a good time to see if a magick trick she learned while in India would work a second time. She wasn't sure how she did it though, so it might take some practice.
She thought about how when in India, she dreamed that her mother would make a friend who could help them escape, and then it happened. That dream was so far-fetched, it never should have worked that way, but it did. She daydreamed of an escape, and the next thing she knew, they were leaving the country.
She sat at their table and closed her eyes. She imagined a wealthy person watching her mother walk from business to business trying to get work with no skills. She then imagined this wealthy person feeling the need to be helpful. Her next vision was of her family moving into a nicer home where they had more room to spread out and there weren't rodents moving in with them. She also saw her mother smiling in this vision, and she was dressed up like she was ready to go somewhere. There is a knock at the door, and it is a nice man who is taking her on a date.
The week before the third month's rent was due and could not be paid because they were out of money, a handsome man in a nice suit was sitting in a coffee shop looking out the window, when he noticed a woman and her daughter walking door to door to businesses and coming out soon after. They made their way around to the coffeehouse side of the street and came into the coffee shop where this man had been watching them. He heard the woman ask if they had any work for her and/or her daughter. The man behind the counter shook his head "no" and walked away.
Her mother and sister walked out of that coffee shop feeling defeated, once again. The man inside the shop who had been watching them asked them what skills they had. They mentioned sewing, serving, cleaning, cooking, and started to continue, but the man stopped them. He said, "You ladies do everything that I hate doing, so why not come work for me so I don't have to do these things any longer"! At first, the ladies were afraid to take him up on his offer. What if they weren't safe? What if he had ill intentions? Just then, two other ladies walked past them on the sidewalk and said, "Hello Mr. Bannister", and he responded to them each by their names. A man walked by coming from the other direction and said, "Mr. Bannister, what time are we playing golf tomorrow", they spoke for a minute, and the man walked away. Another car pulled up and parked and the three people in it all waved to him and one said, "Good to see you again, Mr. Bannister". It would appear the entire town knew Mr. Bannister, and in a good way!
Leighann's mother asked what the job paid, and if he could hire both her and her oldest daughter. He replied that they could not only work for him, but they could move into his guest house until they found something they liked better. She told him she actually had four daughters in total, but it would just be the two of them working. He said there would be plenty of room if two of the girls didn't mind sharing a bedroom. Leighann's mother tried not to look so overwhelmed with joy, but she couldn't help it. She broke down in tears right in front of the man. That's when he asked if he could help her get moved in right away. He had a feeling that they were living very poorly, and he was right.
Leighann found out later that her other vision came true as well. The man who picked up her mother for a date was none other than Mr. Bannister. She said they were together for the rest of their lives, but they never married. They did have one more child though. Another girl. Leighann's life went from terrible to wonderful in a matter of a few months, all because of her keen ability to manifest her desires. She says she never took advantage of it though. She only wished for the things she felt they needed, and maybe a little more to be happy and comfortable. 😉
Leighann's favorite offerings are peaches, apricots, nectarines, lima beans, carrot cake, cheeseburgers with ketchup, pickles and mustard only, anything from McDonald's, costume jewelry, tiaras, anything red or pink in color, Halloween costumes and masks, and listening to birds chirping.
She is happy to be remotely bound to any object that is appealing to you. Please send a photo of the object you wish to have her bound at the same time as inquiring about her with your own pic and info, as outlined in our Terms of Service by emailing us.
Her adoption fee will remain the same whether we send her vessel or conduct a remote binding, as the cost we are required to pay by the "seller" to invest in spirits is usually determined by the spirit value rather than the value of the vessel, usually by at least 80%. (Most people who bring spirits to us do their homework before coming, as they usually have a figure in mind upon arrival). In addition, it takes the time and energy of either Meta or Mya to conduct the remote binding ceremony, which usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the spirit and the item to which you are having her spirit bound.
If you opt for remote binding to an object in your home, it is not a lock binding. The spirits we bind remotely are bound in a way that they will be with you and attached to the item you choose as their vessel, but they can leave their vessel anytime they wish and return to it. Most spirits leave their vessels only to follow their keepers somewhere or to visit other friends in the spirit world who are not in your household, but they sometimes have other various reasons for temporarily leaving their vessels. Read each spirit listing for details regarding this.
If a remote binding is done rather than shipping her vessel to you with her attached, the empty doll vessel will be donated, and you will not have any shipping charges to pay. In addition, you'll have your beloved spirit with you a lot faster, especially if you live abroad. Our location is Pennsylvania, USA.